Xianhu District building hot!

Banners, balloons and advertisements are flying in the air. Wearing professional clothes and sexy clothes, the saleslady is greeting everyone with a sweet smile. They seem to hope that their smile can attract everyone and turn everyone into their customers.

Lin Fei and Zhao ya come to the billboard of the community. Lin Fei looks at the plan of the luxury community in front of him. He likes it very much.

I don't know. I'm fascinated.

Zhao Ya stood beside Lin Fei, gently holding his arm, with a happy smile on his face.

"This is the community built by Li Jiajian. It's more famous in the new community in Hong Kong City. Now the sales are very hot."

Zhao Ya muttered.

"Is Li Tianli's real estate good?"

Lin Fei asked faintly.

Zhao Ya nodded, "the Li family in Hong Kong City is a real estate and film and television industry, the Zhang family is a gambling industry, and the Huo family is mainly for people's livelihood."

"What about the Zhao family?" Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"You really don't know our Zhao family?"

Zhao Ya looks at Ji Fei suspiciously, with indescribable curiosity in her eyes.

"I know what you Zhao family do? I want to be your son-in-law, and I don't have any money. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Zhao Ya nodded with a bitter smile, "Lin Fei, you are really powerful. I have nothing to say to you."

"That's how it feels?"

Lin Fei said it again with profound meaning.

"You know, if you make an offer to Lu Qing tonight, I won't get up and throw you on the bed."

Finish saying, the cheek is suffused with tiny red, swept on Lin Fei's face, reveal infinite amorous feelings.

Lin Fei raised his hand and gently pinched her face. "I doubt that you were either fox spirit or snake spirit in your last life, otherwise you would not be so charming and confusing."

"I hope I am a heart thief, steal your heart, so that you will never leave me."

Lin Fei hands a little hard, Zhao ya feel the whole body is like an electric shock, just want to speak, suddenly around the woman's voice.

"Jiaming, look at the panorama of Xianhu community. It's so beautiful. I like it so much!"

A woman's excited voice sounded.

When Zhao Ya heard the woman's voice, her body trembled and her face showed unconsciousness.

Then step forward and take Lin Fei's hand.

"Yo! Isn't this Zhao ya? How can you accompany your master to look at the house here? " Zhang Jiaming recognized Zhao Ya's back and said strangely.

Zhao Ya's pretty face turned white and she was about to open her mouth.

Lin Fei has said with a smile, "isn't this zhangjiaming? I kicked you yesterday, but now it doesn't hurt, does it? "

The tone is humorous and full of banter.

Zhang's forehead was black and his face was angry.


"Boy, don't be wild. I'll make you die."

Zhang Jiaming said angrily.

"Zhangjiaming, if you dare to touch him, I promise you will not have good fruit to eat." Zhao Ya is also angry, directly angry back.

"Don't let me have good fruit to eat, do you? Ha ha Then you have to have the ability! I tell you, today your Zhao family has begun to avalanche in the stock market. Just wait for the Zhao family to decline from now on! "

Zhangjiaming said, laughing more arrogant.

The woman happily hugged zhangjiaming's arm, "Jiaming, this is what you call the slut Zhaoya?"

"Xinyue, you are right! She's Zhao ya. She's been with me for a while, and I dumped her. Now she's looking for a receptionist. "

Zhang Jiaming didn't believe Lin Fei dared to beat him in such a big hall, so he was very proud.

"Zhang Jiaming, I think this dish collector is very good." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Of course, I'll pick up the rest of my shoes and wear them smoothly, won't I?" Zhang Jiaming didn't expect Lin Fei to be so calm and angry.

There are many people around the scene, looking at Lin Fei and Zhao Ya one after another.

"This woman is so mean! I love the new and hate the old

"What a shame! Fortunately, this kind of woman broke up, otherwise how disgusting

"This man, too, should have such a woman."

To Zhao Ya steal to despise and look down on the eyes.

Zhao Ya is so angry that she turns pale. She didn't expect that Zhang Jiaming would be so shameless that she could say such things in public.

The key is that she has nothing to do with zhangjiaming?

If it does, it's OK!

Lin Fei put his hand slightly into Zhao Yaxiang's shoulder and looked at the crowd. "I'd like to give you a serious introduction. This young man's name is Zhang Jiaming. He is the son of Zhang Jia of the four families in Hong Kong City."


"It's Zhang's son, isn't it? No wonder it's so good. ""Yes! It's not easy to look at a handsome young man

"How can this kind of cheap woman match Zhang's family?"

They immediately began to curry favor with each other.

Zhang Jiaming was very happy in his heart. He straightened his waist and appeared to have more temperament and elegant demeanor.

This makes the praise of the public even more full of praise.

Zhang Jiaming secretly scolds Ji Fei as a fool. How can he praise the enemy like this.

"Wife, did you take the blood sheet this morning?" Lin Fei suddenly lowered his head and asked.

Zhao Ya was shocked, and her pretty face flashed red, but she nodded immediately, "take it! What's the matter? "

"It's shameless of these two men and women to say such things in public." Someone's starting to get angry.

"No! Isn't a woman played by Zhang Shao? "


Everyone exclaimed and looked at zhangjiaming.

Zhang Jiaming's face suddenly changed, showing consternation, and then

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