Lin Fei's face showed a faint smile, and did not care about all this, as if all this for him is a very plain thing.

Zhao Ya continued: "later we went to Xianhu community sold by Li group. Originally, we bought Xianhu No.1 and a whole building!"

"Oh, my God, so much again?"

Willie couldn't help crying out.

Zhao Ya nodded.

But then he shook his head.

"The Li family didn't sell us the house in the end!"

Zhao tengtian's face flashed with surprise and asked, "why didn't I sell it to you?"

Zhao Ya shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, this matter finally let Lin Fei very angry, he let Li's stock limit down!"


Zhao tengtian and Zhao Youdong yelled out in surprise at the same time, thinking that they had heard wrong.

Stock limit, for many companies may be a common thing.

But for the Li group, as well as enterprises like their four families, the stability of the stock is an important measure of the stability of public opinion.

Therefore, their stock will not easily drop to the limit.

To this end, they have also prepared at least tens of billions of funds for maintaining stability in peacetime.

I didn't expect that Lin Fei let them all fall to the limit!

There was a deep difference between the two people's eyes.

What kind of operation makes them fall to the limit?

He asked Lin Fei!

However -

Lin Fei said nothing but looked back at them with a smile.

Zhao Ya continued: "Li Maosheng knelt down for Lin Fei."

Zhao tengtian and Zhao Youdong were completely shocked.

Two people just heard Lin Fei let Li's stock limit, the heart is full of tension.

The existence of the Li family has a certain social foundation in Hong Kong City.

Because someone touches their interests, it will cause a lot of people's anger, touch the interests of a lot of people, so many people will hate Lin Fei.

However, I didn't expect Lin Fei to let Li Maosheng, the chairman of the Li family, kneel down for him. This is a big thing.

It's hard to imagine!


How could this happen?

Besides, once this happens, the result will be more terrible.

Lin Fei is a terrorist existence. The result of such a terrorist existence can only make many people feel fear, especially those who are related to the interests of Li family and Zhang family.

Their sense of fear will be even stronger, and they will get together. As a result, there will be a situation of collective resistance against Lin Fei.

This is likely to lead to more ants killing elephants.

They look at Lin Fei. They are all surprised and want to advise.

But Lin Fei is a very calm expression. He looks at Zhao Ya's grandfather and father and finally opens his mouth.

"In your eyes, are the so-called four families of Hong Kong and city very glorious and powerful?"

Without any objection, they answered Ji Fei in silence and expressed their true thoughts.

Their Li family and Zhao family are like this. Seeing the disdain in Lin Fei's eyes, they seem to feel that their family really seems to be disdainful in Lin Fei's eyes.

Two look at Lin Fei, want to wait for him to continue to say.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed a faint calm smile, "don't think the Li family is too strong. In my eyes, if they want to exist, they can let them exist. If they don't want to exist, they can not exist, because they are dispensable."

If people say that, maybe they won't believe it.

But now Lin Fei said, I don't know why, there is a kind of inexplicable belief in their heart.

In particular, I think that Lin Fei once made a huge family business like Jiang family close down in the mainland.

In contrast, the current Li family is nothing.

However, they still showed a touch of worry in their eyes. After all, this is the port city.

There are the rules of the port city and the survival principles here. Lin Fei is like an eel thrown in a school of fish. Although he is very active, he may not be recognized by others or even be fiercely attacked.

Finally, Zhao Ya has a look at Lin Fei.

Zhao Youdong's voice came, "without you, there would be no Zhao family."

"Yesterday you decided the fate of our Zhao family. No matter what kind of decision you make today, our Zhao family will support you and always stand on your side."

"If the Li family wants to fight with you, we Zhao family will spare no effort to support you and be your strongest backup."

Don't know why, Zhao Youdong after all kinds of thinking, he made such a decision.At the moment of making such a decision, he felt very relaxed.

Because he knew it was a decision he was willing to make.

Zhao tengtian also nodded, "yes! This is also the decision of our Zhao family. Our Zhao family is willing to be in the same boat with you

Lin Fei obviously did not expect that Zhao family would immediately agree to support themselves after that attitude, and his eyes also showed a touch of surprise.

But it's more of a surprise.

He didn't need the Zhao family to do anything. He just wanted to let the Zhao family know that the so-called four families were nothing in his eyes.

He can let their scenery exist, also can let them vanish in an instant.

But he needs an attitude from the Zhao family.

What is this attitude?

Is to make it clear to him, what is their Zhao family thinking? What do they want to do?

That's enough!

However, Zhao Jiagang's choice is exactly what Lin Fei wants most.

Zhao Ya looks at Lin Fei with doubts in her eyes. She doesn't know what Lin Fei thinks.

Lin Fei said with a smile: "this is it. Don't think about it. No matter what the Li family wants to do, you don't have to worry. I can solve it by myself. You Zhao family should feel lucky, because from now on, you Zhao family will become a new rising family in Hong Kong City!"

New family?

Zhao tengtian and Zhao Youdong had a flash of surprise in their eyes, even a flash of surprise.

This word is so novel!

Because the Zhao family has been operating in the port city for many years, and Lin Fei has a new family, which means that they will have a new attitude to exist in the port.

Brand new, where is the new?

They are curious!

But they know that what Lin Fei said can be done.

Zhao Ya's face was full of gratitude -

Lin Fei gave her too many surprises and miracles!

Lin Fei's eyes looked again at the Zhao family who was about to listen to the fool. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he spoke slowly again.

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