In Zhao's villa.

Zhao Ming and his mother Zhang man's eyes are showing tension and fear, especially Zhao Ming, he is particularly nervous.

Last night, he was originally borrowing a banquet. On the way back to Zhao's villa, he deliberately caused the accident.

Plan to let grandfather and aunt all die, so that Zhao Ya is left with a woman, all the wealth of the Zhao family is his, and he becomes the successor to the crisis of the Zhao group.

However, I didn't expect that the perfect plan had come to the end, but because of Lin Fei's appearance and his magic medicine, all the people were alive, and they were still more healthy.

At the moment of yesterday's accident, Zhao Youdong and Zhao Zhentian both understood what was going on?

So they know in their heart that they want to kill them.

In the end, when dealing with this matter, Zhao Youdong adopted the method of not pursuing his responsibility.

It may be a good opportunity for him, but he knows it in his heart.

This matter, even if Zhao Youdong reconciliation, grandfather Zhao Zhen naive let him go.

But Lin Fei may not really let him go. After all, Lin Fei is a man who doesn't rub sand in his eyes.

He was about to be torn down in person yesterday, and he was slapped in the face at that time.

What to do?

My mind is full of questions.

Mother Zhang man also sat on the sofa worried.

Zhang man's eyes fell on Zhao Ming, cold in his eyes.

Compared with her son Zhao Ming's hesitation, she is more decisive. After all, she is a woman who has experienced a lot of hardships.

He knows how important money and reputation are to people like them.

Once lost, what is the result?

Zhang Ming looked at his mother's eyes. After a short hesitation, he also made a decision, "let's continue to contact the Black Dragon Society, let the people of the Black Dragon Society try to kill Zhao Zhentian and Zhao Youdong in the hospital, let them become a nameless ghost. In this way, we have no responsibility. In the end, everything is the hospital's business. "

Zhang man looked at Zhao Ming with a dignified face and nodded heavily, "this time I'll contact you. Don't participate."

Zhang man specially stressed that she took the initiative to stand up and want to undertake this matter.

Zhao Ming was very grateful to see his mother. He thought that he had brought himself up since he was a child. Now, in order to be an heir to the Zhao family, he did everything for himself without fear of danger.

Nodding to his mother, "Mom, don't worry, we will try our best to kill them this time."

Mother and son look at each other and encourage each other.

At this moment -


Zhao Ming's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Zhao Mingmei frowned, immediately picked up the mobile phone, see the name above is Li Maosheng, is a Leng.

Usually, people of Li Maosheng's level will not contact him. He is still not high enough.

More often, Li Maosheng wants to contact Zhao Youdong. After all, they are the chairman of the two companies.

Today, when he suddenly called his mobile phone, Zhao Ming was very surprised. He thought for a moment and pressed connect.

Inside, Li Maosheng said in a gloomy voice, "Zhao Ming, did you deal with everything last night?"

Zhao Ming was in a daze. It was very hidden. How could Li Maosheng know about it?

sweat came out of his forehead.

"Li Dong, I don't know what you're talking about. What you're saying now makes me feel very strange."

Ha ha

Li Maosheng suddenly laughed, "is it strange? Do you do it yourself and still refuse to admit it? "

The speech is full of ridicule and even disdain.

This makes Zhao Ming's forehead sweat more.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Zhao Ming knows that for people like Li Maosheng, since they have already asked about it, it is meaningless to know about it and want to hide it again.

Therefore, he directly asked the other party's purpose.

Li Maosheng said with a smile at the other end: "now I'm calling you with Zhang Tian, chairman of Zhang Jia."

Zhao Ming's face changes again. Suddenly, he has a bad feeling. Do you want to attack Zhao group?

A touch of gloom flashed across his face. "What do you want to do?"

Ha ha

This time, it's Zhang Tian's turn to laugh. "Zhao Youliang died and gave birth to this son. He is really a tiger father without a dog."

With a very funny remark, Zhao Ming's face became more complicated.

"What do you want to do? Don't go on here. "

Zhao Ming has no time to spend with them, and he feels that if he continues to spend it, it will only make him bear more pressure.Li Maosheng and Zhang Tian have a look at each other. On the contrary, they think Zhao Ming's attitude is a good thing. This shows that Zhao Ming is in a hurry now, and even has no way out.

In this case, he will inevitably do crazy things.

Li Maosheng: "the only thing we call you today is for your safety."

Zhao Ming sneered, "for my safety? What makes you say that? "

"Because you're going to kill Zhao Youdong, Lin Fei already knows. He won't let you off."

"Zhao Ya is his woman now, and he has been sleeping. If he wants to avenge them, you will surely die."

Li Maosheng put on a big hat.

Zhao Ming's face was already black, and then turned pale.

He is really afraid, because the identity of the chairman of the earth group is not casual. The shock caused in the mainland is also very clear to them as people from other places.

Even, deep down in his heart, he worships Lin Fei very much.

At the same age, with such courage and ability, there is a big gap.

Just because he is familiar with it, just because he knows it, so he feels more scared now.

"Do you want to see my jokes?" On the other side of the phone, Li Maosheng said in a cold voice.

Li Maosheng chuckled: "if we want to see your jokes, will we still make this call?"

There was disdain and ridicule in the tone.

"So what do you want to do?" Zhao Ming no longer wants to play with them.

"It's very simple. Li Tianli and Zhang Jiaming have offended Lin Fei. Now Lin Fei wants to take revenge on the Li family and Zhao family. I'll give you a chance to fight against Lin Fei with us. You decide whether it's OK or not?"

Li Maosheng's voice is emotionless and even threatening.

As long as Zhao Ming dares to say a negative, he is afraid that he will take action against Zhao Ming.

When Zhao Ming heard this news, he was really at his wits' end. He thought of the result he had just discussed with his mother. Isn't this a great opportunity?

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