Until Zhang man and Zhao Ming left, they both seemed to be dreaming -

it was a big surprise. I didn't expect that they would easily forgive.

Going out, Zhang man looks at Zhao Ming, "in this case, do we still need to cooperate with Li Maosheng?"

Zhao Ming's heart is shaking again.

He frowned and thought. After a moment, "go on!"

Very determined.

Zhang man has a look of opposition in her eyes. In her heart, she still doesn't want to cooperate with Li Maosheng and others.

After all, these people are not ordinary people, and they are ambitious people.

It's just that seeing Zhao Ming's stand so firmly, it's hard for her to say anything as a mother.

"You'd better think about it for yourself! After all, Zhao's group has confirmed that you are the successor now! "

A cold light flashed in Zhao Ming's eyes. "Before I officially become an heir, I will never miss any chance that may allow me to grow up."

In the heart once again ignited to want to kill Lin Fei's impulse.

He and his mother rushed to the Zhao group.

Now he is the person who guides Jiangshan in Zhao's group.

After Lin Fei left the hospital, he went directly to the hotel with Lu Qing.

Zhao Ya wants to let Lin Fei go home with her, but seeing that Lin Fei and Lu Qing have something to do with each other, she thinks that Lin Fei said in the second-hand house store that she would go to Lu Qing to sleep with her today. This idea has been spreading in her heart.

So Zhao Ya didn't go with the two.

Lu Qing is walking in Lin Fei's body at the moment. Her face is tense. Her eyes peep at Lin Fei from time to time. She is also thinking whether he will really do that kind of thing on impulse.

If Lin Fei really wants to possess herself, she can still accept it.

It's just that he can't accept so many women around him. After all, he doesn't want to be a man's plaything.

However, seeing Lin Fei's handsome face, she couldn't help feeling that she was very lucky to be Lin Fei's woman.

In this complex psychology, two people came to the hotel.

Hotel they ordered a suite, next to the suite is also a luxury suite.

In the next room, Lin Ke'er is directing the traders to control the stock market and keep buying the stocks of the four families.

When Lin Fei goes in, Lin Ke'er sees a surprise in Lin Fei's eyes immediately, and then a light sadness flashes.

When Lin Fei was just starting, she knew each other.

At that time, she even felt that this was a man, a man worthy of her life.

But in the end, I didn't think that this man was her cousin. It was doomed that two people couldn't be together.

"Brother, when did you come?"

Hearing these words, Lu Qing can't help feeling a little sour when she thinks of Zhao ya. "Anyway, your brother has been sleeping with a woman since he came. I don't know when he came."

Lu Qing in the side did not say a good gas.

Lin Ke'er looks at Lin Fei and sticks out his tongue. He has a one night stand, and some people are jealous.

Lin Fei didn't care. Instead, he looked at Lin Ke'er and said, "how are the stocks of the four families acquired?"

"At present, according to your idea, Zhao's group's shares are gradually acquired, while Li's group's shares are wantonly acquired. I'm just controlling the income of the other two groups, and I don't have much income." Lin Ke'er immediately resumed his serious introduction.

Lin Fei looked at the stock of the four families on the disk. After thinking for a moment, "from now on, the stock of the four families will be fully acquired, no matter whose family it is."

Lin Ke Er is a Leng, "we really want to buy so many stocks."

"Yes! All acquisitions, as long as they can be acquired in the market. "

"Now that the shares of Li's group have been in the limit position, we are purchasing a large number of shares. We are likely to open the limit and rejoin it."

"It doesn't matter. Our goal is to get enough chips in our hands." Lin Fei attitude is very firm said.

Lin Ke'er nodded and looked at the trader, "spare no effort to buy the stocks of the four families, regardless of the cost."

Lin Fei saw the beating data of the four stocks, and the stocks of Li's group, which had been lying on the limit, slowly began to turn red, and his mouth showed a evil smile, "Li family, I'll give you a surprise first, and then I'll let you experience a crazy pain."

The next moment, he turned to leave, Lu Qing saw Lin Fei leave, do not know why, directly also followed the door out.

Lin Fei is ready to leave, the result saw Lu Qing to follow out, in the heart is a move.

Look at Lu Qing, "how do you want me to stay in your room for a while?"

Lu Qing's face turned red. She suddenly raised her head and glared at Lin Fei! Where love goes! Go to Zhao Ya's

Lin Fei suddenly laughs. He is still the first to see Lu Qing jealous. On the contrary, he feels very cute and funny."I'm not going! I really want to live with you today, and I really want to put you to sleep. "

When Lu Qing heard this, she felt that her three outlooks were almost destroyed.

How does Liu Fei become a stallion now? Is there no other idea in his mind besides this? It's the sperm on the brain.

Lin Fei was in a daze when he looked at Lu Qing's angry appearance.


The system prompts that the sound is on.

Little Lori's lovely voice said, "congratulations on the completion of the host's task, reward delivery, cash 10 billion, merit value 1 million."

Lin Fei curls his mouth. Just as he wants to speak, the voice of little Lori in the system rings out again, "host, new task is delivered, do you accept it?"

Lin Fei's eyes are full of running grass mud horses, "can I not pick them up?"

"What do you think?" Little Lori asked jokingly.

"I don't think it's possible."

"If you know, take it!"

"What's the new mission? Control the Zhao group. Reward you 100 billion, and then reward you a beauty, reward you merit value of 1 million. "

When Lin Fei heard about the task, he hesitated a little, "OK! I'll take the job! "

Ha ha

"Big wolf! As soon as I heard that there was a beauty, I picked it up

Little Lori joked.

Lin Fei glared fiercely. "I don't know who the beauty is. Maybe it's a pig!"

Little Lori said with a smile, "isn't the beauty right in front of you? Do you want to push people down now? "

Lin Fei suddenly understands who he's talking about. Looking at him, he finds Lu Qingzheng looking at him straightforwardly. His eyes are full of anger.

Because Lu Qinggang just found that Lin Fei was in a daze.

Lin Fei secretly scolds little Lori as a villain. He deliberately gives himself such a wicked task.

"Will you take it or not? "The voice of little Laurie's urging came.

"I took it. "

Lin Fei said angrily, but he yelled out directly.

Lu Qing is a Leng, "what did you take?


" I'm going to sleep! "Lin Fei said it directly.

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