Lu Qing's heart is full of running alpacas.

She's breaking down. She's crying.

She felt as if she were a fool.

How can you be so shameful in front of Lin Fei?

It's a big hit.

"Lin Fei, please give it to me, or I'll die for you immediately."

Lu Qing can no longer endure this humiliation.

She has decided that as long as Lin Fei dares to bully her again, she would rather die.

Lin Fei is also frightened by Lu Qing's insistence.

This woman he knows has personality, but did not think that the personality has been strong to this extent.

She hugged her with a smile, "OK! I'm kidding you! Just now you didn't let me go to your room, I had to spend 200000 to open a room. When you come, you finally come! "

Lu Qing

What do you mean waiting for yourself to come?

What do you mean at last?

Although Lu Qing heard Lin Fei's tone become soft and full of deep love, her heart is also in a mess, but her face is still persistent.

Looking at Lin Fei, his voice pleaded: "why do you have to pester me? There are so many women around you, and all of them are beautiful. I'm not as beautiful as them. "

Lin Fei hugged her tightly. "They are them, you are you. You are always in my heart. "

"When we first met, from the moment your father made that request, you were already my woman."

"In the past, it was just because I was too busy to take care of you. Now I finally have time. This time I bring you, I just want to talk about a romantic love with you."

It seemed that Lu Qing's eyes were suddenly touched by the complexity of his face.

All of a sudden, she found that Lin Fei's eyes showed a strong love for her. That kind of love was as warm as sunshine, which made her whole person melt instantly.

His hands could not help holding Lin Fei directly, "do you really love me so much?"

Lin Fei lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, "silly girl! I don't love you. Why should I call you first before I come to Hong Kong City? "

Lu Qing felt completely confused.

Finally. She just hugged Lin Fei tightly.

Lin Fei holds her and holds her quietly in his arms.

However, he didn't do anything too much, just gently hugged him.

But even so, Lu Qing has a very, very safe feeling.

At this moment -

she suddenly found that she loved being in Lin Fei's arms.

I like the feeling of being hugged.

The feeling of being cared for made her feel very comfortable.

I don't know how long later, Lu Qing fell asleep in Lin Fei's arms.

Lin Fei put her on the bed and walked out of the living room.

When he looked back at the bedroom, a smile came from the corner of his mouth.

To love someone is not necessarily controlled by desire.

He went downstairs again and went out.

On the other side, Zhao Ming is sitting in the office of Zhao group.

Seeing piles of documents on the desk and looking at all kinds of news about Zhao's group, he always has a smile full of pride on his lips.

This smile makes him look very aggressive and sharp.

All of a sudden, his mobile phone rang, and he saw that it was Li Maosheng again, which was more nervous than before.

At this moment, he has become a lot of calm, picked up the phone and said with a smile: "what's the matter with Dong Li?"

Li Maosheng at the other end was stunned, and his face soon flashed a trace of anger, "Zhao Ming, are you sure you are talking to me?"

His voice was low and angry.

Zhao Ming said with a smile: "of course, if I'm not talking to you, am I talking to others?"

Full of ridicule, with disdain.

Li Maosheng's face flashed cold, "Zhao Ming, have you forgotten what we said today?"

Zhao Ming replied with a smile, "of course I didn't forget."

"What's your attitude?"

"My attitude is to tell you that if you want to cooperate, everyone should be fair. Don't think that you are the chairman of the board, and your Li family can be above me."

Li Maosheng is a little angry, so he is going to get angry.

Next came Zhang Tian's voice, "Zhao Ming, I feel you have changed. Don't you fear that things will be exposed? "

Zhao Ming chuckled, "exposed? What about exposure? I can tell you that I'm not afraid of exposure right now. "

Li Maosheng and Zhang Ming were stunned that day. They asked Zhao Ming to apologize and then go undercover. Did Zhao Zhentian believe him so much?

This is a bit unexpected."Zhao Ming, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that they already know about me setting up my grandfather and my uncle, and they forgive me completely."


Li Maosheng and Zhang Tian take a breath, so thoroughly?

"Don't they want to punish you?"

"No! Not only did they not punish me, but they also said they would give me the Zhao group. "

The two men inhaled. They did not expect that the Zhao family would adopt this method. They could completely forgive Zhao Ming for his brutality.

This surprised both of them.

After a while,

"Zhao Ming, I hope you will take good care of what we have said today, and don't talk about it, or you will bear the consequences."

Li Maosheng is also afraid that Zhao Mingzhen will tell the story.

Ha ha

Zhao Ming burst out laughing. "I didn't expect that Li Maosheng, the chairman of Li's group, was also a coward!"

"Zhao Ming, what do you mean?" Li Maosheng said angrily.

"My cooperation with you continues."


Li Maosheng and Zhang Tian were completely shocked.

They really can't figure out what Zhao Ming means?

He is now the chairman of a company with hundreds of billions of dollars. He has enough money to spend all his life. Why does he continue to attack Lin Fei with their partnership?

Two people completely feel can't understand this person!

But it's good to think that he's willing to cooperate.

Li Maosheng excitedly said: "Zhao Ming, you are a fastidious person. Today we remember your loyalty to us. We have taken this affection. From now on, we will be in the same boat with you Zhao family."

Zhao Ming sneer, although across the phone, but he can feel the hypocrisy of two people, "needless to say those useless, now let's study how to operate this thing?"

"Good! Then we will start to operate this matter now. You expose the economic problems of your Zhao group, and let the stock of your Zhao group begin to fluctuate violently. In this way, Lin Fei will allocate funds and manpower to control your Zhao's stock, and give us the time to win the stock of our Li group. "

"That's it?" Zhao Ming asked lightly.

"Yes! It's that simple. Can you do it? "

"What can't be done? I can casually announce the news. For example, the income of our Zhao family in this quarter is very low. In this case, the data is very poor. Many people will sell their stocks and our stocks will fall. "

Li Maosheng laughed excitedly, "this is the result, as long as the stock falls."

"No problem. Just wait for the news." Zhao Ming finished and hung up.

At the other end, Li Maosheng and Zhang Tian look at each other with a kind of expression in their eyes all the time!


They feel that Zhao Ming really does not need to continue to cooperate, but he did.

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