"Li Shao, what do you want people to do?"

Gao Ji's voice rings in Li Tianli's ear, which makes Li Tianli feel a tremor all over his body.

He felt as if he had lost his soul!

Looking at Gao Ji in front of her, she suddenly felt a strong impulse.

Especially when I think of Zhang Xiaoyuan, who used to be my own woman, I betray myself under the temptation of Lin Fei.

This makes him full of prejudice against women, even in his eyes, women have completely changed his concept, and even full of revenge.

Therefore, he doesn't have any respect for Gao Ji in front of him. He has desires in his eyes.

Even, he felt that it was like Lin Fei pounced at his feet, with a kind of extreme psychological satisfaction.

He has already pulled Gao Ji into his arms. Gao Ji doesn't know what he thinks. Her face is seductive, and she is obsequious

In another room of the clubhouse, Zhang Jiaming and his woman just went in, and they soon fell into a frenzy. When they were halfway through, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open.

Click! Click!

And then the sound of the camera.

Zhang Jiaming and the woman were just in a daze. They didn't react for a moment.


It took a long time for a woman to scream out in horror.

Zhang Jiaming quickly covered his face with a quilt and asked aloud, "who are you?"

Women also quickly get into the quilt to cover their faces.

The two people who came in didn't speak at all. They came forward and directly pulled the quilt away, with a ferocious smile on their faces.

Zhang Jiaming wants to stand up and fight for each other's camera. As a result, the other side kicks his belly with a thump.

"I don't want to die! If you don't want to be a celebrity, just take photos with us honestly, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. "

The other side's voice was very cold, even with a strong sense of killing.

Zhang Jiaming was so scared that his body trembled and his face turned pale. It seemed that he was scared out of his body. His face was full of tension and fear.

"You, what do you want to do?" The voice asked in a trembling voice.

"No nonsense! We are here to let you enjoy the good time, hold the women and make love with them. "

The other side cold command way.

Zhang Jiaming wants to retort, but when he sees the other person's cold eyes, it seems that if he says one more sentence, the other person may directly kick him out, and frighten him to embrace the woman.

"Ambiguous posture, intimate expression!"

There was a grim smile on the other side's face.

Zhangjiaming is about to cry. How can he be in the mood?

The other party saw that Zhang Jiaming did not move and was immediately angry.


It's a mouth.

"Isn't that all right? Shall we teach you? "

The other side said angrily.

Zhangjiaming felt extremely humiliated, but he did not dare not to do so, put his face stiff close to the woman.

A woman's body is as stiff as a piece of ice. She doesn't know how to resist or cooperate.

Two people just sat there stiffly, according to each other's requirements, one would put on this kind of posture, the other would put on that kind of posture, but no matter which kind of posture is incomparably provocative temptation, full of bohemian.

People who don't know all think that they are taking pictures of themselves on purpose.

However, zhangjiaming and the women are almost crying, they don't feel at all!

Until the two people were photographed for more than 10 minutes, the people who came in were satisfied and left with the camera and the camera in their hands.

But -

"don't say it, or you'll be waiting to become a celebrity in Hong Kong City, even in the world."

Leave a hard word!

Zhang Jiaming and his wife said that they would not tell.

Of course, he is more afraid of being told. Originally, there have been many things about Zhang Jia recently.

If this matter is exposed again, then he doesn't know what will happen?

He even worried that his father would kill him directly.

As for women now, in all thoughts are gone.

Now she only hopes that these photos and videos will not be exposed, so that she can hope to continue to mix.

Otherwise, she will become a celebrity, more famous than a star?

The photographer left, and the woman hugged zhangjiaming directly.


He began to cry.

"What can Zhang Shao do? You must find a way

Zhang Jiaming's face is constantly gloomy, his eyes are full of all kinds of anger, he clenched his fist several times, and finally suppressed his anger.

"I'll talk about it later. Now I'll contact Li Shao to see if there's anyone in his room taking photos."

With that, he began to call Li Tianli.Li Tianli is with Gao Ji now, hang up his cell phone directly.

When Zhang Jiaming saw that Li Tianli didn't answer the phone, he was even more worried.

But he could only bear it. He looked at the woman and said, "wait a minute. Li Shao may be having a hi now!"

Women's faces are full of crying expressions.

Where is she now in the mood to wait!

If this matter is not handled properly, I'm afraid she's really finished!

Very nervous, very scared!

However, she knew that if Zhang Jiaming didn't come forward to solve the problem, she couldn't help it.

Just listen and wait.

On the other side, Li Tianli sees that it's Zhang Jiaming's phone.

He knew it must be there, so zhangjiaming would be afraid of tight, anxious to call himself.

Deliberately do not pick up, want to let zhangjiaming afraid.

Ten minutes later, Li Tianli's room was quiet.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

Just got through, two excited voices came from the other side, "Li Shao, we've solved it."

"Did you take all of them?"


"Is it wonderful?"

"It's wonderful!"

"Send it to me!"

"All right!"

Ha ha

"Good! Good Li Tianli was ecstatic, laughing and praising.

If it's true, it's the same as he guessed.

Give the other person a compliment immediately, and then hang up.

Just hang up, zhangjiaming's mobile phone called in again.

See zhangjiaming phone, Li Tianli mouth is sneer.

Until the phone rang more than ten times, then slowly pressed through, "what's the matter with Zhang Shao?"

When Zhang Jiaming heard Li Tianli answer the phone, it was like seeing a savior. He was very happy.

He said immediately, "my room just came in."

"What? Did someone rush into the room? "

Li Tianli uttered a cry of surprise.

"Yes! There are two people coming in

"What did they do to me?"

Li Tianli asked with concern.

"They just took pictures and videos of us, and made us do all kinds of expressions and movements."

"This, this is not Lin Fei dry?"

Li Tianli blurted out.

Zhang Jiaming was just thinking about who did it?

Now, Li Tianli's words let him have a goal in an instant.

Lin Fei!

Except for Lin Fei!

No one will do this again!

No one will do this to him!

All of a sudden, my heart is full of anger and hatred for Lin Fei.

"Li Shao, I suspect it's Lin Fei. Otherwise, no one would have done such a thing. "


Li Tianli snorted angrily, "damn Lin Fei, it's so shameless. He is really our port city. Is he allowed to dominate?"

He was even more angry than Zhang Ming, as if he had been photographed.

Zhang Jiaming clenched his teeth. "What do you say to do about this? I'm not going to die with Lin Fei. "

He has now decided to kill Lin Fei anyway.

If Lin Fei does not die, he will never feel at ease.

Li Tianli's mouth was full of sneers, but his tone was very sympathetic and even deep.

"I think it's a long memory. After all, the conflict between Zhang Jia and Lin Fei is very fierce. We still have to focus on the family."

Zhang Jiaming wakes up in an instant. "Or Li Shao has a strong sense of the overall situation, then we should cooperate with the family action."

"We'll wait for the family to do something concrete before we act."

Li Tianli said decisively.

"I listen to Li Shao."

"I'll hang up and study."

Li Tianli hung up and a cold smile flashed across his face, "idiot! You are under my control at last

But the excitement he soon covered up.

On the other hand, Zhang Jiaming hung up. The woman around him looked at Zhang and asked, "Zhang Shao, what's the situation? Does Li Shao have a solution? "

Zhang Jiaming nodded, "don't worry, we can definitely solve this matter."

"Do you know who they are? Who is the other party? "

Zhang Jiaming's eyes shrunk when he heard the question. "Lin Fei."

"Who is Lin Fei?"

Asked the woman.

Zhang Jiaming is eager to tell who Lin Fei is.

However, seeing the woman's expression and thinking of Zhao Ya's betrayal before, he beat his mouth in public.

He sneered, "a fool from the mainland!""Fool? Then report the case and let the police arrest him. "

Said the woman.

Zhang Jiaming was so angry that he almost scolded the woman directly -

you are a fool!

But the anger soon subsided.

The woman didn't know what zhangjiaming thought. Seeing that he didn't answer, she immediately wanted to curry favor with zhangjiaming, hoping to solve the problem.

Deliberately raised his hand patted his chest, "it's OK, otherwise I'm really worried about the just photos and videos leaked out!"

The woman said nervously.

Zhang Jiaming swept over the woman. The beautiful scenery of the woman at the moment makes his disappearing desire burn again.

The woman felt Zhang Liangming's eyes, thought of Zhang's strength and the benefits of Zhang Shao, and immediately threw a wink.

Zhang Jiaming immediately forgot what he had just done and lost himself in it.

On the other hand, Li Tianli has already sent Gao Ji away. He is enjoying the photos and videos of Zhang Jiaming and the woman. The more he sees them, the more he wants to laugh and the more happy he is.

At last, he patted the table fiercely, "stupid Zhang Jia! I want you zhangjias to be the cannon fodder of our Li family. I want you to be the first to be destroyed by Lin Fei. As long as Lin Fei destroys your zhangjias, the situation in Hong Kong City will be greatly changed. At that time, people will attack us and the crisis of our Li family will be relieved. "

Li Tianli said to himself excitedly.

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