The next morning.

Lu Qing opens her eyes. The first thing that comes into her eyes is Lin Fei's face. That delicate face that makes women feel impulsive and want to throw down.

But at the moment, for her, it is not so good, even a kind of tension.

Lin Fei pressed her under her body and put one leg on her body, which was very overbearing.

She's afraid to move now. She's worried that waking up this man will lead to animal behavior.

However, she worried that she had been

She wanted to move her legs under Lin Fei's body.

"Do you want to tempt me?"

Lin Fei asked with a smile.


Lin Fei wakes up!

Lu Qing blushed with shame.

"Don't look, I didn't do anything!"

Lu Qing is about to cry. How can she speak so openly?

However, she was soon moved again.

Last time she fell asleep in Lin Fei's room, Lin Fei just left quietly and did nothing.

Now he's sleeping here again, and he's still like that.

So it shows that this man really has her in his heart and has true love for her.

Such a man is really rare.

Such a man really moved her.

All of a sudden, her hands embrace Lin Fei.

The next moment -

buries his head in Lin Fei's arms, but Lin Fei is stunned.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Qing doesn't speak, just keeps rubbing her face gently on Lin Fei's body.

It's like a kiss and a bad mouth.

Lin Fei instantly understood, "are you going to push me back?"

Asked jokingly.

Lu Qing originally brewing out of the mood, was Lin Fei a word to tease no, quickly jumped to the ground.

Lin Fei laughed and jumped to the ground.

At this moment -

Lu Qingcai realized how embarrassing she was just now. She was laughed at by Lin Fei.

He glared at Lin Fei, "just wait! I'll never let you climb into my bed. "

Lin Fei pointed to her bed with a smile. "I've climbed into your bed. Is it because I didn't go any further that you're very angry?"

"It seems that if a woman says no, she must. If so, that's the truth."

"Oh, it's all my fault. I don't understand. Why don't we start now?"

Lu Qing standing in place, there is a feeling of being frozen, she completely crazy, this Lin Fei simply let her speechless.

The next moment, Lin Fei has directly Lu Qing back in his arms.

Originally frozen Lu Qing suddenly saw Lin Fei's action. He was stunned.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Lu Qing exclaimed.

"What are you doing? Wasn't that what you were going to do? "

Lin Fei looks innocent.

"When did I do what?"

Lu Qing's good impression is gone, and her eyes are full of anger.

This guy is a hooligan and shameless. How can he do that?

However, what made her even more unexpected was that Lin Fei took off her nightgown this time, and then, and then, and then, he finally pushed Lu Qing down.

Lu Qing didn't think of it. At the last moment, one of her suspicions provoked her. As a result, what she was afraid of happened.

Never had a feeling

In the end, she didn't know how she was, and what made her feel most unexpected was that she took the initiative to hold Lin Fei tightly.

Because she seems to have been waiting for this moment in her heart for a long time.

Men should have their own manners.

Lin Fei looks at Lu Qing under him with a smile in his eyes.

Today's Lu Qing has been like this. If he doesn't do something this time, will he be a little sorry for this man's name?

Lin Fei is precisely because of this, so will be like this, really will Lu Qing to push down.

And Lu Qing, think of yesterday, Lin Fei has let two times, this time can't blame him.

Blame yourself!

Lu Qing doesn't know whether it's self consolation or not. Anyway, she finally accepted it, and she accepted it very calmly.

At the beginning of the complex heart, full of anger, slowly disappeared.

Thinking of her father's phone call, she knows that Lin Fei respects her from the bottom of her heart.

At this moment -

she knows that she can't be separated from Lin Fei any more. Lin Fei is her man, and Lin Fei is her man all her life!

Lin Fei turns to walk out of the room and goes back to his room upstairs.Just enter the room to see Zhao ya come out from the bathroom, all kinds of looking at her.

Lin Fei's heart is a little sorry, just want to speak, Zhao Ya has taken the initiative to speak, "I know what you do, it doesn't matter."

At this moment, Lin Fei is very moved. What is considerate woman? Zhao Ya is the representative of this kind of woman. She is really considerate woman. She can get everything, but she looks so indifferent.

However -

he soon realized that Zhao Ya herself was a woman like Lu Qing. In their hearts, they belonged to Mu Xinxuan, and that was their real wife.

And these women are all flowers outside.

Lin Fei is also thinking about whether he has really changed?

It's never been like this before. I even think it's shameless.

But now he suddenly felt that sometimes love should be good to love.

We should cherish it, especially a woman who is sincere to us.

Treasure is also a kind of respect!

He hugged Zhao ya, and they stood together quietly, feeling the warm moment.

When the stock market opens, it's a time to stir people's hearts.

And today's opening moment of the stock market is more exciting.

The reason is very simple -

yesterday, the stocks of Zhao group, Zhang group and Zhao group all fell to the limit.

This kind of thing can be said to happen once in a hundred years.

This makes a lot of investors panic endlessly, we are paying attention to the opening moment.

They want to know whether today's stock market is surging or whether the stocks of Zhao, Zhang and Li go up against the trend and let them see hope again.

Sitting in front of the computer, Lin Ke'er and her operators are the most relaxed.

Because they have enough money and chips, now they only need one thing, that is to let the three stocks continue to fall.

Soon it's time for the auction, and the three stocks have begun to drop their limits before they can sell.

Zhang's stock, in particular, is full of big orders. After all, the fact that Zhang's Casino was not open yesterday made everyone lose confidence in Zhang.

Just imagine, a Zhangjia casino that needs money is not open, so what is he doing?

Lin Ke'er admires Lin Fei.

Last night in Bishuiwan, Lin Fei made a bluff at the last moment, completely flustered and confused Zhang Jia, so that he made the self satisfied and brilliant measure.

In fact, it's very stupid.

Zhang's stock will be directly close to the limit, and its limit is naturally associated with the decline of the other two stocks.

Even Huo's stock, which has not been speculated, began to fall, just like a rhythm of falling limit.

The stock market in the whole city is surging, and many people are starting to sell off and flee.

Because they are afraid, afraid to become cannon fodder, afraid to become leeks.

Just then, Lin Fei came into the room.

Lin Ke'er and others immediately stood up when they saw Lin Fei.

Lin Ke'er immediately gave Lin Fei a thumbs up, "brother, your operation yesterday is just too God, in a word, top billions of billions of funds."

Lin Ke'er's praise to Lin Fei is from the heart.

Lin Fei shook his head with a smile. "It's gone! Today, we need to make persistent efforts to keep the three stocks in the limit position, and then collect chips. In addition, we need to speed up the absorption of the shares of Huoshi group. "

Lin Ke'er immediately nodded, but he looked at Lin Fei and said, "brother, continue to do this. I'm afraid it's very dangerous."

The implied meaning is over hyped, hidden crisis, but also easy to cause the management and control of relevant departments.

Lin Fei just nodded and left without saying a word.

He knows about it, but he's not afraid of it.

Because -

he has money!

Zhang Tian, Li Maosheng and Zhao Ming at the other end are all sitting in a trading hall today.

Their eyes were all looking at the three stocks on the screen, but when they saw all the limits, their faces were full of anger and humiliation, but they had nothing to do.

Finally, Li Maosheng took the lead in saying, "all our Li family partners have already said that after the opening of today's market, we will drop the limit again to help us pull up the stock."

Then he looked at the other two, his face showing satisfaction.

Zhao Ming is indifferent to this, "I don't care, our partners will pull, don't pull down, anyway, it's not my fault that we've lost."

He was beaten by Lin Fei twice in succession yesterday. He was very angry, so he was still unwilling.

Zhang Tian is not in such a good mood now, even a little silly.

Because yesterday, all his partners learned that the casino was closed, which made them feel the crisis.

Today, many people have called one after another and refused to help him raise the stock limit for various reasons.When Li Maosheng saw this, he was secretly happy,

the three companies only had their own partners willing to contribute.

Now, once they are unable to return to heaven, then others will take themselves as the center and hold each other tightly.

Compared with Zhao family and Zhang family, their own strength is strong.

The powerful result is still that many people will rush to get warm with him and start to realize a virtuous circle.

This is exactly what he wants.

The stock market finally opened in the expectation of the public, and when everyone looked at the stock of their company, their eyes were all straight -

the stocks of Zhao family and Zhang Jia are still tightly lying there, they have bought, but they are always at the limit position.

But Li's stock performance is very active, always in the trading position to open a little bit to buy a little bit.

Li Maosheng felt very proud. On the contrary, Zhang Tian, who also sat next to him, was full of disappointment.

Zhangjia stock has been quietly lying there, never opened the limit.

Li Maosheng is the happiest in his heart at the moment. Now he has seen the hope -

the hope that the Li family will rise again.

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