"Li Shao, how can you live more and more freely? Do it to your own woman. You should know that your woman has been beaten by other men."

The woman next to Huo yinglang suddenly sneers.

Li Tianli glared at her, "don't want to die! You just get out of my way. "

The woman was angry and looked at Huo yinglang, "Huo Shao, what do you hear from Li Shao?"

I want to ask Huo yinglang for help.

Results -


Fok also gives women a mouth.

"Shut up, you don't have the right to speak here!"


The woman also screamed and looked at Huo yinglang.

His face was puzzled.

Huo yinglang looks at Li Tianli and asks who Lin Fei is?

As a dandy in a big family, he is very smart and cautious in this respect.

Li Tianli came over and looked at Lin Fei. "Lin Shao, I'm sorry! There may have been a misunderstanding just now. "

Lin Fei put down the tableware and took out a paper towel to wipe his mouth.

Looking at Li Tianli, "Huo yinglang asked me if I am qualified to attend this banquet? How do you answer this question? "

When Li Tianli heard this, he felt as if he had been slapped in the face. He said in his heart, "if you don't have the right to participate, no one will be able to come to this hall!"

Looking at Huo yinglang with a wry smile, "he not only has power, but also has great power!"



Rough is like hitting someone with a stick.

Huo felt his head buzzing and his heart was in a mess.

But still looking at Lin Fei, "I'm sorry! I might have been impulsive just now

Lin Fei did not speak, but looked at the Dragon Girl.

The Dragon girl raised her hand and pointed to the ground, "kneel down!"

The tone is not high, full of domineering.

Huo yinglang was just stunned.

In his opinion, he has already apologized, Lin Fei should be the thing is over, did not expect to even let himself to kneel to apologize.

Who is it?

"I advise you to take it as soon as it's good!"

Mr FOK's tone was unhappy.

In his opinion, he beat women and apologized. That's enough!

Lin Fei smiles. "Li Tianli, you should tell him why I have the right to come here for the banquet. Maybe it's better?"

Li Tianli is very embarrassed, but he looks at Huo yinglang with a stiff head, "his name is Lin Fei!"

Lin Fei two words, Li Tianli emphatically added the voice.


Huo yinglang exclaimed.

"Lin Fei!"

Li Tianli said again.

Huo felt his head buzzing, just like being struck by thunder, and his heart was trembling.

The name of Lin Fei has been a nightmare in Hong Kong City in recent days.

They don't know how nervous the Huo family is these two days. They raise money everywhere and are busy protecting the Huo family's shares in the stock market. Although they didn't fall sharply, they also began to fall.

The other three have been miserable, and now they have offended Lin Fei.

This -

"Lin Fei, who is Lin Fei? What is he? "

The woman who had just been beaten by Huo yinglang asked out loud.


Everyone's eyes also turned to FOK.

Many people in Hong Kong still don't know the name of Lin Fei.

Even though many of them are from the upper class, they don't pay much attention to the news from the mainland and don't know who Lin Fei is.

Huo yinglang fiercely closed his eyes. His heart was full of galloping grass mud horses, and he was about to hate this stupid woman.

What a fool!

Because she offended Lin Fei not to say, now even so loud laugh asked Lin Fei who?

Don't you want to continue the hatred between yourself and Lin Fei?

"Shut up! You bitch

He's already said it.

The woman was stunned.

Then, the next moment -

"Huo Shao, did you make a mistake? You just hit me, and now you still want to scold me. Is it for this bullshit Lin Fei? "

Women roar too.

"Damn Lin Fei?"

Four words in FOK's ears are like thunder.

Eyes quickly look to Lin Fei, found Lin Fei face is still very calm, even can be said to be light, did not care.

This made him take a long breath, for fear that this woman would offend others again, "get out of here! Don't say one more word here, or you'll eat such good fruit! "

The woman was shocked.What's going on?

It seems that FOK is really worried.

At this time, seven or eight well-dressed old men came over. Before they arrived, their hearty laughter had arrived.

"Mr. Lin, I don't know how you'll meet us when you're here. It's a shame for us to welcome you far away."

All of them looked at the voice again, and many of them were immediately shocked -

because it was Wang Tianhai, the VIP of the banquet, the big man in the field of Hong Kong City Film and television, the president of Hong Kong City Film and Television Association, and other relevant personnel.

Lin Fei's eyes, walking in the front is a man in his 60s, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is charming and handsome. Although he is not young, many people will praise him silently when they see him.

Some women, in particular, still keep winking.

As the president of the Hong Kong City Film and Television Association, he has been influential in the film and television industry of Hong Kong City for many years.

Do not know how many women want to flatter him, do not know how many women on his bed.

This is a man of the moment. This is a man who should be respected by all the film and television circles in Hong Kong and the city. However, what surprised everyone at the moment has happened.

Wang Tianhai looks at Lin Fei with a smile. His eyes are full of respect.

And still apologize, admit the mistake!

If according to age, Wang Tianhai can be Lin Fei's elder.

The people behind Wang Tianhai also followed and bowed to Lin Fei, "Hello, Dong Lin! I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were here! "

Lin Fei looked at them with a smile, took off a long voice and asked, "who are you?"

His face showed the color of doubt, with a kind of disapproval.

"The trough! Is this guy out of his mind? In front of President Wang, are you still so tough? "

"What a show! Pretending not to know each other? You see he's so handsome, isn't he a guy who depends on his face to eat

"Is it someone who just started? It looks like it is

A lot of onlookers could no longer help talking.

However, what they didn't expect was -

"to introduce myself, my name is Huo Tianhai! President of Hong Kong City Film and Television Association

Wang Tianhai was the first to introduce.

"My name is Li Jun, and I'm the vice president!"

"I'm Wang Bin, also vice president!"

Wang Tianhai and others rush to introduce themselves to Lin Fei. They all want to introduce themselves to Lin Fei immediately.

The expectation in his eyes seems to be full of expectation. He wants Lin Fei to remember who they are immediately.

Lin Fei nodded, "nice to meet you. However, it seems that I should leave here today. "

Wang Tianhai and others were shocked. It was not easy for them to have the chance to meet and get to know the gold Lord. If they left, it would be a great loss, and I'm afraid they would never have the chance to meet again.

Looking at Lin Fei, he said, "Dong Lin, why are you leaving?"

"They say I'm not qualified to be here for the party, so I need to leave now."

Lin Fei looks at Huo yinglang and his woman.


"Who said that?" Wang Tianhai immediately looked at the crowd in a cold voice.

They all shut up and dare not speak.

"You are not qualified. Who is qualified?"

Wang Tianhai raised his voice.

Huo yinglang's face was red and white at the moment.

Wang Tianhai already knew that it was Huo yinglang, but he didn't give face.

Although the Huo family is very powerful, they have the same strength as the film and Television Association, and they are afraid of them. What's more, they are facing Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is angry. Even if it's the Huo family, what can they do?

Who can bear the blow.

Therefore, Wang Tianhai did not hesitate to support Lin Fei.

Huo yinglang's face is more embarrassed. He already knows who Lin Fei is now.

Lin Fei still says that he is not qualified, so he is determined to express his meaning -

kneel down and apologize!

Do you really make yourself kneel?

He is the young master of the Huo family!

Once kneeling down, it means that the Huo family gave in to Lin Fei.

But don't you kneel down?

He was very nervous again.

This is Lin Fei!

At this time, the voice of Huo yinglang's woman's disdain sounded again, "is this Lin Fei the so-called chairman of the earth group?"


With these words, people at the scene felt as if they had been struck by lightning.

The eyes look at Lin Fei one after another, and there is doubt in the eyes.

If you just say a name of Lin Fei, I'm afraid no one cares.

But when women mention the chairman of the earth group, many people are familiar with it.There was a look of inquiry and verification in his eyes.

At this time -

the voice of the woman beside Huo yinglang sounded again, "how can it be? Look at his clothes and make-up. The chairman of the earth group is mu Xinxuan's husband. How can a man who can marry such a woman be dressed like this? "

"You see, he is a poor man. How could he be mu Xinxuan's husband, Lin Fei?"

Still ruthless, hard hit.

Lin Fei did not speak.

Mu Xinxuan's voice then came from a distance, "why can't he be my husband?"

The tone was soft, but full of light anger.

Everyone's eyes look at Mu Xinxuan, who has walked to Lin Fei with a smile and gently hugged Lin Fei's arm.




Mu Xinxuan looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "I'd like to formally introduce my husband, Lin Fei."

Tone is not high, full of insipid, but with a touch of pride, as if to tell people that this is my man, I am very proud!

The woman stares at Mu Xinxuan and Lin Fei in front of her eyes. Suddenly she feels like a fool!

It's really Lin Fei.

Mu Xinxuan is actually his wife.

I said that. Isn't she an idiot?

At this moment, Gao Ji, who has just been beaten violently, looks at Xiang Mu Xinxuan and slowly opens her mouth.

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