When Huo Lei saw Lin Fei, her pretty face turned red, even more shy.

However, or to clean up the mood to see Lin Fei, "my grandfather punished Huo yinglang with family law, let me send it to see if you are satisfied?"? If you are not satisfied, you can continue to play

Huo Lei said that, the bodyguard immediately took the family law stick with blood drop.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on the family law stick and saw that the blood was fresh, which shocked the Huo family even more.

Looking at Holly, "are you sure you can still let me play?"

Holly nodded. "Of course!"

The bodyguard handed over the family law stick.

Lin Fei looks at Huo Lei, "I don't want to fight. I'm afraid I'm tired! You fight for me

Huo Lei

Staring at Lin Fei, he thought he had heard wrong.

Actually let oneself do it to hit younger brother, this she really does not go down.

Just now, it was all hit by bodyguards. She wanted to vomit when she saw the family law stick with blood.

Staring at Lin Fei, "if you want me to fight, you can fight me! I can't do it! "

Huo Lei finished, eyes full of tears, pale, staring at Lin Fei, tone with a trace of entreaty.

Lin Fei looked at the bodyguard and said, "you fight!"

The bodyguard raised his magic wand and banged on Huo yinglang's buttocks.


Huo yinglang uttered a scream and suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of blood and tears were almost dry.

Huo Lei originally saw that Huo yinglang had been beaten so badly that she thought that Lin Fei would be gone when he came. She didn't expect that Lin Fei would continue to fight. She couldn't bear it any more. She looked at Lin Fei and tears rolled down. "Lin Fei, please, don't hit my brother any more. He already knew that he was wrong. Can I beg you for him?"

Huo Lei Jiao body trembles, can't bear the pressure any more, cry out.

Lin Fei walked over and held Huo Lei by his hand. "Don't cry!"

Huo Lei looks at Lin Fei with tears in her eyes. She is surprised.

"I just checked to see if it was your Huo family."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"You don't believe me?"

Holly couldn't help but ask sadly.

"I believe in you, but I don't believe in the Huo family."

"What do you mean?"

"Literally! In fact, it should be your grandfather or your father who came to me, not you. I'll go on if you come. But they didn't come, so I couldn't understand the real meaning of your Huo family, so I asked you to hit people. "

Huo Lei

Lin Fei's hand gently on her face, gently wipe tears, said: "don't think about it! It's over! "

Looking at the bodyguard, "you can take Huo yinglang back to have a good rest and pay close attention to the treatment."

"Lin Fei, are you sure you don't want to be angry with Huo yinglang and our Huo family again?"

Lin Fei nodded with a smile, "of course! Don't you believe me? "

Huo Lei shakes her head and wipes her tears excitedly. She looks at the bodyguards and asks them to send them away quickly.

Lin Fei looks at Huo Lei. He doesn't say a word. In fact, he is testing Huo Lei to see if she is a selfish woman and a woman without love. After all, this is her brother.

She accepted the test, let Lin Fei see a kind of true love in her body, a burst of kindness.

Huo yinglang is taken away, and Huo Lei wants to leave with him. Suddenly, her grandfather tells her to call him when he is finished.

"Lin Fei, my grandfather asked me to call him. He wants to talk to you."

Lin Fei nodded with a smile, "you fight!"

Huo Lei immediately called Huo Zhiqiang on the phone, but after a ring, Huo Zhiqiang pressed to get through, "Xiaolei, have you seen Lin Fei? What does he mean? Forgive you and your brother? "

Huo Zhiqiang's calm voice came from the other end. Although the voice was not big, he could hear the uneasiness and anxiety in his voice.

Huo Lei immediately nodded, "excuse me, he has been sent to the hospital."

Huo Lei didn't say that Lin Fei let her fight again.

Huo Zhiqiang smell, a long breath, "you call Lin Fei, I have something to talk with him."

"I'm hands-free, you can say it directly!"

Huo Lei said quickly.

Ha ha

Huo Zhiqiang did not speak, first of all laughed out, "Dong Lin, today's thing I first want to apologize to you, we Huo family sorry, should not make you angry."

Lin Fei had a good impression of the Huo family, especially compared with the Zhao family, which made him feel sincere.

Now Huo Zhiqiang's mouth is an apology, which makes him feel better. He says with a smile: "it's not good that you don't fight or know each other? And I picked up a beautiful woman. "

What Lin Fei said was natural, even with ridicule.This makes Huo Lei's face turn red instantly, and her eyes towards Lin Fei are full of anger.

Ha ha

Huo Zhiqiang said with a laugh: "Dong Lin is joking. If you want to find a woman, I believe many women will come to you in line. My little Lei may not have a chance."

"Grandfather, what are you talking about? I said it as if no one wanted it. " Holly said coquettishly.

She thought of her own initiative to pursue Lin Fei, Lin Fei refused, the heart is still very angry, and even feel some shame, now grandfather said in public, which makes her moved. Lin Fei is more satisfied with Huo Zhiqiang's attitude, at least very comfortable.

"I'm very happy to find holly, and I'll love her very much," she said with a smile

Huo Zhiqiang's face was filled with unspeakable excitement. "Mr. Lin, I plan to have a meeting in the company tomorrow to divide the Huo group into two parts, half of which will be given to Huo Lei, and the rest will be owned by other members of our Huo family."


Holly screamed out and said to the phone, "Grandpa, what's this for? I don't want it

Huo Zhiqiang said with a smile: "you and yinglang are the only two children in our Huo family. In the future, we will have half of them. Now I simply give them to you. As for how you want to operate and control them, that's your business. Even if you let Huo group go bankrupt, I don't care."

Holly is so stupid!

She didn't know what grandfather's attitude was.

Looking at Lin Fei, I found that his face was full of smiles, and they were full of deep meaning.

Lin Fei secretly admired Huo Zhiqiang. He was very open-minded and understood. He was able to learn from the failure of the Zhao family and directly gave half of the company to Huo Lei.

In this way, how can he let the Huoshi group continue to fall?

In addition, Huo Lei, who has a relationship with herself, is bound to improve the status of the Huo family. In the future, the Huo family will become the object of respect for many people, and the stock of the Huo family will soar.

Lin Fei's evaluation of Huo Zhiqiang has only three words -

old fox! "

however, this kind of old fox is very comfortable and very popular, which is exactly what people like.

Although he hasn't met Huo Zhiqiang, he has a very good impression on him.

Huo Lei at the moment more or less understood grandfather's intention, eyes to Lin Fei, eyes more complex.

She knew very well that without Lin Fei, she would not have such a value, would not have been so valued by her grandfather, and would not have given half of the Huo family's property to herself.

On the surface, it's a lot to give half to yourself, but because of the relationship with Lin Fei's earth group, no one will know how valuable Huo group will be in the future. At that time, the income of Huo family was nothing compared with the half given to them.


That's the real shrewdness.

I can't help sighing to my grandfather. This is the real smart man!

"Your Huo family's business is over. You can come to me whenever you have anything. From tomorrow, your Huo family's stock will return to normal."

Lin Fei said directly.

Huo Zhiqiang at the other end has the feeling of taking a long breath, and suddenly feels very relaxed.

For a long time -

"thank you for bypassing our Huo family, Mr. Lin!"

Huo Zhiqiang thinks he should be honest with the reality.

Lin Fei said with a smile: "everything is just as it should be. We didn't do anything."

Ha ha

Huo Zhiqiang burst out laughing, "Mr. Lin, you are really smart. Huo yinglang is stupid to be your enemy. Even if Li Maosheng and Zhang Tian and others are enemies to you, they are too stupid. "


Huo Zhiqiang sighed, "it's the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave. The front wave died on the beach. Now it's time for us old guys to leave the stage of history and give more opportunities to you young people!"

Huo Zhiqiang's tone is full of vicissitudes and inexplicable sadness.

In the past, in the port city without Lin Fei, there was no one worthy of fear in their eyes. In their eyes, there was nothing that could not be done with money.

But now they know that in Hong Kong City, Lin Fei has no money to deal with.

Lin Fei gave them a vivid lesson.

Lin Fei was able to understand what Huo Zhiqiang meant, but he didn't say much. Instead, he asked directly, "is there anything else on your side?"

Huo Zhiqiang quickly put away his feelings, "wait, I have another important thing to discuss with you."

"Go ahead, please!"

Lin Fei is even a little displeased. He just asked politely. Unexpectedly, Huo Zhiqiang actually said something happened, which made him very displeased.

Huo Zhiqiang pretended not to know, "today Li Maosheng, Zhang Tian and Zhao Ming came to our house."


"They still have a lot of ideas!"The corner of Lin Fei's mouth raised, and a thick smile appeared on his face.

Huo Zhiqiang quickly explained: "the purpose of their coming to my home is to sell Zhao group."


Lin Fei made a voice with questions and surprise.

"Now the Zhao family has given Zhao Ming all the Zhao group, and he is in charge of it. Now he can't change the stock limit of the Zhao family and is ready to sell his company."

Lin Fei's face was filled with cold, and his anger began to rise.

He never thought that the Zhao family gave the company to Zhao Ming. Zhao Ming wanted to sell the company. Didn't he want to die?

"The Zhao family are really talented!"

Lin Fei's tone was stiff and cold.

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