"Have a good time? How do you make me enjoy myself? "

"In a good mood? My wife is in a bad mood. How can you make me feel better? "

"I'm not in the mood. I'm leaving now."

Lin Fei's attitude is very tough, but also mixed with strong anger.

Tang Lingling's face turned white with a Shua. She hated the female lotus official in her heart. If she didn't play with Lin Fei like this, how could it be like this?

But it's terrible to think that if it's really settled, the loss will be at least 200 million.

Can only harden the scalp to continue to say: "Sir, you don't get angry, there is anything we can talk about, as long as you say can solve the line."

Lin Fei picked his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I said the solution is OK, right?"

Tang Lingling immediately nodded, "yes! That's it. You say the method is OK. "

"My method is very simple, that is to check out and leave."


Tang Lingling felt her head buzzing. How big her head is!

If this continues, she worries that she will be depressed and vomit blood.

Looking at the female lotus officer, "come here!"

The female lotus official now has come to realize that she has just been impulsive and let Lin Fei win a lot.

"Manager Tang!" he said


Tang Lingling raised her hand and slapped the female lotus official. "I'll kneel down and apologize to my husband and his wife."


The female lotus official covered her face and didn't know whether it was painful or because she heard that she was going to kneel down and apologize.

Anyway, his face was full of tension, unimaginable, pain and resentment.


Tang Lingling was very impolite. She raised her hand and slapped again. "Don't you hear me? Do you want me to say it again? "

The female lotus official's head hums, frightens to repeatedly nod, "good! I'll apologize right away. "

Turning to Lin Fei, "first, sir, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Please forgive me."

The female lotus official's face was full of pain and pleading.


Tang Lingling is kicking at the bottom of the female lotus officer.


The female lotus official was kicked on by Tang Lingling's high-heeled shoes, making a shrill cry.

"Let you kneel down and apologize, didn't you hear that?"

Tang Lingling said maliciously.

The female lotus official covered her buttocks, forced to endure tears from the corners of her eyes, and knelt down in front of Mu Xinxuan with a plop, "I'm sorry! It's all my fault! It makes you angry! "

Mu Xinxuan, Ruolin and others were very kind. When they saw that the female lotus official apologized and was beaten hard, they felt sorry and immediately said with a smile, "it's OK! We're not angry anymore! "

Ruolin came forward to help the female lotus officer up.


Her hand was directly grasped by Lin Fei, "let's go!"

Finish saying, pull if Lin to walk, don't let help.

Tang Lingling was more anxious now. She thought it would be better to be angry, but she didn't think it was still bad.

Quickly around, "Sir, if you think that her apology is not enough, please speak, we will do it."

Lin Fei looks at Tang Lingling, "what do you mean? Keep stopping me, just want me to play here, and then lose money to you, right? "

Tang Lingling was said to be the center of the matter. Her face was embarrassed, but she immediately shook her head. "No, sir. I just hope that you can have a good time."

"What if I say I've enjoyed myself?"

Lin Fei said deliberately.

Tang Lingling's heart is messy and helpless.

Embarrassed smile, is not willing to let go.

Lin Fei suddenly made a sudden realization, "I know, you want to win back all the money I won, right?"

There is no way for Tang Lingling now. Lin Fei is rich, and she wins.

But under, can only smile bitterly to say: "Sir, you play again a few, otherwise really like this walked, I really can't hand over the duty!"

She told the truth.

Lin Fei looked at Tang Lingling and asked with a smile, "you have to think about it. If you lose more, you will lose!"

Tang Lingling shook her head. "Just play, sir."

Lin Fei glanced around and finally made a helpless state, "OK! I'll play two more! "


Tang Lingling took a long breath and felt relaxed.

The female lotus officer also showed her joy. Although she was beaten miserably, she couldn't think of going out if she was found to have problems and caused losses.

Lin Fei looks at Xiang muxinxuan and others, "wait for me, I'll go and input the money back, and then we'll go!"

Finish saying, don't wait for them to promise, Lin Fei already walked back.

Tang Lingling immediately looked at the people beside her and said, "go and call a new female lotus officer.""No! I still use her! "

Lin Fei continued.

In the heart of the female lotus officer, they were all running grass and mud horses, even crying.

Where does oneself still have mood now?

Look at Tang Lingling.

Tang Lingling was also angry and didn't want to, but she still yelled out: "have a good time!"

The female lotus official was so scared that she shivered, but she went over immediately, looked at Lin Fei and said with a smile, "Sir, please bet!"

No more pride, become respectful.

But her face is so terrible.

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth has curved -

the fish has taken the bait!

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