"Mr. Lin, this is the key to 201."

"Mr. Lin, this is the key to 401."

"Mr. Lin, this is the key to 402."


The original homeowners came to Lin Fei's house. They took out the keys and handed them to Lin Fei. At the same time, they looked at Aunt Zhang and said, "gossip woman, cowhide king!"

Aunt Zhang stares at Lin Fei in front of her. She can put an egg in her mouth.

"Aunt Zhang, which house do you want to see? I'll show you now?" Lin Fei shook a key in his hand and said.

Lin Fei is not a person who has to repay. Today, at the door of the real estate bureau, he forgives all the three intermediaries. Now, facing this Aunt Zhang, he just wants to satisfy her wish, just -

"look, look..."

Mother Zhang opened her mouth twice and didn't say it.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who bought a lot of houses in this building. Now you are all my tenants. If you want to live, you should pay immediately. If you don't want to, you should move out immediately today."

Lin Fei is not so polite to others.


There was a sound in the crowd. Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do?

"Sorry, landlord! It's our fault! "

"You have a lot of money, please forgive us!"

"We'll pay the rent now."


A moment later, the crowd responded and began to apologize and pay.

You know, most of the people who live here work nearby. If they move away, where can they rent?

Who can guarantee that the other houses are not Lin Fei's?

So everyone chose to pay.

"How could it be?"

"How could it be?"

Ha, ha

Aunt Zhang mumbled a few words in a trance, then walked downstairs. When she got to the last two steps, she accidentally fell down, got up and didn't even know the pain, so she continued to walk down.

"Are you crazy?"

"It must be!"

"It's my fault


When other residents think of begging Lin Fei now, they are all caused by Aunt Zhang, and their eyes are full of resentment.

Lin Fei looked at Aunt Zhang's back and sighed to himself: "why do you have to be so mean? I hurt myself. "

"Kor, help me with the rental of these houses."

Lin Fei finished, put the key into Lin Ke'er's hand, turned and went downstairs.

He didn't have a dilemma with these people, because from the moment he owned the system, his life orientation was already high.

If you are still immersed in the affairs of the marketplace, how can you become the richest man?

"Mr. Lin is really broad-minded."

"Mr. Lin is really rich."

"Mr. Lin is our model."


There was a chorus of compliments behind him.

Lin Fei left everyone with only one figure, but it was an extremely tall figure, especially the young woman who rented Aunt Zhang's house.

It's 7:30 p.m. when Lin Fei looks at the time, he quickly stops his car and goes to the reception address sent by Feng Ke -

Xinyuan Hotel.

Today's publicity reception before the release of "dark night" is the key to the success of the film. Lin Fei has invested 80 million yuan, so naturally he doesn't want to be a loser, so he has to go there in person.

At night, Jiangnan City is extremely charming with brilliant lights, attracting countless people to wait and see. Xinyuan Hotel is located on the South Bank of the river. Its gate is facing the river. The huge signboard can be seen even thousands of meters away.

Xinyuan Hotel is a brand hotel in Jiangnan City. Fengke's choice here shows that he has also made a final effort to improve the publicity of the film "dark night".

It was decided to hold the publicity reception in the afternoon and held as scheduled in the evening, which not only tested the organization ability of the hotel, but also showed the coordination and arrangement ability of fengke as a director.

At the moment, at the gate of Xinyuan Hotel, there are lots of luxury cars, and countless beautiful men and women, rich and noble people come into Xinyuan Hotel in costumes.

They are either prominent people in Jiangnan City, or famous figures in Jiangnan City. If everyone says a word or stomps his foot, the ground will tremble.

Mu Xinxuan is wearing a gorgeous purple evening dress, which is perfect and valuable. Standing at the door, she seemed to be the most dazzling princess, and almost gathered the eyes of everyone in and out.

Opposite her stood Gu lanyue and Ruo Xue, the supporting roles of the movie "dark night", and Zhong Zifu and Qiao Tiannan, the supporting roles of the movie.

As the leading actor Feng Ke is also a director, he is welcoming guests inside, and the five of them are in charge of meeting guests at the door.

Compared with the other four people, Mu Xinxuan is a little upset because she has been instructed by Feng Ke to welcome a man named Lin Fei. She has not said who this man is and what relationship Feng Ke has. But from Feng Ke's tone, we can see that she attaches great importance to him.However, the name of Lin Fei is very harsh to her.

Just this morning, she heard the name. She thought that the smelly man had tarnished her innocence and madly asked her to get her marriage certificate. She was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Now, she has only one hope, that is, this Lin Fei is not that Lin Fei.

Suddenly, a taxi stopped at the gate of Xinyuan Hotel.

After paying the driver's money, the driver was waiting for his change. Behind him came a Cadillac, driven by a young man in his twenties. Because the road was blocked by a taxi, he kept honking his horn.

The taxi didn't move.

"Good dogs don't get in the way." The young man put his head out of the window and said angrily.

Hotel security to see this scene, has rushed over.

Just then, Lin Fei got the change and just got off the bus.

When the taxi starts to leave, the two security guards and Lin Fei face to face.

"Sir, are you staying in a hotel?"


"Then you are..."

When the two security guards saw Lin Fei at the first sight, they sentenced him to death. It was just their professionalism that prevented them from having an attack on the spot.

It was said that he was not a hotel guest, and his eyes immediately filled with misgivings.

"I'm here for the dark night party." Lin Fei said lightly.

Two security guards look at each other, just want to take out the invitation, Lin Fei behind suddenly came a shout: "Xinyuan Hotel when let the beggar come in?"

The sound was loud, and everyone on the scene looked at the door.

To be exact, he looked at Lin Fei.

"Your invitation, sir." The security guard didn't get angry immediately because of the voice behind him. He still said to Lin Fei with restraint.

"I'm sorry! I don't have an invitation. I'm... "

"Sorry, if you don't have an invitation, you can't go in!" Two security guards are in the way.

"I was personally invited by director funk! If you don't believe it, you can ask him. " Lin Fei said calmly.

Two security guards not only did not have the letter, instead laughed, as if heard a very funny joke.

By this time, the youth of Rolls Royce had come to Lin Fei's back.

Just, with pride and discontent in my eyes

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