Zhang Tian's voice suddenly asks Liu Fei in the monitoring room.


Everyone's eyes are looking at the direction of the monitoring room. They don't understand Zhang Tian's meaning, and they don't move Lin Fei's meaning.

Lin Fei's mouth curved slightly.

Little Lori's smile had already sounded, "how did you guess he would change his way?"



Asked little Laurie.

"Yes! Because that's human nature! "

"What do you mean?"

"I've won five games. They've won one game back. Plus the seven billion I won before, now I'm holding five games. They still have four chances. Zhangjia absolutely doesn't want to gamble again and again. After all, not every time they win, and if they lose again, they will lose two tenths of Zhangjia's industry."

"So you guessed they'd play differently?"

Little Lori asked with a smile.

"It's the last chance and the last way to play. I'm sure they will choose it."

Little Lori nodded with a smile, "you have a point. I still want to see the final result."

Lin Fei nodded and did not speak.

"Lin Fei, do you dare or not?"

Zhang Tian raised his voice and asked.

Lin Fei smiles and looks at Zhao Ya and Huo Lei. "Do you think I should promise him or refuse him?"

Zhao Ya and Huo Lei are stunned. They don't understand what Lin Fei means? How to ask them?

They look at Lin Fei and shake their heads.

Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes, "Zhang Tian, how do you want to play?"

"We're going to win and lose in one game."

Zhang Tian raised his voice and asked.

Lin Fei showed disdain smile on his face, "it's really the same as what he thought."

"Honey, I'll let you be bajiro tonight! You are so clever than I expected

Little Lori's voice suddenly rang out in Linfei's ear.

Lin Fei almost vomited blood on the spot, this female madman, even has this mood to tease herself?


Isn't that to scare yourself to death?

Thinking of little Lori's lovely face and moving body, he felt his heart beating wildly, which was more complicated.

Hastily put down the confusion and pretended to cough.

"Lin Fei, do you agree or not?"

Zhang Tian saw that Lin Fei didn't speak, but coughed and asked.

Zhang Jiaming and others were stunned and looked at Zhang Tian.

But soon we all understood why Zhang Tian chose this method. This is the only chance for Zhang to turn over.

Even zhangjiaming didn't dare to win every time.

Looking at his father, his face showed admiration. Jiang is still hot!

Zhao Ya and Huo Lei don't know why Lin Fei is coughing. They start to help Lin Fei knock on his back to stop coughing.

Lin Fei's heart is full of happiness. It's still her own woman. She loves herself at the critical moment.

Lin Fei is still silent.

Zhang Tian was completely anxious, "go! Let's go to the monitoring room and ask Lin Fei

With that, he led the way to the monitoring room.

Zhang Jiaming and others followed behind, and the party soon came to the monitoring room.

Lin Fei pretended that he was still coughing, and his face was even more red.

"Lin Fei, don't you dare to be so timid?"

Zhang Jiaming said with disdain.

Deliberately speak ugly, want to stimulate Lin Fei, let Lin Fei excited under promise.

However -

Lin Fei just coughed and didn't speak.

"Lin Fei, did you drink too much and get


Lin Fei suddenly coughs up a mouthful of phlegm and spits directly at Zhang Jiaming.

Just into the mouth of zhangjiaming.


Zhang Jiaming exclaimed, and then quickly began to spit out to the ground, with indignation on his face.


Lin Fei took a long breath, made a relaxed appearance and said: "ah! It's comfortable at last

Zhangjiaming is about to boil now, and his heart is full of galloping grass mud horses.

Now he said he was comfortable, but he was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

To be exact, it's disgusting. It's about to vomit blood.

Ignoring zhangjiaming's reaction, Lin Fei looks at Zhang Tian, pretends to be in great pain and says, "Zhang Tian, what are you going to do? Isn't it good for us to be like this now? "

Lin Fei pretended to be very tired, even very impatient.

Zhang Tian's heart is full of anger, and even wants to pull over and scold Lin Fei.What do you call it? He doesn't feel good at all!

Now this is the only chance, even the last chance. If he can't turn over, he will really fail.

That's why we're here.

Zhang Tianshen takes a breath, stares at Zhang Jiaming, who wants to get angry, and signals him not to speak.

Zhang Jiaming covers his mouth. Now he wants to spit out his own gall. The one Lin Fei just took is really disgusting.

He stares at Lin Fei and wants to kill him.

But I held back for the sake of the overall situation.

"Lin Fei, I just want to come out quickly, so as not to spend all of us in it."

Zhang Tian found a lame reason.

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