I didn't expect to leave here before I got hot.

There was smoke.

Zhao Ming looks at the green market every day and thinks about the turbulent and stormy economy of Hong Kong City stirred by Lin Fei. He thinks that his grandfather and uncle can exchange the mess of Zhao's group for 25 billion yuan in cash. With his own ability, he can make a comeback.

The Huo family is really stupid enough. It's time to take over the offer. It's time to be a big wrongdoer!

More and more happy with his wise decision, especially after knowing that Zhang Jia was won by Lin Fei, Zhao Ming deeply felt that his judgment was extremely accurate!

Zhao Ming put out his cigarette butt in the ashtray.

"How's it going?" Asked Zhao Ming.

"Mr. Zhao, everything has been arranged."

"We must be grand to make the Huo family feel that our Zhao family is still alive and alive." Zhao Ming smiles.

"Mr. Zhao, it's almost time."

When Zhao Ming and Zhang man came downstairs, thousands of staff members welcomed him in the team below the building, a jubilant scene of welcoming the city to change its owner.

"I really can't imagine that China's e-mba has just returned from studying abroad, and it's not easy to enter Zhao's group. It won't be long before it will change its owner, and I don't know what the new owner is like?"

"I heard it's the Huo family!"

"My friend works in a company under the Huo family. I heard that the salary is also very good."

"It was originally said that at the end of the year, we middle-level people would pay dividends. Now that the stock market is like this, the owners have to change people. It's really fatal!"

"Recently, the stock market is in a slump, and house prices and rents are soaring! ~ "

" Alas, life is getting more and more difficult... "


The staff were very nervous about the coming delivery ceremony and worried about the future.

Slowly, a black luxury car came.

Zhao Ming waved his hand.

Play music.


Shake up the flags.


Slowly, two people get off the car.

Lin Fei! Zhao ya!

Zhao Ming waves his hand and stops! Stop the music!

Zhang man came forward with an arrogant look on his face and said, "Oh, isn't this the son-in-law of the Zhao family? Why do you come to our Zhao group? "

"Grandfather said long ago that Zhao's group belongs to me. I'm the only successor of the company. You little bitch, get out of here early!"

Zhao Ya looked at the two people sing a song, incomparably regretted that before he actually wanted to let Lin Fei help to smash the Zhao group stock back.

"Zhao Ming, are you beaten enough? Pay attention when you talk to my woman Lin Fei wants to kick Zhao Ming off again.

"If you don't say it, we know that it's just your junior!" Zhang man looked scornful.

"Miss tangqianjin, how can she be a concubine for someone else?"

"Looking at Miss Zhao, she's a fox. I'm sure I can't do it in bed!"

"That's right. It's said that Lin Fei's women are in groups, and she's only a few days old. She's still good at it!"

Hee hee.

Ha ha.

"Little bitch, I tell you, you don't deserve Zhao. You don't deserve to be under our Zhao family. You can't even rent houses or ancestral halls. Hum!" Zhao Ming has a proud and charming face.

"It's a shame, eh, to be a maid, a second wife, a mean son. I haven't seen a man for more than 20 years! It's really cheap to rush up and give up when you see a similar one! Pooh! It's really humiliating to have such a thing as you in our Zhao family! " Zhang man scolds Zhao Ya with disdain in front of a group of Zhao employees.

Thinking of a company with a market value of 100 billion yuan, it's just because of this pair of dog men and women that they are in such a predicament. After selling 25 billion yuan, Zhao Mingqi doesn't fight out, "dog men and women! Don't stand in front of our Zhao group and dirty our house! "

"Little bitch, it's all because of you that our company will be bought by Huoshi at a low price!" Zhang man is even more angry. He has long felt that every cent of Zhao's group is his own. He sees that the company has been shrunk by this little bitch.

Zhao Ming wants to slap Zhao Ya in the face when he goes up. Lin Fei grabs him and throws him aside.

"Little bitch, get out of here! Don't show up in front of my Zhao group! " Zhao Ming cursed.

"It's said that Zhang Jiaming had been sleeping for a long time. I'm tired of playing, so I threw it off!"

"I don't like Zhang Shao, no wonder!"

"It's a pity that we don't have that kind of fortune. I can't bear such a hot Miss Zhao!"

"How dare you want such a woman to give it to you!"

"What's the point, good work!"

Zhang man's side a group of dogleg loudly sarcastic, for fear that Lin Fei and Zhao Ya can't hear, want to show their heart to Zhao Ming and Zhang man, or let them help in front of their future owners.

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