Operations Division, city police department.

"I used to do so many good deeds. Well, now it's all hypocritical! How quick these people are to forget Lin Fei sighed.

"Taking money is like killing parents!" Wang Lizhi laughed.

"I'm not going to take out my honorary mayor's sign, are you?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on what Lin Dong does next."

"They all like to make things worse and better!"

"That's what human relations are like. When you are happy, you always hold them. When you fall, you come to trample on them!" It seems that Wang Lizhi also has some experience.

"Well, the trees want to be quiet, but the wind doesn't stop! Don't worry, the stock market should be warming up! " Lin Fei also said with a smile.

I want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it.

When Lin Fei directed Lin Ke'er to buy with all the cash in hand, there was an influx of more funds in the stock market.

Jack and York, the international financial group, are also controlling the stock market in Hong Kong City, seizing the opportunity to smash the market.

"Lie down! I just sold it before closing yesterday! Is God kidding me? "

"Up! The shares of the big four have gone up! "

"The red line is soaring! Still rising! Buy it quickly! I can't afford it for a while! "

"I knew it would not sell well!"

"That's it

"Straight up!"

"The people who post on the Internet are so bad! I sold it all! "

"I'll have to wait and see. Who knows if it's a fake. It's all Lin Fei's means!"

"That's right. I'll give you some sweets to get you into the game!"

It's another trading day, and the Hong Kong City exchange is howling more than yesterday.

"I said Lin Fei is not that kind of person! You don't believe it! You see my stock is going up, huh

"You didn't have time to sell, did you?"

"Ah, I've lost my 200000 yuan. I shouldn't listen to rumors!"

"Those people who maliciously slandered him on the Internet, maybe they just want to buy more for themselves. That's the bad guy. They deliberately increase Lin Fei's negative reports and lower the stock price!"

"It's too late to say anything now. I've been played..."

"It's no use crying. If you have money, you'd better hurry in! There's still time to get on the bus! "

"That's right. Get on the bus. Lin Dashan will have to go up in the future! Buy Zhao group! "

"Come on! If you don't buy any more, the limit will rise! "

8 consecutive days, 6 limit!

Has created the stock market myth!

Here, Lin Fei has no cash to continue to buy. His stock has increased 20 times. If he withdraws now, he will get trillions of cash!

The port city is boiling!

During the day, a large number of excited people swarmed into the stock exchange, screaming and scrambling to buy a lot!

In the evening, a large number of people gathered in the bar to drink and have fun!

The whole city is like chicken blood!

Hong Kong City has carnival every day!

"Lin Dong, the troubles in Hong Kong City are all caused by you." Wang Lizhi joked with Lin Fei.

Wang Lizhi specially arranged the top bar in Hong Kong City to celebrate Lin Fei's soaring price. Unfortunately, he has witnessed four drunken fights among shareholders in one night.

"Well, what's good about money? These people are crazy!" Lin Fei couldn't understand these crazy people after they got rich.

"If you are not afraid of money, you are afraid of sudden money." Wang Lizhi smiles.

"I'm also a nouveau riche. Isn't that good?"

Wang Lizhi laughed, "how many people can have this kind of mind and pattern of Lin Dong?"

The two raised their glasses, touched each other and drank it down.

When the stocks of Zhao group, renamed Zhang group and Huo group soared, only the stocks of Li group slowly lay on the ground at 2000 o'clock.

The mindset of the investors who hold the shares of Li's group has collapsed.

Li Maosheng and Li Tianli's mentality also collapsed.

What kind of divine operation is this?

Other people's stocks soar, but not their own!

Is Lin Fei going to be a God?

Li's father and son began to sell their other shares, allocate all the funds to buy the shares of Li's group, and constantly increase their positions!

"Downsizing! Sell all of Li's group! " Lin Fei commands his team.

When Lin Fei bought Li's group, it was just the most turbulent time. It was also a bottom hunting. At the moment, clearing the position was not a loss.

Lin Fei did not lose, Li Maosheng lost miserably!


"Congratulations, master! Complete the task of destroying the system of Li's group! " Little Lori's sweet voice comes to mind.

Lin Fei enters the divine system.

"A villa in Guohua city will be awarded for completing the task!"

"Ah, why is it a little stingy this time? A villa is not worth much... " Lin Fei is very rich, OK."Because you just destroyed the Li group in spirit, and didn't let the whole Li group collapse"

"if the Li group collapses now, I don't think I can eat it. Let's talk about it later!"

"Yes, master!"

"Can I switch maps instantly? Go straight to my villa

"Not yet. The system has just been maintained and needs to be further upgraded! If you want to go, you can use the instant transfer card! "

"Forget it. It's too wasteful to use it like this! It's not that you can't afford a plane ticket. "

Lin Fei quits the system.

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