Lying on the ground, he Shuheng has woken up at the moment. Seeing Li Qingfeng is also like seeing a savior.

The name of people and the shadow of trees are really extraordinary.

Schadenfreude flashed in his eyes, but also with a strong disdain.

Han Bing holds Lin Fei's hand tightly, and his eyes are full of despair.

"Lord Feng, that's him!" He Shuheng emphasized once again.

"What? Now it's not arrogant? "

"Weren't you very aggressive just now?"

"Didn't you just say that Dongfang City must be yours today? You've come to get it

He Shuheng bangs up again, even better than Li Qingxuan.

Lin Fei's face has no change. He gently moves Han Bing's hand away and walks slowly to he Shuheng.

Li Qingfeng did not speak, nor did the others.

He Shuheng has already climbed up, the color of disdain on his face is more thick, full of sneers.

Lin Fei went to he Shuheng and slowly asked, "who is he Jie?"

"Yes, it's my cousin!" He Shuheng wanted to say that he was his brother, but he finally held back.

However, his anger at He Jie flashed through his eyes.

Compared with He Jie, he has a father.

"I guess I'm right."

"What's right?"

"I helped Xiao Mengshan send him to the Public Security Bureau. Seeing you, I think you are a family."


"All the way!"

"Master Feng, help me to abolish him! How much do you charge

He Shuheng thinks that his father has been busy for he Jie recently, and his family's money has spread out a lot, so he hates Lin Fei even more.

Lin Fei sneered and raised his hand slowly.

"Why don't you hit me?" He Shuheng has no fear and looks at Lin Feiyang's slap with disdain.

With Li Qingfeng on the scene, Lin Fei is hitting Li Qingfeng in the face if he dares to move him again. After all, he is in love with Li Qingxuan now, which has been acquiesced by Li Qingfeng.

This is his greatest capital and dependence.


Lin Fei really hit, shake hands a slap, directly he Shuheng hit a stagger!

"You, you really dare to hit me! Lord Feng, he really hit me in front of you He Shuheng covered his face and roared with anger.

"Brother, how arrogant he is? It's going to kill him Li Qingxuan was even more furious.

They believe that Li Qingfeng must be very angry and determined to clean up Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is too arrogant. How dare he be so arrogant in front of Li Qingfeng?

"Shut up and stand up!" Li Qingfeng suddenly roared.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere and the scene were stunned and embarrassed.

"Stand up, if you are beaten, stand up for me!" Li Qingfeng looked at he Shuheng and scolded again.

If you look carefully, you will find that Li Qingfeng's face has been changing, and even sweat exudes from his forehead.

He Shuheng was a little confused by Li Qingfeng.

He stares at his eyes, and his face is at a loss. He can't figure out what this boy is, which makes Li Qingfeng's attitude change greatly?

But Li Qingfeng's words, he did not dare to listen, had to stand in place.

Lin Fei is very impolite. He slaps him in the face again.

This time, he Shuheng was slapped on the ground.

"What's the matter with you?"

"He Zhihua and Bao Zhi and others work together to harm Xiao Tianyi. They make a strong woman like Xiao Mengshan a tool for them to make money, and they have to get engaged to the garbage like he Jie. It's just scum."

"Your father is shameless, your brother is shameless, and you are even more shameless. When you see a beautiful woman, you make fun of her. If you are such a scum, I will not beat you. Who will I beat?"

Lin Feifei said that the more excited he was, he went up and kicked again.

Why do you hate him now.

However, they don't understand why Li Qingfeng doesn't stop him. On the contrary, he still wants to obey Lin Fei?

It's so weird, everyone is staring at this scene.

Han Bing's mouth was wide open and gaping.

"Stand up." Li Qingfeng cheered again.

In fact, he Shuheng has now been beaten. He knows why he was beaten, but he doesn't know why Li Qingfeng connived.

Faltering just stand up, Lin Fei is a foot directly he Shuheng kick fly out.

"Mr. Lin, can you give me face?"

"Yes! But I don't give it to you. I give it to someone else. Do you understand? "

Lin Fei recognized Li Qingfeng as one of the men who accompanied uncle Tao begging along the street that day.

Thinking of Uncle Tao, Lin Fei admires this man, so he wants to give uncle Tao face.

Although Li Qingfeng was depressed, he thought of Uncle Tao and held back."Thank you, Mr. Lin. I was rude just now. "

Then Li Qingfeng stood in front of Lin Fei with his head down.

Now, as long as you are not a fool, you can see it.

This is not Lin Fei's bad luck, this is he Shuheng's bad luck.

Lin Feilai's identity must be different.

Even if he doesn't give face to the four heavenly kings in Jiangnan City, it shows that there are big people behind him.

To be exact, even Li Qingfeng is afraid of Lin Fei.

He Shuheng suddenly felt a thump in his heart. He knew that he was the one who could not be provoked this time.

Because the other party even despises Li Qingfeng, but Li Qingfeng does not dare to fart.

Originally, I wanted to rely on Li Qingfeng for support, but this time it's over.

He Shuheng knows that he is completely finished today.

Lin Fei walks to he Shuheng.

"Ha ha, you want me to be Lin Fei's woman?"

"No, no, I'm blind. Please forgive me." He Shuheng doesn't speak when he sees Li Qingfeng. How dare he say more?

"Kneel down!"


He Shuheng knelt down directly.

Lin Fei stepped on he Shuheng's shoulder. "Whose is the Oriental City?"

"It's me and..."


The body flew straight out.

"Whose is the Oriental City?" Lin Fei stepped on it again.

"Yes, it's yours."

"You're smart."

Lin Fei said, went forward to mention he Shuheng, and then threw him directly in front of Han Bing.


Thousands of people at the Qingfeng meeting were stunned by the scene.

Li Qingfeng did not dare to say a word.

He didn't speak, and no one else dared.

Many of them are big men in the south of the Yangtze River. They are all dignified people!

But Lin Fei's overbearing voice rang out, and no one dared to speak!

"I'm sorry, but I have eyes. Toads want to eat swan meat. Damn me! Damn me He Shuheng kneels on the ground, Ren xianxuedc, mouth constantly apologizes to Han Bing.

Han Bing looks at everything stupidly, but her eyes are wet.

I don't know whether it's moved or excited.

In particular, Lin Fei's "my woman" made her speechless happy.

Last time, the bar was angry, and then arranged to study by itself, which would give itself a shopping mall. It was also angry to beat and belittle people who looked down on themselves.

Such a man, where in the world?

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