Mu Xinxuan and Cao Ming have been admiring and pursuing for a long time. They even choose a movie, prepare money and wait for her to take the lead, but they are all rejected.

Today, it's rare to have a chance to hold Mu Xinxuan's hand, but Lin Fei has upset him. How can he not be angry?

As the general manager of Jiangnan brilliant film and television company, I don't know how many women are scrambling to climb into his bed, and even want to kneel in front of him like a dog.

Just like Gu lanyue in her arms at the moment, Cao Ming has played with her more than once for the sake of a leading actress in a TV play. However, she still hasn't got it yet. She has to plead and flatter.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry about the temporary gains and losses. If today's banquet fails, they still ask for you. At that time, you can ask Mu Xinxuan to ask you personally." Zhong Zifu whispered in Cao Ming's ear.

Zhong Zifu, as a supporting actor in "dark night", has decided to change his job after making the film. Cao Ming's company is exactly where he wants to go, so he has been making advances to Cao Ming.

"Zifu works hard. Only when you get out of fengke's shadow can you have a brilliant future." Cao Ming's eyes flashed with affirmation.

"Thank you for your appreciation. I won't let you down." Zhong Zifu said immediately.

Cao Ming didn't speak, but walked to the hotel with Gu lanyue in his arms.

Mu Xinxuan, who is in front of him, has come to the elevator. He leaves Cao Ming's view and immediately breaks away from Lin Fei's hand. "Take care of your mouth and hands, or I'll be rude."

"You're welcome? Go with me to get the license? "

"Go away!"

Mu Xinxuan was very nervous when she heard the word "obtaining a license" as if she had been electrified.

"You'll be at a loss if you don't get a license." Lin Fei showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Do your spring and autumn dream! You and I will never meet again. " With that, Mu Xinxuan stood in the corner of the elevator, far away from Lin Fei.

"Just now the woman beside Cao Ming said that my head was pinched by the woman's leg." Lin Fei said with a bad smile.


Mu Xinxuan's face turned red to the root of her neck.

"Go to hell!"

Mu Xinxuan angrily scolded and stepped back.

Because of the pain, Dai Mei frowned, showing the color of pain.

"You should rest." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"No need!"

"So we'll continue tonight? You were too passive last night. I was in a dream, without passion, or... "

"Go to hell

Mu Xinxuan's face is already red and about to drip water. She doesn't care what image she is not, so she makes a rude remark.

This hooligan has no way to stop. Do you want to have a next time?

Even if it's dead, it won't be another time with him.

Seeing Mu Xinxuan's anger, Lin Fei smiles at this occasion and is silent.

On the contrary, Mu Xinxuan has an indescribable tension in her heart -

shouldn't she suffocate the water?


There was a sound of the elevator arriving.

Mu Xinxuan quickly steps out of the elevator for fear of being held by Lin Fei again.

Lin Fei just shook his head and walked out of the elevator naturally. In the surprised eyes of the welcoming lady, he walked to the banquet hall.

Xinyuan Hotel is the largest and most expensive hotel in Jiangnan City. Its banquet hall is also the most luxurious banquet hall in Jiangnan City.

Lin Fei raised his eyes to see that the banquet hall covers an area of nearly 2000 square meters and can accommodate thousands of guests. The ballroom has a height of more than 5 meters, giving people a sense of spacious, bright and luxurious atmosphere.

The overall decoration is mainly in soft light tone. The interior decoration is carefully selected. The ingenious design is everywhere. The combination of fashion charm and exquisite elegance is low-key and luxurious.

Peugeot women, Qianqian beauty, Pianpian men, shuttle in the middle of the hall, with perfect decoration, flowers, food complement each other, more noble.

The waitress, dressed in a short skirt, is busy in the hall like a diligent bee, serving tea and water for the people present.

On the east side of the banquet hall, the self-service food is more delicious, with local characteristics, full of color, fragrance and wine. It shows that the host attaches great importance to the banquet and respects the identity and status of the guests.

Lin Fei secretly praised that the place fengke chose was very good.

Walking into the banquet hall, Lin Fei finds a quiet corner and brings food. He eats it alone.

Today is a busy day, lunch is a fast food, already hungry.

Seeing all kinds of self-help food inside, many of them couldn't even name their names, or even had never seen them. Naturally, they didn't waste it. They ate two plates in a row.

Lin Fei didn't know that after he came in, although he had been sitting in a quiet corner, Cao Ming, who followed him, had been looking for him.

When Lin Fei took food for the third time, he was finally discovered by Cao Ming. Zhong Zifu and Gu lanyue, who were always around Cao Ming, saw Lin Fei. It was also like discovering a new world.

"Mr. Cao, how about we go to accompany him?""Of course, or he would be more alone."

Gu lanyue's meaningful words have just come to an end. Cao Ming responds immediately and has already taken the lead.

"With Cao always with him, he will not be alone." Zhong Zifu followed closely, flattering.

Lin Fei just sat down with the food. He put in a piece of steak and was about to send it to the entrance. Cao Ming sat down.

This time, Cao Ming left a heart, did not come up to attack Lin Fei, but said with a smile: "your name is Lin Fei?"

Lin Fei glanced at Cao Ming, did not speak, and continued to eat, as if he had not eaten meat for many years.

Gu lanyue and Zhong Zifu are very polite when they see Cao Ming coming up. They don't speak immediately. Instead, they wave their hands and ask the waiter to bring three glasses of wine.

Gu lanyue puts a glass in front of Cao Ming. She takes the glass and takes a sip. Her eyes are full of irony.

"Mr. Lin, you are here." Zhao Ren didn't know where he came from and sat down beside Lin Fei.

Lin Fei just nodded, did not speak, still in the bow to eat.

Cao Ming showed a chill in his eyes. Eating is just like eating, a fool who only knows how to eat.

However, thinking of the scene when Mu Xinxuan was held away by Lin Fei, his anger surged up in an instant.

"There is a big news in Jiangnan City today. Do you know it?" Zhong Zifu was the first to speak.

"What's the big news? Gossip. " Cao Ming is also a little embarrassed sitting here. He wants to get to know Lin Fei through trial and then make a move. Zhong Zifu's topic just relieves the embarrassment.

"Today Jiangnan City out of a history of the most cattle homeowner, a day transfer transactions more than 200 houses."

When Zhong Zifu finished, his eyes flashed over Lin Fei.

Cao Ming and Gu lanyue immediately smile on their faces.

Zhao Ren glanced at Lin Fei and found that his expression was calm and unchanged, so he chose to be silent.

However, he knew that a good play was coming.

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