"Team Li, this is to apply for security." Wang Pang immediately said flatteringly.

Ang Lee stared at Lin Fei for more than ten seconds. He felt familiar, but his face and voice were different. It was very strange.

"What's your name?"

Ang Lee's voice was contemptuous, with a strong sense of pride in his tone.

"Mullinson." Lin Fei has an idea.


"Isn't this the brand of my shoes?"

Security captain Ang Lee said with a smile.

"If you wear the clothes of Shanzhai edition and have a name of Shanzhai, you are three enough." Wang Pang patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and said.

Ha ha

Lin Fei smiles and doesn't respond.

A fool never calls himself a fool.

Although it was just a few words, Lin Fei already felt that these security guards were not shocked by their actions yesterday. To be exact, they were still living in the rhythm of the past, which made his heart filled with a strong sense of killing -

meizishuang group needs to continue to renovate.

"You want to apply for security, don't you?" Ang Lee looked at Lin Fei carefully again and asked.


"Ah! It's a bit hot today! Wang Pang, I don't have any cigarettes here. Do you have any? " Ang Lee suddenly changed the topic and talked to Wang Pang.

Wang Pang, with a smile, stepped forward and said, "team Li, I don't have any cigarettes here."


Ang Lee drags a long note.

Wang Pang took out 100 yuan from his pocket, handed it to Lin Fei and said, "go and buy two pieces of 95 supreme cigarettes, and then buy two bottles of Maotai."

Lin Fei is a Leng at first, then in the heart cold idea is more thick.

However, he held back and did not have an immediate attack.

"Well, what does that mean?"

"That's the rule. New comers have to do this, or they won't do it." Security captain Ang Lee said with a smile.

"Is it all like this?"

"Of course, I don't believe you ask that." Wang Pang said, pointing to Bai Qiang.

"Who is he?"

"He offended the new chairman of the company. He was recruited into the company to be a security guard. He just came here three days ago."

"Is that so, man?"

Lin Fei asked with a smile.


Bai Qiang snorted coldly and turned his head to one side.

Silence is better than sound.

Lin Fei knew what he said was true, and his anger began to rise.

"Are you not afraid of being known about this rule?" Lin Fei raised his eyebrows.

"Ha ha, the new comer doesn't know the rules. OK, I'll teach you." Ang Lee stood up and sneered.

"If you want to stay here, you have to pay for protection."

"Protection fee?" Lin Fei smiles. It's the first time he's been charged protection fee.

"Are you security guards? Or street thugs? " Lin Fei asked with great interest.

Another thin and tall security guard also came over with bad intentions.

"Don't fuss, young man. You have to pay the protection fee, or you won't get the job."

"If you do things like this, you won't be afraid that the company will punish you if it knows?" Lin Fei asked again.

"Oh, it's very loud. Do you mean you want to go to the company and sue us?" The security captain sneered.

"Go, if you have the ability, go. I'm sure you won't be hired. Even if you are employed by the personnel department, you can't get by to the general manager. I'm not afraid to tell you that the general manager is my brother! " Ang Lee said with a proud face.

He didn't brag. The general manager is really his brother. He drove away several people who were against him or didn't agree with him.


Lin Fei's brain began to rotate rapidly, and the image of a middle-aged man with fat, sparse hair and polite face appeared in his mind.

Li Dongguo!

"The relation account?"

Lin Fei thought it was him and immediately laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense, I tell you, either immediately to implement, or do not come to apply, there is no hope." Ang Lee made it clear.

Ang Lee doesn't have to worry too much about this kind of young man. After all, he has a brother of the general manager. What is he afraid of?

"Good, good! I'll get it right away. "

Lin Fei nodded with a smile and turned to the opposite supermarket.

"Wouldn't it have been better? "Whew, haw."

Wang Pang muttered after him.

Lin Fei went to the supermarket and bought two 95 supremacies and two bottles of wine. It cost five thousand yuan, but Wang Pang couldn't buy one hundred farts.

When Lin Fei came back, he was carrying cigarettes and wine, and his face was full of smiles.

When Ang Lee and Wang Pang saw the smoke and wine, their eyes lit up. They rubbed their hands happily and looked at each other.

Ang Lee winked at Wang Pang, who immediately met him."Boy! It's on the road! Give it to me, you go in and apply for it, and make sure you succeed! "

Wang Pang said, will take over the goods.

Lin Fei takes things and shoves them directly to Wang Pang. However, he asked in a low voice: "fat brother, just now team Li said that the general manager is his brother and can decide whether I am admitted or not. Is it true?"

"You doubt it!"

"Bai Qiang!"

Wang Pang shouts to Bai Qiang.

"Brother Wang Pang!"

Bai Qiang's eyes flashed the venom, but he ran out with a smile on his face.

"Tell him, did you buy anything at that time?"

Bai Qiang is very reluctant, but still said: "bought."

"And then?"

Lin Fei is like a curious baby.

"I sent it to manager Li, who has promised to plead with the chairman in the future and let me go back to work inside the company."

When Bai Qiang said this, excitement and desire flashed in his eyes.

Lin Fei nodded.

"Manager Li has so much power!"

"Of course it is!"

Wang Pang said excitedly.

"May I go in?"

Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"Go! Go ahead! Come here as soon as you have gone through the formalities, so that I can arrange work for you. " Ang Lee had been impatient for a long time and said to one side.

"Team Li, wait for the good news!"

Lin Fei said very freely!

Ang Lee nodded with satisfaction, his eyes full of smoke and wine.

Lin Fei walks to meizishuang building with a smile.

"Captain, how can I feel that this person's back is so familiar?" A security guard came out from the inside and said.

If Lin Fei saw it, he would know that it was the security guard who bribed him that day.

"Zhang Shan, aren't you dazed?"

With that, Ang Lee turned his lips, carrying cigarettes and wine to meizishuang building. He wanted to send them to his brother Li Dongguo in person.

At the moment, in the meeting room of meizishuang group.

Xiao Mengshan has called all the leaders above the department level of meizishuang group to the meeting room. This is the first meeting held by Lin Fei after he became the chairman of the board. She attaches great importance to it.

However, the only thing that made her a little uncomfortable was her role. She changed from a grand chairman to a female secretary.

Lin Fei thought of the mouth of the female president secretary, heart smile.

But she didn't complain. What happened three days ago made Xiao Mengshan completely convinced by Lin Fei. Especially, treating her father well made her feel grateful and willing to be Lin Fei's secretary.

Just, think of Lin Fei to earn wife this, is really some don't understand, he has been rich enough.

Thinking of Lin Fei's saying that he lost money and asked himself to compensate him, his heart was beating and his cheek was burning.


The conference room door opens

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