"I'm afraid today's banquet is a grand one."

After a long time, Xiao Mengshan broke the silence.

"Since Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Peigong, I'll be Peigong! It's just

Lin Fei half said, stopped, showing a strange smile.

"Just what?"

Compared with Lin Fei's ease, Xiao Mengshan is obviously under a lot of pressure.

Meizishuang group is the leader of the textile industry in Jiangnan City. Naturally, it has a lot of contact with the textile association. For this non-governmental organization, she is very clear that it is a place to collect money in disguise.

It's hard to play a good role, but it's hard to play a bad role

She is very worried that Lin Fei's contempt will bring crisis to meizishuang.

The biggest difference between her and Lin Fei is that she is rich. She is a true love meizishuang group, otherwise she would not stay as the Secretary of the female president because of Lin Fei's help.

"Don't worry! Everything has me! What's more, I've lost a lot. What are you afraid of? "

Lin Fei joked with a smile.

"I'm afraid that if you lose your wife, you'll ask me to pay for it."

"It's nice to have a beautiful woman like you compensate me."

Lin Fei looks sideways at Xiao Mengshan.

For the convenience of driving, the dress gently folded part, inside a white leg looming, with the feet moving, in front of Lin Fei constantly shaking, very attractive.

"You're peeping. It's a fight, isn't it?" Xiao Mengshan felt Lin Fei's eyes, blushed a little, and said in a slightly angry tone.

"Beauty is to be appreciated. How can we know beauty without appreciating others! What's more, I didn't look at it secretly at all. I just enjoyed it openly. "

Lin Fei finished, even the waist bow up, almost drooling.

"Funny talk."

Xiao Mengshan didn't hurt or itch. She didn't hurt at all, even with fragrance.

After the fight, she regretted herself, and did not expect to make such a move.

"Beauty, he Jie's engagement has been broken. What kind of man are you going to find?"

"Oh! There's nothing good about men, so forget it! "

Xiao Mengshan looked ahead, as if she was still immersed in the pain of the past. "Oh! Sorry, I hurt you! It's you. What kind of woman do you want to marry when you earn so much money? "

Xiao Mengshan side head, smile to apologize to ask a way.

"It's hard to meet a good man! Good women are also hard to meet! "

As Lin Fei finished, he looked out of the window and thought of Mu Xinxuan's refusal again in wechat during the day.

Xiao Mengshan was silent.

I feel the same way.

Ten minutes later, the car drove into the sea sky color hotel.

"The old man in Tang shirt is Tang Xiong, President of the textile association."

Xiao Mengshan's voice suddenly rang out.

Lin Fei looked out of the window. A man in his fifties, with a long face and thick eyebrows, was standing at the gate of Haitian Yise Hotel, chatting with two men in their forties.

The three seemed to have a good chat, not a laugh.

"The man on the left is Pang Mingjian, chairman of Jiangnan Dadi advertising group. The models in the whole textile industry are monopolized by his company."

"The man on the right is Zhao Guoyong, deputy manager of Yimei clothing company. Zhu Difeng's deputy. Now Zhu Difeng is in. He has become the general manager."

Xiao Mengshan made use of the time when she drove to the parking space to give a brief introduction to the three people.

When Lin Fei saw the smile and talk of the three people, he knew that they were very close to each other. Then he thought that it was a grand banquet. The smile in the corner of his mouth was stronger, but the cold light in his eyes was stronger.

He was still hesitant when he received the task of monopolizing the textile industry in Jiangnan City, but now he is right in the eye.

Three people don't know whether they saw Xiao Mengshan's car or not. They all looked this way, and the smile on their faces became more prosperous.

Xiao Mengshan stops and walks to the door with Lin Fei.

"Welcome to Xiao Dong! Welcome

Zhao Guoyong took the initiative to say hello.

The back of Tang Xiong's hand is behind him, and his body exudes a kind of dignity.

Pang Mingjian looks at Lin Fei's face and doesn't speak.

"Manager Zhao, you're welcome! This is Lin Fei, chairman of our meizishuang group. "

Xiao Mengshan introduces Lin Fei with a smile.

"So it's Dong Lin? I thought it was a bodyguard! " Zhao Guoyong said with a smile.

"I thought it was a driver, a driver who can't drive!"

Pang Mingjian turned his mouth slightly and sneered.

"You're right. I can't drive."

Lin Fei said with a faint smile.

Pang Mingjian face a twitch, hard to hit out a punch, the result of soft without effect."Lin Dong is so rich. If he can drive, I'm afraid all the cars here will be embarrassed to drive here."

Zhao Guoyong said with a smile.

"Manager Zhao is wrong. If I buy a car, I only buy a domestic red flag car."

Lin Fei saw that there were all luxury cars imported from abroad, and said with disdain.

Zhao Guoyong

I feel depressed.

"I'm Chinese!"

Seems to feel depressed about Zhao Guoyong is not enough, and then added.

Zhao Guoyong's mouth twitched twice and didn't say anything.

"Xiao Dong is really more and more shining. Should he be moistened by love?"

Tang Xiong sees Pang Mingjian and Zhao Guoyong have eaten shriveled one after another. He takes a deep look at Lin Fei, and stands up to make a round.

Xiao Mengshan's face suddenly changed.

Everyone in the circle knows about her engagement with He Jie. Now that the engagement is broken, everyone knows it. When Tang Xiong says this, he looks at Lin Fei in the same way. Doesn't he mean that he is

"Meng Shan! This old man is... "

Lin Fei deliberately pretended not to know each other and asked.

"Mr. Lin, he is the president of Jiangnan Textile Association, Mr. Tang Xiong."

Xiao Mengshan knows that Lin Fei deliberately wants to find fault, but she still hopes to keep a low profile, so she introduces it with a smile.

"It's chairman Tang!"

Lin Fei's eyes widened, his mouth grew big, and his hands stretched out in surprise.

Tang Xiong didn't think much about Lin Fei's exaggerated expression. He held out his hand with a smile and was ready to shake hands with Lin Fei.

As a result, Lin Fei took back his hand directly.

"I'm a cleanliness addict. I don't like shaking hands with strangers!"


Everyone at the scene was stupid.

Pang Mingjian, Zhao Guoyong and even Xiao Mengshan look at Tang Xiong.

Tang Xiong's face was as if it had been smoked by the soles of his shoes in public. It was red and white, and his hand was hanging out in the air. He was embarrassed as much as he wanted.

For a moment, he clenched his hands into fists and sneered: "people like Lin Dong lack grounding!"

"You're right. I don't feel grounded either. Why don't we discuss something?"

Lin Fei looks at Tang Xiong and says with a frown.

"What's the matter?"

Tang Xiong's voice was cold and impatient.

"How about giving me the position of president of your Textile Association and grounding me?"


Even Xiao Mengshan almost vomited blood.

Not angry, but scared.

Lin Fei, this is the rhythm of looking for trouble!

Tang Xiong is angry.

Pang Mingjian and Zhao Guoyong are so happy that they even smile at Lin Fei.

Silly X!

Absolutely stupid X!

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