Men, career and love are the signs of success.

At the moment, Chen Hai is sitting here, and his beloved woman is robbed by others. In turn, he ridicules him endlessly, which makes him heartache.

Business, Yunhai company and meizishuang group are both prosperous and lose, I'm afraid they will close down at any time.

He suffered a great insult and suffering.


Chen Hai suddenly stood up and dropped the cup heavily on the ground.

The sudden outbreak startled Ding Zhihao and Li Yiran, but soon calmed down.

"Chen Hai, do you want to fight?"

Li Yiran stood in front of Ding Zhihao, looked at Chen Hai and asked coldly.

"Ding Zhihao, I tell you, I don't care for women like Li Yiran. Thank you for helping me take over the second-hand goods."

"Chen Hai, you're so bloody. I've known you for a year, and you haven't even touched me. " Li Yiran was suddenly nervous.

Ding Zhihao's face changed.

He clearly remembers that Li Yiran was bleeding the first time, but the pain on his face was definitely not that of the first time. For this reason, he Baidu, and even suspected that it was artificial repair.

Now, Chen Hai's words about second-hand goods explain everything.


Li Yiran suddenly felt that her hair had been torn and she couldn't help crying out.

"Zhihao, what are you doing? Let go

Li Yiran turned his head and saw that it was Ding Zhihao who pulled her hair again. He cried and begged.

"Bitch! You and I are not the first time



As soon as Li Yiran finished, his hair was pulled harder.

"To tell you the truth, or I'll kill you."

"Zhihao, I love you. You have to believe me. I love you."

Li Yiran did not answer in the affirmative this time. Instead, he kept saying that he loved him.

Ding Zhihao is not a fool. Everything is clear.

He pulled Li Yiran to the front and raised his hand, which was two mouths.

"Bitch! Get out of here

He knew that he was green and angry.

"Zhihao, I really love you. Can you give me a chance? I can satisfy all your hobbies. "

"Go away!"

Ding Zhihao stepped forward and kicked Li Yiran to the ground.

Ha ha

Chen Hai burst out laughing.

"Chen Hai, what are you laughing at?"

Ding Zhihao asked angrily.

"Ding Zhihao, Li Yiran didn't lie. I've been with her for more than a year, and I haven't even touched her."


"Yes! I just said it casually

"Son of a bitch!"

Ding Zhihao knows that he has been fooled by Chen Hai.

However, Li Yiran was not a good woman, and he cheated him.

"Ding Zhihao, do you feel very cool when you are green?"

Chen Hai asked with a wild smile.

"Li Yiran, you bitch, get out of here!"

Ding Zhihao now wants to let it disappear immediately.

Li Yiran stood up with tears in her eyes, looked at Chen Hai and said, "Chen Hai, why did you destroy my happiness?"

A touch of complexity flashed through Chen Hai's eyes. "Li Yiran, it's you who ruined your happiness. I really loved you

"Then why don't you marry me?"

"A woman, I respect each other like a guest. I haven't shaken hands for a year. Suddenly one day, this woman proposed to marry me. Do you think I would believe it?"

Chen Hai's tone is flat and full of wisdom.

"You, you already know?"

"I just knew it. I just guessed it at that time."

Chen Hai looks at the crowd as if looking for someone.

"You men don't have a good thing."

Li Yiran finished, covered his face and ran out.

Chen Hai looked at her back, the same feeling in his heart, how much real love can let people have?

"Chen Hai, you wait. I will make your cloud sea company disappear completely from Jiangnan City."

Ding Zhihao now turns all his anger on Chen Hai.

This time, Chen Hai did not speak because he knew that Ding Zhihao's Tianmao company had the ability.

Ding Zhihao looks at the silent Chen Hai, full of pride in his heart. Even if Li Yiran wears a green hat on himself, what? It's all about having fun with a young lady.

Now there are more women in one night stand. How many women have sex with men for the first time?

On the contrary, after the annexation of Yunhai company, Tianmao textile company is really the largest textile raw material supply company in Jiangnan City, and everyone will see his face at that time.

As for women, don't they come and go at once?Ding Zhihao's heart is full of pride, as if he had already stood at the top of the success.

Lin Feigang had been eating with his head down. He didn't look up at all, but he listened to them very clearly.

Ding Zhihao's last threat to Chen Hai, Lin Fei just finished the food.

He wiped his mouth. "I'd better clear the green light on my head first."

No hurry, no delay, but clearly into the ears of each crowd.


Everyone's eyes are looking at Lin Fei, even Chen Hai is looking at Lin Fei.

In his eyes, Lin Fei is a subordinate of the boss. Although he is handsome and well-dressed, he is definitely not a boy in Jiangnan City, otherwise he would not know him.

It's because I don't know that I speak my mind without reservation.

Now -

How did he stand up?

"Who are you? When is your turn to speak? "

Ding Zhihao said angrily.

Lin Fei didn't respond. Instead, he looked at Chen Hai and said with a smile, "Hello, manager Chen. I'm Lin Fei, chairman of meizishuang group. I'm glad to meet you. I'm glad to hear the knowledge you've given me."


Chen Hai was stunned.

"I'm Lin Fei, who everyone wants to deal with at this banquet."

Lin Fei said with a smile again.

"Are you Lin Fei?"

Chen Hai has already grasped Lin Fei's hand.

"What's the matter? Isn't it? "

Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"It's not like that."

Chen Hai's answer is very true.

Lin Fei

"Too young, too handsome!"


Lin Fei was amused by Chen Hai's words.

Still very honest and honest man characteristics.

"Manager Chen, although you eat and drink at ease, your cloud sea company will not be annexed, and our meizishuang group will not go bankrupt."

Lin Fei raised his head, looked at the crowd behind Ding Zhihao, and said haughtily.

This sound resounded throughout the banquet hall, and everyone could hear it clearly.

This sound is undoubtedly a public declaration of war against the people who want to be in trouble with meizishuang group in the whole hall.

Xiao Mengshan, who has been in the crowd all the time, is full of worry at the moment, but she has an indescribable confidence in Lin Fei.

She believes in this man. There's nothing he can't do.

Ha ha

"It's really special to brag!"

"How about we all raise the price together?"

Ding Zhihao reacted at the moment, looked at other colleagues behind him and said aloud.

"Raise the price together!"

The shouts immediately rang out in the house!

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