"Mr. Lin, I'm Huadie, President of the industrial and Commercial Bank of Chengxi District, Jiangnan City. I contacted you during the day. I'm sorry I'm late."

Although Huadie is very angry at the moment, when she looks at Lin Fei, she smiles sincerely and reaches out her hand.

Lin Fei looked at the hand that stretched out to Huadie. It was as white as jade, with ten slender fingers and round nails. It gave people a very beautiful vision.

"Manager Hua, I didn't expect to see you so soon by phone this afternoon."

Lin Fei didn't reach out. Instead, he held his hands together and put them in front of him.

Huadie was embarrassed and took back her hand bitterly, but she hated Zhao Xin to death.

Flower butterfly smiles and opens her mouth again.

"Mr. Lin, I didn't expect you to look so handsome. I'm afraid I don't care if everyone doesn't look at you!"

Flowers and butterflies all kinds of smile, gently tease the messy hair, suddenly change the topic.

However, what she said was the real psychological feeling. Lin Fei's feeling in front of her was just too handsome, which was beyond her expectation.

"There is a big difference between you and the photos on your ID card. I really can't confirm it." The flower butterfly sees that everyone's eyes are all looking at herself. For fear of misunderstanding, she explains quickly.

Lin Fei looks at the woman in front of him. Her eyes are elegant, smiling like ripples, and her eyes are full of eyes, just like a work of art.

This should be elegant long hair, but with a loose clip, a few naughty hair hanging in the ear, add a bit of temptation.

Young women's unique charm, mature charm, soul stirring.

"President Hua, I am young and growing up, so I am more and more handsome."

Lin Fei already knows that Huadie must have seen all her information, even the copy when opening an account.

For a bank manager, it is not so difficult to find the information.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Lin was also a man of eighteen changes!"

"At present, men like to be peacocks." Lin Fei laughs at himself, then reaches out his hand.

Huadie was still surprised just now -

was teased.

As a result, seeing Lin Fei's outstretched hand, he quickly reached out and gently grasped it.

Lin Fei didn't act down as he said. On the contrary, he just held it slightly and released it immediately. It was just right.

Just now she refused, but now she reaches for her hand, and Huadie is puzzled.

But Lin Fei's mouth is always wearing a strange smile.

"Mr. Lin, have you planned how to use the funds in your account? Do you need us to help you plan? "

"No! unwanted! I've planned to take it all out. " Lin Fei said truthfully.

Huadie's face suddenly changed.

She knew that Lin Fei was really angry.

However, on second thought, not to mention Lin Fei, anyone who is treated like this will be angry. After all, he is beaten in the face.

"Mr. Lin, if you can, can you leave the funds in our bank?"

"We can give you the most favorable policy. You can raise any request. We will study it carefully."

"What's more, no matter what business needs Mr. Lin has, I will handle it for you personally, and even be available 24 hours a day."

In order to keep Lin Fei, Huadie has made a lot of money.

Even her words are ambiguous, especially on call 24 hours a day.


There was a breath in the crowd.

I was shocked.

They don't understand that Lin Fei, apart from more than 10 billion yuan, has any ability to make him receive such treatment?

In fact, Lin Fei knew from Huadie's phone call that Huadie was trying to make a deposit.

But for him, it doesn't matter where he put it, it's just a temporary storage place.

At that time, I didn't care about it at all, so I would not see flowers and butterflies.

However, I didn't expect that Zhao Xin, who was immortal, came here tonight and was in trouble everywhere. This made Lin Fei very angry, so he called Huadie.

Lin Fei's heart, butterfly also know, but no way, who called Zhao Xin not long eyes?

Therefore, she has decided to go back and report to the higher authorities immediately, and must expel Zhao Xin.

However, calming Lin Fei's anger is the first thing in front of him, so he put forward such attractive conditions.

You know, a 24-hour call, think about it, let people imagine.

Huadie is not a casual woman, but in the face of such a handsome man as Lin Fei, she feels that her heart has been silent for many years -


In particular, the sentence "beauty at present, men like to be the peacock", really put her up.

"Manager Hua, I think it's better to change a bank. I'm really worried about people like Zhao Xin in your branch."Lin Fei's tone was flat and didn't seem to be mixed with any feelings at all, but everyone could hear his boredom and hatred towards Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin's heart is tight.

"Mr. Lin, just a moment. I'll deal with it now."

Huadie picks up her mobile phone and goes to a quiet place to make a call.

In less than five minutes, Huadie came back. "Don't worry, Mr. Lin. Zhao Xin has been dismissed."


Zhao Xin, who was already very scared, couldn't help crying out when he heard this.

Then, looking at the butterfly, he roared angrily. "Huadie, you don't have the right to expel me. I'm not convinced. I want to appeal..."

Before he finished, his cell phone rang in his pocket.

He flurried down the connect button and accidentally touched the hands-free. "Zhao Xin, I'm the president of the industrial and Commercial Bank of China. It's just to inform you that you've been fired. Go through the formalities tomorrow and go away immediately."

"President, I..."


There was a busy tone on the phone.

Zhao Xin holding a mobile phone, pale, a bitter gourd phase.

Zhao Guoyong and others, who were close to him, stepped back consciously and distanced themselves.

"Manager Hua, you are very good. I'll stay in your branch."

Lin Fei looked at the butterfly and said with a calm smile.

"Really, really."

Huadiemeimu is full of surprise and doubt. Her hands unconsciously grasp his arm. Her delicate body shakes and looks very excited.

Lin Fei nodded and turned to look at Zhao Xin.

"Zhao Xin, do you remember what I said to you? In fact, you could have had a good future, but you gave up. "

Words are the same words.

At the beginning, when he said this sentence, no one believed it, and even many people thought it was a joke, which even made Zhao Xin very angry.

Now, when Lin Fei said this again, no one laughed. On the contrary, many people's hearts began to tremble.

Zhao Xin's eyes are full of regret and pain.

If he could do it again, he would never be an enemy to Lin Fei or help Zhao Guoyong. Now

All of a sudden, Zhao Xin looks at Zhao Guoyong, his eyes burning with anger. "Zhao Guoyong, I was hurt by you. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't even have lost my job."

The flames of war spread

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