At the moment, Longnu is standing in the entrance of the basement and the hall in her sports clothes and shoes. Just now, she happened to see Lin Fei breaking Liu Tianyu's legs.

A stick is like a sharp knife. What kind of force does it need to have such ability?

Seeing the people lying on the ground, Longnu was even more shocked. The main force of yutianhui, which was the kind of pillar, was abandoned by Linfei.

The Dragon girl was stunned. Looking at the direction of the door, she seemed to see people coming in and out, vehicles coming and going, but no one came in, especially her own people.

She is an undercover here, and her task is to find out the yutianhui and annihilate them at one stroke.

As an underground force, yutianhui has done something to make people angry.

In order to find out the truth, the master of Dragon Girl Art is bold, and even pretends to be a girl who makes money and comes here.

After a month's investigation, today she has contacted with the outside world and is going to annihilate yutianhui tonight.

When she heard that someone was coming in the hall, she would come up, but when she heard that there was only one person, she was confused, so she didn't come.

Just now, the members of Yutian Club ran away madly. She thought she was coming, so she ran up.

The result is to see an extremely ugly man, but do not know.

However, he did something that even she wanted to do to kill these bastards.

Oh, now we can only say it's maimed.

Heart hate to hate, but really start so ruthless, or let the dragon heart tremble.

Lin Fei has come to the Dragon Girl at the moment, staring at her wheat skin, suddenly a strong vitality, very young, very energetic, very liking.

It's a beauty of power!

That's the beauty of a sport!

It is a kind of beauty that makes men full of infinite passion and motivation, even the beauty of passive enjoyment!

Lin Fei suddenly found that he was not only violent, but also evil.

"Are you a member of yutianhui?"

Lin Fei takes back his mind and asks the Dragon Girl.

"I'm not. Who do you work for? "

Longnu looks at Lin Fei's ugly appearance. Her judgment is that she is wearing a mask.

"Whose men?"

"Aren't you from the dragon group?"

Longnu looked at Lin Fei's disdainful smile and asked.

"What is the dragon group?"

"Who are you?"

Dragon girl stepped back two steps, opened the posture, ready to attack.

Although Lin Fei had never heard of the dragon group, he basically guessed that she was an official from the Dragon Girl's eyes, as well as her voice and attitude.

Thinking of today's events, he didn't want to make a big scene, let alone be known.

"Since I'm not a member of Yutian society, I'll spare you."

With that, he turned and left.


The Dragon girl let out a soft drink behind her.

"What else do you want?"

"Put your hands up and surrender."


Lin Fei is amused by the Dragon Girl's words and stares at her. He is more sure that her identity is unusual.

"Beauty, are you..."

Lin Fei didn't go on, but he pointed to his head.

"I don't care who you are, but the existence of you has threatened social security, and I must eradicate it."

"Oh? What about them? "

Lin Fei seems to be interested, but not in a hurry to go, pointing to the ground of Liu Tianyu and others.

"If they hadn't come today, our people would have caught them all."

Lin Fei listened to the praises of China's national security, and he nodded in his heart.

In front of her, this woman is a bit of Jiang Yu's strength -

recognize death reason!

"Well, beauty, you can't stop me, and I don't want to move you. Since your people are coming, you are in charge here. I hope we don't see each other again."

Lin Fei said very free and easy, turned and walked away.


Dragon Girl a fierce drink, body with the sound, a rotary side kick, directly ran to Lin Fei's neck kick.

If this kick, Lin Fei is not dead, but also seriously injured or coma.

The Dragon girl saw Lin Fei's hand and knew that Lin Fei was powerful, so this blow was a full blow without any reservation.

Lin Fei didn't expect that dragon girl would fight, and she was still dead.

Although he is wearing the mask of human skin, which is the darkest side of human nature, the truth of human nature is still interlinked.

He didn't want to attack Longnv, but Longnv did.

Lin Fei's body suddenly and quickly turned sideways. He patted the Dragon Girl's leg with his hand and pushed her body to turn twice in the air.When the Dragon Girl landed again, she felt her ankle numb and almost fell down on the spot.

Lin Fei sighed and looked at her with his eyes. "I really don't want to fight with you, let alone hurt you!"


The Dragon girl was stunned and sneered.


But the next second.

Her sneer froze.


The marble on the ground is broken and the dust is flying. Lin Fei rushes to her with great speed.

At this moment, Lin Fei, like a cannonball, attacks the Dragon Girl.

With the wind speed and murderous spirit, the fist seems to have the power of thousands of Jin.

His fist seems to weigh more than ten thousand.


When the blow came out, the air seemed to be blasted, making a sound like broken glass.

It's a good one.

This punch is extremely overbearing.

This punch is extremely arrogant.

I'm looking at you freely.

The Dragon Girl's face has been dignified to the extreme -

because Lin Fei didn't hit her, but a stone wall beside her.

In an instant, the whole wall collapsed, the building trembled, and the screams of men and women came from the basement.

Longnv is silly. The target of Lin Fei's attack just now is himself, so he has no time to dodge or block.

It can only be shaken by force.

How hard is it?

I'm afraid I've become a broken kite flying in the air.

However, she is a dragon girl, a member of the dragon group.

The people in the dragon group want to get rid of evil, and they want to get rid of evil.

It's just a short pause of three seconds, and the Dragon girl blows out the same punch.

Compared with Lin Fei's fists, her fists are much smaller and weaker.


The fist made a noise, but it was wrapped by Lin Fei's big open hand.

Dragon Girl's reaction is very quick. Her other arm turns to elbow and hits Lin Fei's throat. If it hits, Lin Fei will faint on the spot.

The idea is good, the reality is cruel.

Lin Fei leaned back quickly.

With one blow, the Dragon girl lost her weight and pressed her down.

The Dragon Girl, who had just wanted to get up, was stiff for a moment, and her beautiful eyes were staring at Lin Fei -


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