Inside the Qingfeng club, hundreds of people gathered together. In the hall, people were excited. Many people were shouting to avenge big brother Fei and wash the east of the city.

Li Qingfeng sat on the throne and never spoke.

Just half an hour ago, wolves and remnant wolves in the east of the city besieged meizishuang group. Brother Dafei led 20 security guards to resist, and they were all injured. Fortunately, the police came in time to capture all the people in the east of the city. Dafei and others were rescued, but they also went to the Public Security Bureau or hospital.

Li Chengxi is very angry about this.

The first time he called the person who was sent to protect him secretly and asked why he didn't come forward to rescue him.

The answer is received security notice, Lin Fei asked not to save, and to withdraw immediately.

They didn't dare to disobey, so they pulled back.

Li Qingfeng is more puzzled. What does Lin Fei mean?

The most important thing is that those people reported that Lin Fei would call Li Qingfeng, but up to now they haven't called. The people of Qingfeng club have long been unbearable.

In Chengdong District, it's bullying at the door of the house, riding on the head and taking a shit. Which one can't bear? They ask for a fight one after another.

If it had been in the past, Li Qingfeng would have started immediately. Now because of Lin Fei, he is waiting for Lin Fei's call, so he has been suppressing people.

"President, I know what you mean and the relationship between you and Lin Fei, but I can't help it."

"Dafei and those security guards are brothers of our Qingfeng club. We can't cool the hearts of our brothers."

"If you think about Lin Fei, chairman, and don't want to do it, let's do it."


At last, people could not bear it. They had already called the shots.

Li Qingfeng's eyes flashed a touch of cold light, and the word "brother" stung him. Thinking of the insult to Dafei, Li Qingfeng stood up.

"I'll call Lin Fei now. If he doesn't give me a reasonable explanation, I'll take someone to Chengdong district to get justice."

"The president said well!"

"Big brother said well!"

"We all support you."


In an instant, cheers rang out.

Li Qingfeng takes out his mobile phone. Just as he wants to make a call, the phone rings. Seeing that the caller ID is Lin Fei, Li Qingfeng suppresses his anger and presses the connect button.

"Brother Li, I've kept you waiting for my call."

As Li Qingfeng chose hands-free, everyone heard.

"You're welcome, brother. I'm really waiting for your call."

Li Qingfeng told the truth.

"Send someone to take over the east side of the city. I'll talk to Uncle Tao about this."

Lin Fei a word, there was noise at the scene of the moment quiet.

Take over?

Everyone has heard the word, and many people's first reaction is shock.

You know, most of the time it's grabbing, grabbing, and Lin Fei is talking about taking over, which

"But let me remind you, I don't want to see the dark. In the future, I hope you can manage the eastern and western districts well! "

Although Lin Fei didn't see it with his own eyes, he was able to feel the shock in everyone's heart, and then said.

"Brother, I see."

Li Qingfeng's answer also implies deep meaning, one sentence expresses two meanings.

"Dafei's performance is very good. In the future, the security will develop well. I will support you. In a moment, I will give you 100 million yuan as the start-up fund for the development of the security company. "

Lin Fei continued.


Everyone at the scene took a breath.

Those who have seen Lin Fei's maneuvering in the banquet hall tonight have even more heartfelt admiration and appreciation for him.

"Don't worry! I'll do it well. "

Li Qingfeng's eyes flashed over the white fog for the first time, and answered positively.

Lin Fei didn't speak any more. He hung up the phone directly. Then he called Uncle Tao and said something about the people from Chengdong District attacking meizishuang group. By the way, Chengdong district was managed by Li Qingfeng.

Uncle Tao didn't say anything, just told me.

Lin Fei hung up and took a long breath. The matter was solved.

However, he would like to know who invited yutianhui of Chengdong district to smash meizishuang group?

Thinking of this problem, Lin Fei thinks of Jiang Yu and dials Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu is so tired at the moment that he is about to go crazy. When he sees Lin Fei's phone call, he trembles and prays secretly that there will be no more cases.

Now, for the first time, she has a feeling that Lin Fei is the sweeper!

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Yu asked in a gloomy voice.

"Well, Miss Jiang, my company has been smashed. I want to know who ordered it!"

"I don't know!"

Hear Lin Fei export frivolous, and ask of righteously, basic seem is oneself should divide of, immediately some exasperation."If you don't tell me, I'll go to the police station and ask face to face now. I'd like to..."

"Enough, Lin Fei! He Zhiping, chairman of Tianli real estate

I'm tired of the rain.

After the fierce wolf and the remnant wolf were caught, they began to talk back, but the younger brothers said everything in order to protect themselves. In the end, they had no choice but to tell the truth.

When he heard that it was Tianli real estate, Jiang Yu sneered in his heart. He Jie was shameless, and he Zhiping was even more shameless.

However, she knows Lin Fei's holiday with he's family, and is worried that Lin Fei will make trouble, so she wants to keep it secret.

But in the face of Lin Fei coming to the police station, she lost her temper.

She doesn't want to be punished by the director again.

"All right! I see

"Lin Fei, you can't retaliate. It's against the law."

"Beauty, are you in love with me? How else do you care about me? "

"Yes! Let's talk about the evidence! "

Lin Fei originally wanted to tease, but Jiang Yu's tone changed and he immediately mentioned the evidence.

Lin Fei wiped his forehead, "I have something to do!"

Finish saying, wait for answer, hang up the phone directly.

Jiang Yu looks at the darkening mobile phone and turns his mouth. This night, he finally takes a bad breath.

"He Zhiping, right? You wait! "

Lin Fei mumbles to himself and takes out his cell phone to make two calls

In Taoshu villa.

"Uncle Tao, you have been away for a long time. It's time to rest."

The old housekeeper looked at Uncle Tao and said with concern.

"Ah Kun, who do you think did it this time?"

At the moment, uncle Tao has learned that Liu Tianyu and others in the East District of the city have been taken away. More than a dozen people have been taken out on stretchers, and some people have come out with broken legs. It's a terrible scene.

"Lin Fei!"

Ah Kun had no expression on his face and said firmly.

Uncle Tao didn't speak.

In fact, his answer is the same. Lin Fei also called just now.

However, hundreds of people were taken away from the Eastern District of the city, which is obviously not what Lin Fei can do alone.

If he can't do it alone, it means that there must be powerful forces behind him. Who will it be?

Thinking of this, uncle Tao's eyes become deep.

"Uncle Tao, the West District of the city has annexed the East District of the city. After that, there will be only one family. Do you think it will..." Ah Kun expressed his concerns.

Uncle Tao didn't speak. After a moment's hesitation, he shook his head.

"I know Li Qingfeng. He won't. Now he and Lin Fei are brothers, and Lin Fei will restrict him to a certain extent. "

"What about Lin Fei?"

Ah Kun finally expressed his biggest doubt.

"Let's talk about it!"

For the first time, uncle Tao did not give a clear answer.

Lin Fei is entangled with Uncle Tao.

Because the underground world is shaken by Lin Fei. This is what uncle Tao is most worried about.

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