Lin Fei returned home, just ready to pack things.

Bang, the door was kicked open.

Lin Fei was startled, and then the cold face of a middle-aged woman came into view.

Lin Fei suddenly responded -

to urge the rent.

"Aunt Zhang, here you are." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Fortunately I'm here. You're trying to pack up and run, aren't you?" Aunt Zhang's fat body stood directly at the door, blocking the way, as if for fear that Lin Fei would run away immediately.

"Aunt Zhang, look at what you said. I'm that kind of person! I want to live in another house

Lin Fei is telling the truth, but that's not what he means when he hears from Aunt Zhang.

Changing houses?

That's not escape. What is it?

"Give me four thousand five hundred yuan for three months' rent, and then go away immediately." Aunt Zhang stretched out her fat hand and handed it to Lin Fei. Her eyes showed a sharp light. She wanted to swallow Lin Fei.

This is a house in the old district of Jiangnan City. It has been built for 50 or 60 years. The house has poor ventilation and is sultry in summer.

Lin Fei had a lot of sweat when he picked up things. Seeing Aunt Zhang's eyes, he shivered for no reason, and the sweat disappeared instantly.

Seeing the change of Lin Fei's expression, Aunt Zhang is more sure that Lin Fei has no money to pay the rent, and her face is more angry.

"Lin Fei, you said that you are young and lazy. Why don't you make more money?"

"Just as you are, you'd better leave Jiangnan City. Otherwise, if you don't have a house, a car or money, where can you get a wife?"

"People! If you don't have money, don't hold on. "

Aunt Zhang came up with a burst of education and anger. She was heartbroken at the thought of being betrayed by Wang Mengyao.

However, just for a moment, Lin Fei's body suddenly shakes. No, how can he see that Aunt Zhang has fallen into the past state?

Now I'm a rich man, but I have a billion yuan in my bank card.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei suddenly seems to have changed a person, straight waist, eyes become bright.

Aunt Zhang was stunned.

"I was going to give you five thousand yuan. Five hundred of them are compensation for my failure to pay the rent on time. "


Aunt Zhang was stunned.

When did the poor boy become such a big spender?

"Lin Fei, you are a sensible young man. You can be a man and do things well. Your aunt is optimistic about you." Aunt Zhang can't be so stupid that she can't get along with money. She takes the money and immediately turns into a full face. She looks at Lin Fei and praises him.

Lin Fei raised his hand and wiped his forehead.

It seems that Aunt Zhang didn't say that before. How suddenly

It seems that money is really a good thing!

But now his brain is in a mess. Since he accepted the system task, he has been thinking about how to earn 20 million?

At first, I thought it was easy, but I was still a little confused when I thought of making 20 million yuan in three days!

"Lin Fei, why don't you stay here? Anyway, my house will be rented."

Aunt Zhang saw that Lin Fei's whole person seemed to have changed, and where she had just taken the money, there was a thick pile of money, which made her immediately excited and offered to give the house to Lin Fei.

"Thank you, Aunt Zhang! I'm going to buy my own house. "

"Buy a house?"

"Lin Fei, you have to know that the newly developed houses in Jiangnan are all over ten thousand yuan, and even the old houses in our old urban areas are all over ten thousand yuan. What are you going to buy? "

"Besides, it's my house. Don't look at it. It's old. There's huge room for appreciation. Once the old city of Jiangnan is rebuilt, it's worth every inch of land and money. Besides, buying a house is not a matter of open mouth. It needs money and strength. "

Lin Fei said that she wanted to buy a house by herself, which stimulated Aunt Zhang and made her angry.

In her opinion, although Lin Fei gives three months' rent and has surplus, it costs millions to buy a house. Isn't that a joke?

Lin Fei didn't care about Aunt Zhang's overreaction. On the contrary, it was a flash in front of her eyes.

Old city reconstruction!

Every inch of land, every inch of gold!

Although it's a matter of policy and it's hard to say when to start, once you invest in it, will you

A dead horse is a living horse doctor!

"Aunt Zhang, I don't want anything here. You can deal with it."

Lin Fei threw his clothes on the ground, took the money left from getting up and ran out without looking back.


Aunt Zhang looks at Lin Fei's back and shouts.

As a result, there was no one left.

"If only the cowherd were alive now, let Lin Fei blow him up to heaven and meet with the weaver girl."

Aunt Zhang mumbled.Zhonghao real estate house, Lin Fei came in.

Five or six second-hand agents in black trousers, white shirts and red ties were sitting in the room. They glanced at Lin Fei. No one came forward.

Years of housing transactions, they have trained a pair of "eyes.".

Glancing at Lin Fei, he decided that he was poor.

Lin Fei didn't care about their reaction, and his eyes fell directly on the house sale information written on the whiteboard.

"Do you still have this house?" Lin Fei asked, pointing to the sale information of a 100 square house.

"One million, buy it now!" One of the second-hand housing agency impatiently said.


Lin Fei is not stupid!

He has been a salesman and is very proficient in this field.

They look down on themselves.

Lin Fei turns around and goes. He has money and can buy it everywhere.

"Do you want to buy a house, sir?"

The door of the bathroom suddenly opened, and a white girl with short hair, about 20 years old, came out in a hurry.

As a result of the rush out, washed hands are not dry, white hands hanging beads, shining in the sun.

"I have this idea." Lin Fei said lightly.

"My name is Lin Ke'er. Is it convenient for you to get to know me here?" When the girl heard this, she was overjoyed. She introduced herself and pointed to the only seat left beside her, indicating that Lin Fei would sit down.


It's a good name, and he is his own family, which makes Lin Fei's impression very good.

"Why don't we go to the coffee shop opposite and talk about it?"

Lin Ke'er

"Lin Ke'er, are you in a hurry to make achievements

"I think so, or how can we even deal with such people?"

"Lin Ke Er, it's no wonder that you can't sell a house. It's silly of you to see woodlouse as a rich man."


Other people in the room began to sneer.

Lin Ke'er's eyes were full of tears, but he couldn't bear them.

Lin Fei didn't speak. He was waiting for Lin Ke'er's reaction.

"I'll go with you!"

Lin Ke'er forced out a smile and said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded, still silent.

However, the sadness in Lin Ke'er's eyes was deeply imprinted in his heart.

Once upon a time, he felt the same way.

At this moment, he decided

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