"Lin Fei, what can you be proud of?" Wang Mengyao was infuriated by Lin Fei's attitude.

Therefore, she directly ignores the occasion, ignores the people in front of her, and even ignores the fact that Jiang Yezhong has just been expelled and taken away. She looks at Lin Fei and says with disdain.

If in the past, she would choose to keep a low profile. After all, she came from an ordinary family and did not have arrogant capital.

However, when she was with Zhang Qi, she went to luxury hotels and high-end places every day, which made her feel as if she was a superior person. In contrast, Lin Fei was an inferior person, even an inferior person, full of disdain.

"Wang Mengyao!" The teacher who announced the result has called her name.

Wang Mengyao's eyes are all smiling. She glances at Lin Fei and looks at the teacher who announced her grades. She has been waiting for the moment of high light.

"Wang Mengyao plagiarized his defense thesis and failed in defense!"


The teacher's voice was much louder than usual. When she said it, it was like a huge thunder outside the reply room, and the scene was quiet.

Wang Mengyao stands in the same place!

Ha ha

"Wang Mengyao, which famous writer did you copy your thesis from?"

Ma Xiaotian, who has been standing beside Lin Fei in silence, is the first to laugh and ask out loud.

"I, I didn't copy!"

Wang Mengyao argued loudly.

Ren Feifei stood by, not only frowning more tightly, his face was gloomy, but also refused to admit it at this time.

Lin Fei naturally knows that what he plagiarized is Ren Feifei's paper, not only shaking his head secretly.

However, my heart is very happy, such a woman fortunately in time away, otherwise

"You didn't copy? Did the teacher make a wrong judgment? " Ma Xiaotian sees Ren Feifei's gloomy face and deliberately guides Wang Mengyao.

Wang Mengyao suddenly woke up. "I want to see the assessment teacher. Why do I say my thesis is plagiarized? I wrote it myself

Wang Mengyao said, will rush into the reply room.

"Enough!" Ren Feifei really can't bear it. He yelled.

Wang Mengyao stops and looks up at Ren Feifei.

"Your paper plagiarizes the papers I published in the core journals. The title and even the contents are plagiarized intact. Do you still want me to testify in the journals?"

Ren Feifei's words are like a basin of cold water splashed on Wang Mengyao's body in the cold winter. She can't help stirring up and standing in the same place, blushing and dripping.

Pop! Pop!

Ma Xiaotian clapped his hands.

"Wang Mengyao, you are so awesome! Plagiarism copied to the head of the teacher, but also in front of the teacher did not admit, you really let me admire

For Wang Mengyao, a woman who betrays her good friends, Ma Xiaotian is heartfelt hatred and contempt.

"I, even if I can't get through, what can I do?"

Wang Mengyao's heart is broken.

This paper was written by Zhang Qi. The two of them are immersed in love every day. How can they have time to write some papers? I just didn't expect that such a big Wulong incident would happen.

At the moment, she knew she had lost face.

However, thinking of Zhang Qi's contacts, his identity, and his doting on himself, Wang Mengyao questioned him again.

"No! Next year, I will reply again, and I will examine it myself! " Ren Feifei was infuriated by Wang Mengyao's stubborn attitude and announced on the spot.

Wang Mengyao

"Wang Mengyao! Congratulations Ma Xiaotian hugged Wang Mengyao and said with a smile.

Wang Mengyao's heart was completely broken.

"Lin Fei, 100 points! Excellent results in the defense The teacher who announced the results has not stopped. At the moment, he just announced the results of Lin Fei.


As soon as Lin Fei's achievements were announced, the scene was like a drop of water dripping into the calm water. The waves fluctuated in an instant, and everyone's eyes looked at Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei! good heavens! I've convinced you! " Ma Xiaotian raised his hand and punched Lin Fei heavily on the shoulder. His joy was expressed in his words.

Lin Fei's expression is still calm. He doesn't seem to care about the result at all.

Lin Fei's calm, in Ren Feifei's eyes is to appreciate, but in Zhu Yan's eyes, it is anger and hatred, as if his excellent was taken away by Lin Fei.

With the announcement of Lin Fei's achievements, everyone's achievements have come out.

Lin Fei is the only one with full marks.

Only Zhu Yan and Wang Mengyao failed to pass the defense.

In the face of this result, the happiest is not Lin Fei, but Ma Xiaotian. His eyes swept back and forth on Wang Mengyao's and Zhu Yan's faces. He didn't say anything, but silence is better than irony, but don't insult them in public, which makes them feel more embarrassed.

"Lin Fei, if I don't pass the defense, I can still go to graduate school. What can you do even if you get full marks?"Zhu Yan thought of his family's money and potential, this time must not lose to Lin Fei, once again said.

Of course, he is more confident than Lin Fei.

"Classmate Lin Fei, I have agreed that you should go to the school to go through the walk through procedure."

Lin Fei has not yet responded to Zhu Yan's question, and Ren Feifei has already opened his mouth.

Zhu Yan just rising pride, once again by a basin of cold water.

He looks at Ren Feifei and his eyes are full of anger and disbelief. You know, he's looking for Ren Feifei's graduate student from the Education Bureau, but he can't!

The people in the mall are looking for it. No way!

Even the reelection of Feifei's family are looking for, still can't!

Now, Ren Feifei even recruited Lin Fei as a student in public, which is the biggest insult to him.

Zhu Yan suddenly feels a dark in front of him, and his body falls forward heavily.

Dizzy with anger!

The scene was chaotic first, and then Zhu Yan was sent away.

Lin Fei looks at the direction that Zhu Yan disappears, in the heart secretly sigh: the person, often is oneself and oneself cannot pass! He and Zhu Yan, originally have nothing to do with, is Zhu Yan trouble.

"Lin Fei, if you want to have a foothold in this city, your achievements will be useless!"

In the crowd, Wang Mengyao knows Lin Fei best. Lin Fei's expression, in her eyes, is a kind of schadenfreude. She can't help but sneer.

Lin Fei looks at Wang Mengyao, a woman who has completely changed, and makes him very strange.

However, in front of the public, Lin Fei ignored.

"Lin Fei, I didn't pass, but now I am a regular employee of meizishuang group. I can have a foothold in Jiangnan City and survive. What about you?"

"Can't you even pay the rent now? Are you still thinking about working there to support yourself

"To be a man, the reality is one's own ability, to be exact, the ability to make money. Do you have it?"

Lin Fei's silence made Wang Mengyao explode completely.

The other students, who were envious of Lin Fei's full marks, immediately showed contempt in their eyes.

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