After leaving meizishuang group, Lin Fei contacted uncle Tao and aunt Lin Xue and asked if they would return to Heping Village in Jiangbei County together.

Two people just recovered, decided to go back later.

However, uncle Tao asked Lin Fei to go to his villa and brought him a box of red wine, which is said to be Lin Fei's father's favorite. Lin Fei didn't care. After a brief look, he threw it in the car.

Because in his impression, his father is ill and has no money to treat his illness. Where can he afford to drink?

However, it's hard to refuse when they think it's their intention.

Lin Fei returns to the hotel and simply cleans up with Longnu. Just as she is preparing to leave the next day, she suddenly receives a phone call from Wang Jianguang, a classmate from high school, telling Lin Fei that he is going to have a wedding the day after tomorrow.

Lin Fei was very happy to hear that. In high school, because Lin Fei's family was poor, Wang Jianguang was one of Lin Fei's few friends. Now his friend just graduated from university and was admitted to the civil service. He was ready to get married with his classmates in high school. Lin Fei was envious and blessed. He thought that he was going back to Jiangnan City, so he readily agreed.

Wang Jianguang may be considering that Lin Fei's family conditions are general. In order to save money, he told Lin Fei to wait for him to call and ask another high school classmate Hong Xu to drive him back.

On the phone, I learned that Hong Xu came to Jiangnan City to buy a car and went back by the way.

Although Lin Fei shook his head and grinned bitterly, he still felt warm to his classmates' concern. This is the real friendship, so agreed.

In less than three minutes, Wang's mobile phone rang.

Lin Fei pressed to connect, and a proud voice came from inside. "Lin Fei?"

"It's me!"

"Hello, Lin! I'm Hong Xu. "

The first sentence of the other party is full of arrogance, and the second sentence is full of ridicule.

Lin Fei's mind immediately appeared a long hair, long face, not tall, fat, sitting in the classroom every day, wearing a famous brand, soaking the female students of the man image.

At that time, Lin Fei was a kind of attentive learning type, but he didn't care about it. People didn't have much contact with him, and he never complimented Hong Xu, which made Hong Xu very unhappy. Every time he saw Lin Fei, he called him "Lin University Student", but his eyes were full of contempt.

In the twinkling of an eye, I haven't seen you for four years. After receiving this call again, Lin Fei can still feel the feeling of the past.

With his current status and mentality, he has been able to take it lightly.

After a few simple chats and telling the name of the hotel, he hung up.

"Longnv, I'll take my classmate's car back to Jiangbei County in a moment, so you don't have to go. Have a good rest for a few days alone!"

This period of time dragon girl really hard enough, Lin Fei does not want to let her run.

"Yes! Then I'll go to bed. "

The Dragon girl agreed very readily, turned around and went into the inner room. She lay on Lin Fei's bed and went to sleep.

Lin Fei just didn't look again.

In order to protect herself, a woman is willing to sleep in the living room every day. Who can not be moved?

Half an hour later, Lin Fei receives a call from Hong Xu and goes downstairs out of the hotel.

There is no private car in front of the hotel, but there is a taxi, which seems to be a black taxi.

Lin feizheng thought that Hong Xu had not arrived when he suddenly saw the rear door and window down and stretched out a white hand.

"Brother Fei!"

Lin Fei's eyes turned to see that he was also a high school classmate -

Hong Yi!

"Feige! You live in this hotel

Hongyi opens the door and jumps down.

Hong Yi is probably just off work. She is wearing a white shirt on her upper body. Except for the top one, all the buttons are buttoned up. From the front, she can't see anything.

However, she is a petite woman, about 1.6 meters tall, in front of Lin Fei's 1.8 meters tall, she becomes looking up, while Lin Fei becomes condescending.

Lin Fei at a glance, the scenery is suddenly different!

Red Yi's enthusiasm has long made Hong Xu in the car dissatisfied, "red Yi, what are you doing when you get off the car?"

Hong Xu's voice of reproach rang out behind him.

Hongyi sticks out her tongue.

Still maintain the kind of high school playfulness, help Lin Fei open the door, said: "brother Fei, get in the car."

"I'll do it myself, ladies first." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Brother Fei, I haven't seen you for a long time. I've become handsome!" Red Yi says with a smile.

Lin Fei light smile, to its ridicule, just as a joke.

But it's very kind. This is the real classmate. Compared with Hong Xu, it's very different.

It's just that Lin Fei doesn't know how the two people get together. Obviously, they are not the same kind of people.

Each of them has his own love. Lin Fei didn't think much about it, so he just got on the bus.

"Lin Fei, you live in this hotel!" Hong Yi works in Jiangnan City and knows that Jiangnan Spring Hotel is the only five-star hotel in Jiangnan City, so she is very surprised to ask.When Lin Fei is thinking about whether to answer truthfully, Hong Xu takes the lead.

"Hong Yi, what's your look like?"

"Look at Lin Fei's clothes. Does he seem to have the money to stay in such a luxury hotel?"

"Didn't you hear him say ladies first? Isn't this a typical hotel waiter's professional habit? "


Lin Fei is a little speechless.

The clothes he was wearing were just given by Xiao Mengshan today. They were all handmade in Italy. The only problem was that there was no trademark.

And I became a waiter with a polite word.

Fortunately, Lin Fei is not willing to fight, and his mind at this time is not the same as in the past.


Lin Fei said casually.

"Lin Fei, how much does it cost you to work here for a month?"

"Two thousand five." Lin Fei casually compiled a data.

Tut tut

"Hong Yi, you see, this is the result of going to university. It's stupid. It's not as good as the security guards of our company."

"Hong Xu, what do you say?" Hong Yi is a little upset.

"Honey, I'm talking about Lin Fei, not you. Don't think much about it!"

Hong Xu understands what Hong Yi means. She has just graduated from university and is also a part-time worker.


Hong Yi's face is a little ugly.

Hong Yi is angry, and Hong Xu is in a bad mood. Naturally, all the problems come down to Lin Fei.

However, Hong Yi spoke first.

"I'm sorry, brother Fei, Hong Xu. He doesn't mean anything else."

"it's OK. Don't call me brother Fei. Now it sounds strange. It seems that I remember you are one year older than me?"

Lin Fei waved his hand to show that he didn't care. Although he hated Hong Xu, he had a good impression on Hong Yi.

At the beginning of school, because Hong Yi was warm and cheerful, she was one of the poor people who didn't dislike Lin Fei. Everyone had a good relationship.

But unexpectedly, she and Hong Xu came together.

And Hong Xu, I don't know if he really didn't hear Hong Yi's complaint, or he deliberately wanted to stimulate Lin Fei for a while. The topic turned again and began again.

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