


All the words Hong Xu could think of.

As for other people at the scene, the same idea.

Wang Jianguang and Jiang Meng stare at Lin Fei, a face of regret, clearly help him out, how can he?

Lin Fei was smiling, and no one noticed that he pressed a message with his fingers

Song Xiang is listening to the waiter's report at the moment. He hears that Hong Xu begins to belittle Lin Fei, and his forehead is covered with black lines. However, thinking of Lin Fei's words, he holds back.


The mobile phone text message rang, he quickly picked up the mobile phone, saw that it was Lin Fei's text message, and immediately waved to the waiter.

After reading the text message, song Xiang picked up a folder, simply cleaned it up and walked out of the room.

"Lin Fei, do you really regard yourself as the richest man in Jiangnan City?"

"Or else?" Lin Fei looks at Hong Xu and asks with a smile.

"Yes! Lin Fei, you are so good! Since you are such a bull, how about wrapping up all our weddings? "

Hong Xu sees that Lin Fei doesn't know how to live or die, so he doesn't mind making Lin Fei more shameful.

"All right! Don't be kidding Wang Jianguang quickly came out again to have fun.

He has decided that after a while, he will give the money to Lin Fei and let him be responsible for arranging the wedding. He can't let Lin Fei spend money, let alone disgrace him.

At this moment, the door rang again.

"Are you lucky again?" Yang Lanna said with a smile.

"Does anyone else pay for Lin Fei's boasting?" Hong Xu then joked.

The door has been opened without permission.

Song Xiang came in.

Everyone at the scene is a Leng, so handsome, so natural and unrestrained, good temperament man.

When Hong Xu saw that it was song Xiang, he stood up and quickly stretched out his hand and said, "brother song, why did you come in person?"

Hong Xu now feels that his face is too glorious. Just now he told Miandan that it must be because of his face. Now Song Xiang comes here in person, which is just too dignified.

However, song Xiang just touched his hand and did not speak. Instead, he looked at Jiang Meng and said, "manager Jiang, my name is song Xiang. I just bought this northern hotel from Bi Cheng."

Although Jiang Meng heard what Hong Xu said just now, she is still shocked.

She didn't expect that the north hotel had really changed owners?

If Bi Chengshi is the apple of his eye, how can he sell it?

"I'm the person in charge of Jiangbei County. I bought the house just because I like it."

Song Xiang saw Jiang Meng surprised, further explained.


Everyone is a burst of sigh, the earth real estate, now the country is famous, this to Jiangbei County, casually bought a hotel, really amazing!

Many people have shown enthusiasm on their faces. They even look at Hong Xu and have more expectations. I hope that Hong Xu can help introduce us and make it convenient for us to buy a house in the future.

"Hello, Mr. Song!" Jiang Meng responded politely from surprise.

"Because I'm busy in Jiangbei County, I want to hire Ms. Jiang Meng as the manager of the North Hotel. This is an employment contract, and the salary is three times that of the past. Are you satisfied?"

Song Xiang delivers a printed contract to Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng thought that he had heard wrong and stood in the same place, forgetting to answer.

At the moment, her lips are constantly wriggling, and she feels like a dreamer. Just over an hour ago, she was still dismissed. She was worried about the wedding site and how to repay the mortgage. In a flash, she was not only re employed, but also became a manager, and her salary was three times as much as before

Jiang Meng looks at Hong Xu with gratitude.

Hong Xu felt Jiang Meng and the people's eyes, face more face, waist more straight, face smile more Sheng.

"Thank you, Mr. Song. I'll sign the contract right away." Jiang Meng tried to control her tears, picked up the pen on the edge of the clip and signed her name.

At the end of the writing, Jiang Meng had a sense of sureness and excitement that he had never felt before.

Wang Jianguang was also excited. He held Jiang Meng's hand tightly and gave her encouragement and comfort.

Poor couple, Pepsi is bad!

They have experienced what they have experienced today.

Song Xiang took over the contract and said with a smile: "manager Jiang, as the manager of our North Hotel, our hotel has decided that all your wedding will be contracted by the hotel. From tomorrow, all the guests will leave the hotel to be your relatives' residence. At the same time, the hotel will be responsible for all the arrangements of your wedding and provide all the catering..."

If the waiters' free bill just now felt like hitting the golden egg, then what they are hearing now is like pie falling from the sky, and it happens to hit Jiang Meng on the head."Song, Mr. Song, this..."

Song Xiang gently raised his hand, stopped, and said with a smile: "at the same time, our earth real estate plan is to give you and your husband the best villa in location and Fengshui as your wedding gift in the Beishan villa which is about to start."

Jiang Meng and Wang Jianguang are both stupid at the moment.

Everyone else in the house is stupid, too.

So, what's going on?

Are you dreaming or is the world crazy?

No, is earth real estate crazy?

Song Xiang saw the surprise reaction of the crowd, and his expression was very calm, but Yu Guang kept looking at Lin Fei. Seeing that Lin Fei nodded slightly, he took a long breath.

Just now, it seems that the temporary proposal to send the villa to Lin is not good.

"Well, I just said that some people's lives are good. I didn't expect Lin Fei to have such a good life. The North Hotel is in charge of all the weddings. Isn't he saving it? " Yang Lanna is the first to speak, but she attacks Lin Fei.

"Nana! Some people have been poor for more than 20 years. It's inevitable for them to have bad luck once in a while. Don't be too surprised. " Hong Xu sneered.

Wang and Jiang dream of going to the hotel to help Lin Fei out. They are also very happy. They smile and nod to Lin Fei.

"Hong Xu and Yang Lanna, I'm so sorry, but someone has come to pay for me."

Lin Fei said meaningfully.

Hong Xu and Yang Lanna look worse than Xiang, especially Hong Xu. He really wants to hold song Xiang and ask why?

However, in front of song Xiang, he is a grandson. Even his father is like a son in front of song Xiang, so he dare not, which makes him even more depressed.

"If the rest of you want to get married the day after tomorrow, I can also contract all your weddings."

Lin Fei didn't seem to know what to do. He spoke again.

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