This makes people think highly of Lin Fei. On the contrary, many people despise Hong Xu's brazen refusal to admit defeat and fulfill his gambling agreement, and even hesitated to curry favor with him.

After all, if Hong Xu can judge Lin Fei like that, he may judge himself like that. Such a person is not worth making friends with. Some people even regret helping to reward him.

Of course, more people are still loyal to Hong Xu.

"Lin Fei Why did the platform release that information? Why did mu Feixuan suddenly come to support me? It's a waste to just throw away a million Red Yi frowns and approaches Lin Fei to ask a way.

Although Hong Yi's family conditions are good among these students, she is not such a wealthy family. She can't understand the millions of rewards these people often give, and even has worries. Is there any attempt?

"Whatever, let's eat ours."

Seeing that everyone had already started eating, Lin Fei gently reminded him to start eating again.

Red Yi with doubt also started.

At the dinner table, although Wang Jianguang and Jiang Meng tried to mobilize their emotions and change the atmosphere, the effect was still limited. After all, things were very unpleasant before.

"Hong Yi, do you know mu Feixuan? If you know me, introduce me to you! " Yang Lanna after repressing for a long time, still couldn't help asking.

You know, now on the cuttlefish platform, if anyone wants to say that he knows mu Feixuan, then he can be sure to be famous overnight and become a star overnight.

Bingfei world is already an example. The cuttlefish platform offered tens of millions of contracts a year, which was rejected directly.

In Yang Lanna's eyes, even millions of contracts are enough for her to live happily.

Therefore, she put down her displeasure and took the lead in asking.

"Mumufeixuan is a great master. He can make a million at a time? Do you have a mine at home? "

"Cut! More than a million? It's nothing compared with the 200 million in the last ice flying world! "

"It's a powerful character. If you don't do it, you'll be shocked. Absolutely rich!"


Yang Lanna's question attracted the students who had been depressed for a long time to open their conversation again.

Hong Yi opens her mouth in Yang Lanna's expectant eyes

"Yang Lanna, I don't know mu Feixuan, and I don't know why he supports me."

Hong Yi is very honest. She doesn't boast and tell the truth directly because she has more vanity because she won.

Lin Fei was very satisfied with it, while others were surprised.

"Hongyi, you really don't know him? He paid you a million dollars directly? I don't know. Can you be so headstrong? Tell me, is it your little lover Yang Lanna obviously didn't trust her and then asked.

"I really don't know. It's strange for me to add friends now." Red Yi heart surprise and doubt coexist, eager to know each other's identity, can spend so much money is absolutely the top rich second generation.

Red Yi friend application came, application message is, "Yi wipe red dust thank you for your support and reward."

Lin Fei immediately felt numb, he passed the friend application, but did not reply to any words.

Instead, close the phone as if you didn't see it at all.

This kind of reward is nothing more than a money game. He just wants to let Hong Xu and Yang Lanna recognize themselves in this way, which can be regarded as a warning.

However, he thought that it could end, but it didn't mean that others agreed to end. The mobile phone vibrated again, and the screen opened. Yang Lanna's friend application even said -

"brother mu Feixuan, I admire you, I love you, can I add a friend?"

Lin Fei almost vomited on the spot.

"What is Yang Lanna singing?" Lin Fei was puzzled.

Red Yi out of gratitude can understand, but Yang Lanna?

Celebrate your failure?

Before Lin Fei thought clearly, his mobile phone vibrated again. This time, he almost laughed.

Hong Xu even wants to add his friends and leave a message.

"Can I know the most heroic man I've ever met?"

Lin Fei smiles bitterly in his heart. That's all kinds of life!

In the real world, I sit in front of them, but I don't know you.

Virtual world, even want to kneel down to agree to add an application, how sad!

Lin Fei did not agree, set the mute, closed the phone, pretended not to know.

Hong Xu and they don't know mu Feixuan is Lin Fei now. If they know, I'm afraid they can't sleep well in three days and three nights

In the real private room, Lin Fei is eating slowly. He hasn't been back to Jiangbei County for a long time, and he doesn't eat his hometown's food. So when he comes across delicious food, he will inevitably eat more.

Hong Xu has been holding a breath, eyes never left Lin Fei.

If the vision is really like a sword, Lin Fei has been pierced by thousands of arrows."I said Lin Fei, can you stop being like you've never seen the world before? I'll let you eat all the dishes at once. Would you like some face? " Hong Xu knocked his chopsticks on the table.

"Forget it, Hong Xu, a poor man who wants Li Gui to play Li Kui. What do you expect him to see? This meal will be taken as a charity given to him by the hotel, so as to calm down. " Yang Lanna said with a smile.

Although Hong Xu was not a man just now, Yang Lanna's attitude towards Hong Xu has not changed. After all, his tens of millions of assets are not what ordinary people can own, so she still stands firmly on this side.

Lin Fei didn't speak, as if he didn't hear Hong Xu's accusation at all.

Hong Xu also wants to forgive others. Wang jiangmeng and Wang Jianguang quickly find a way to talk to each other.

A meal, finished in embarrassment.

Except for Hong Yi, Wang Jianguang and Jiang Meng, who had a few words with Lin Fei and had a few drinks together, no one paid any attention to Lin Fei, even those who just saw Lin Fei with different eyes.

They don't want to be close to Lin Fei in front of Hong Xu. If they can choose, Hong Xu is excellent in their eyes.

As for the phone and wechat, no one wants Lin Fei, which makes Lin Fei more quiet.

Finally, just before the end, Hong Xu spoke again.

"Jianguang and Jiang Meng's wedding, we all have to contribute, tomorrow you come here, I give you division of labor..."

Hong Xu's arrangement, everyone nodded, which made Wang Jianguang and Jiang Meng very happy.

Although the hotel said it was all inclusive, it had to be followed by someone.

"Lin Fei, what do you think you can do?" Hong Xu finally looks at Lin Fei and asks.

"I'm sorry! I have something to do tomorrow. I'll see you on the wedding day. "

Lin Fei's answer, the scene a surprised, even Wang jiangmeng did not expect Lin Fei will be such a response.

In fact, Lin Fei didn't lie. This time he went back to Jiangbei County and planned to invest 100 billion yuan. How could he spend the 100 billion yuan? He needs research and planning. It's a good time to wait for Wang Jianguang's wedding. So how can he waste his time?

What's more, the hotel has already said that it's all inclusive. If song Xiang can't handle this little thing well, what can he do?

No doubt!

This is Lin Fei's principle, so he let song Xiang do it.

Ha ha

"Is this my classmate?" Hong Xu finally seizes the opportunity again, and is about to denounce him again.

"Hong Xu, Lin Fei hasn't come back for a long time. It's normal for him to deal with something. If you have a hotel here, don't affect Lin Fei." Wang Jianguang quickly stood up again to make peace.

Hong Xu finally forbade, but he has been looking forward to the wedding scene good ridicule Lin Fei.

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