The door is open, Liu Feng is lying on the table to write and draw something, appears very busy.

"Director Liu, if you are so busy, I will go back first."

Lin Fei stood at the door, laughing and joking.

"I think you, the richest man in Jiangnan City, are too busy?" Liu Feng raised his head and laughed.

"No matter how busy you are, director Liu will have to arrive for the summon. I don't know what the instructions are?"

Lin Fei knows that Liu Feng won't find himself if he doesn't have a problem. He walks in and sits at the bedside casually.

"Why, I'm just looking for you, right?" Then he poured a cup of tea for Lin Fei.

"Director Liu, I dare not drink your tea." Lin Fei took the tea while laughing.

"You're so smooth in front of me, boy."

Lin Fei smiles and doesn't respond, waiting for Liu Feng to get down to business.

"I'm in a little bit of trouble now. I need your help."

"I can't afford to pay the electricity bill because I bought you an air conditioner? Say a number and I'll solve it for you. "

Lin Fei said deliberately.

"Lin Fei, do you think my tea is too good?"

Liu Feng pretended to be angry.

"Director Liu, I really don't want to drink your tea!"

"Well! Then give me some money. " Liu Feng stares at Lin Fei.

During this period of time, both the police station and their department are very busy. The reason is that Lin Fei has brought down too many people in Jiangnan City, such as he Zhihua, Pang Mingjian and the Ye family. These people are worth billions or even hundreds of billions. At their level, how many of them are innocent, and there are complicated forces and relationships behind them Naturally, a lot of people will be involved.

Of course, it also gives them the opportunity to make contributions, so they love and hate Lin Fei.

"Director Liu, actually I have something to ask you."

When Lin Fei saw that the fire was almost finished, the wind turned.

"Don't ask me for anything that violates the principle." Liu Feng said it first.

"Director Liu, if you are short of money, please ask me."


Ha ha

Both of them laughed.

This is the true portrayal of two people's identity and character.

"What do you need to do, director Liu?" Lin Fei sat up straight and waited for Liu Feng to open his mouth.

"Lin Fei, your hometown is in Heping Village, right?" Liu Feng took out a sketch he had just drawn.

"Director Liu won't stare at me. I've done enough research." Lin Fei took a look at the sketch, which was very vivid.

"You see, on the other side of the gully, there is a Heshun Village, you know?"

Liu Feng pointed to the opposite village and asked.

"I know! I've been climbing mountains many times since I was a child. "

"Now that you have become the richest man, you will certainly develop Heping Village. Then you will build roads to the town, to the county, and let Heping Village walk out of the mountains. But there is still no road in Heshun Village, and you can't get out of the mountains. What do you think of this?" Liu Feng put down his pen and asked Lin Fei.

"Director Liu, are you going to be a local official here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm surprised that you start to pay attention to the poor mountain villages here."

"Lin Fei, it's not that I pay attention to this place, but Jiangbei County, as a poor county in China, where many people still live and can't get out of the mountains. And this Heshun Village is a poverty-stricken village guaranteed by our unit, so I have the cheek to ask you for help. "

Liu Feng said in a serious and dull tone.

Although he has not been to the countryside below Jiangbei County, he knows how poor the county is when he sees the poverty of Jiangbei County, so he wants to help them make some contributions.

When he thought of the fact that there were still many people who were dead, and many people who were corrupt, his eyes were filled with anger. He wanted to hold up his power sword and cut off all the hands that everyone had put out.

Lin Fei was a child who lived in this mountain since he was a child. He knew the poverty here, how much the people here needed help, and how much he wanted to get out of the mountain.

"Director Liu, to tell you the truth, I will take care of Heshun Village even if you don't ask me."


"I'm from Jiangbei County. I can't forget my hometown."

"Lin Fei, you, you are good!"

Liu Feng stood up and looked at Lin Fei with more soft eyes, more appreciation and more feeling.

"Director Liu, in fact, I still have one thing to say."

"What's the matter?"

"I intend to invest 100 billion yuan to help Jiangbei County get rid of poverty quickly and become rich."


"You, what did you say?"

Liu Feng stood up directly from the head of the bed and asked Lin Fei."Invest 100 billion."

"Lin Fei, do you really want to invest in this?"

"Of course."

"Then I thank you for the people of Jiangbei County." Liu Feng is a swordsman's wrist, sincerely thanks to Lin Fei.

"Director Liu, it's my own business. You don't have to be so grateful to me. But now I have a lot of concerns. "

"What concerns?"

"There are not many officials like Songle in Jiangbei County. I'm worried that if the 100 billion yuan is put in, there will be no effect. If we don't say it, there may be more corruption."

Liu Feng is silent.

Out of the backwater comes the trickster.

Lin Fei's worries are very realistic.

"Lin Fei, are you sure about this?"

"Of course I'm sure."

Liu Feng fell into thinking. After a long time, he looked at Lin Fei and said, "Lin Fei, if you really invest 100 billion yuan, I will take the initiative to apply to work here and be responsible for supervising the use of 100 billion yuan to ensure that it is spent on the development of Jiangbei County."

Liu duofeng's tone was firm and serious.

Lin Fei was shocked. When he met Liu Feng in the hotel today, he hoped that an upright official like Liu Feng would bring peace and hope to the hotel.

"Director Liu, if you were here, I would be completely relieved."

"Good! Lin Fei, you wait for my news. "

"I admire director Liu's feelings. You can rest assured."

The hands of the two men were held together.

No one thought, this grip, hold out Liu Feng's bright future, hold out a beautiful and rich Jiangbei County.

"Lin Fei, what do you want me to do? Once again, if you violate the principle, don't look for me. "

Release hand, Liu Feng looking at Lin Fei, said with a smile.

"Director Liu, Wang Jianguang is a classmate of my senior high school. He is very talented and energetic. If you need to, you can have a look."

Liu Feng hears, Leng for a while, did not expect Lin Fei to say is this matter.

Today in the hotel hall, Wang Jianguang's performance left a deep impression on him. It can be said that he likes it very much. Even if Lin Fei doesn't say it, he will certainly consider it.

"Let's talk about it later!"

"Yes! Thank you, director Liu. "

In Lin Fei's opinion, Liu Feng did not refuse, that is to say yes.

His character and the nature of his work determine his style of doing things.

After they talked for a while, Lin Fei left.

However, before Lin Fei left, he asked Liu Fengwan to attack Songle for two days, which made Liu Feng a little puzzled. According to the information on hand, he could take it away directly.

But Lin Fei did not explain, Liu Feng agreed.

Liu Feng immediately began to make a phone call and took the initiative to apply to work in Jiangbei County.

He was on the phone, not hiding anything from his leader.

Unexpectedly, his application report spread in Jiangnan City in an instant

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