"Hong Xu, Lin Fei is here. Did you go so fast?"

"We are in room 99999. We need to remember the past in a moment."

"If you don't go there, you look down on us students."

Seeing that Hong Xu almost ran away with his tail between his legs, Hong Yi laughed and stood behind him, shouting and laughing loudly.

Hong Yi hated and despised Hong Xu. At first, if Hong Xu was not arrogant and despised Lin Fei again and again, and then admitted that Lin Fei was the richest man, how could he have such a miserable ending?

Thinking of Hong Xu's shamelessness, especially when she quarrels with herself and says goodbye, she immediately gets mixed up with Yang Lanna. She despises her even more and is even more angry.

It's a pain in the neck!

She didn't care.

Hong Yi's words, for Hong Xu, also more heart, he almost ran into the KTV hall.

Seeing this scene, the students behind couldn't help laughing.

Red Yi Ran to Lin Fei's side and naturally hugged Lin Fei's arm. Jiao said with a smile: "Lin Fei, can I help you out?"

Lin Fei touched his nose, "you are such a beautiful little girl, how can you be so unruly?"

Red Yi's face turned red.

Deliberately in Lin Fei body hit hard, said: "no fun."

Lin Fei has a dumb smile and doesn't speak, which makes Hong Yi dissatisfied. "Lin Fei, they are talking to you!"

"I dare not talk to you. I'm afraid I'll be chopped to death!"

Lin Fei finished and looked at the other students who had been looking at them.

"Lin Fei, you..."


Other students at the scene laughed.

"No! We don't see anything. "

"Yes! My eyes don't work well at night

"I forgot to wear my glasses."


Just when we were waiting for Lin Fei, we were all wondering who had a good relationship with Lin Fei. In the end, it was Wang Jianguang, Jiang Meng and Hong Yi who had a good relationship with Lin Fei, needless to say.

On the contrary, Hong Yi is an employee of the global real estate company, and has been supporting Lin Fei. This made them think of a problem, so some people began to test it, and some even teased Hong Yi.

For Hong Yi, Lin Fei is not only handsome but also consistent, which makes her heart feel confused.

But before is Hong Xu's girlfriend, she also has self-knowledge, so just now deliberately take the way to attack Hong Xu to test Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's joke refused her, see the good intentions of students, also can only regret smile.

Some people, not all the way, are doomed to be together.

Although Hong Yi still held Lin Fei's arm, it was obviously stiff.

In the 88888 private room, Songle has just finished. Hong Xu and Yang Lanna have no taboo at all. Looking at the shivering woman on the ground, Songle looks at Yang Lanna while finishing her clothes. The fire of desire in her heart is rising again.

Although Yang Lanna is not a good man or a good woman, at this moment, she has to pretend to be reserved and shy. She hugs Hong Xu's arm and leans on it tightly.

"Songshao, I'm here to apologize to you." Hong Xu smiles and says,

song Le takes her eyes back from Yang Lanna, arranges her clothes, picks up the paper towel on the table, wipes her hands, looks at the woman on the ground and says, "get out of here!"

When the woman heard song Le scolding, she was so scared that she could not even wipe the tears on her face. She quickly stood up and simply arranged her clothes and ran out.

Yang Lanna, who is also a woman, saw the bruises on the woman who ran out. She wanted to please Songle immediately.

This is a big pervert.

"Hong Xu, are you a fool or an idiot? If it wasn't for your help in coordinating the hotel affairs for Wang Jianguang, how could I have been beaten in the face on the spot? "

Songle didn't know that the hotel was actually bought by Lin Fei and given to Jiang Meng, so his anger naturally came to Hong Xu's head.

Hong Xu's mouth twitches. He is very depressed in his heart, but he doesn't dare to refute it. He admits his mistakes repeatedly and conveniently puts a one million check in front of Songle.

Songle looked at the check and put it in his pocket without saying anything. "Now that I've been beaten in the face, let's fight back."

"I will cooperate with Matsushita." Hong Xu immediately stated his position.

"I've made an appointment with Lord ba. He will come in a moment, and then let him find someone to do all these people for me."

Songle said at last, his face was gloomy and his eyes were full of murderous.

Hear PA Ye two words, Hong Xu's face is a change, Yang Lanna is the body tightly against him.

Master Ba, a big brother who has been in Jiangbei County for more than ten years, is the boss of Heise society in Jiangbei County. I don't know how he made his fortune, but everyone knows one thing. Once there was a boss in Jiangbei County, but in one night, he and dozens of his brothers disappeared. From then on, there was no news of him in Jiangbei County, and master Ba became famous overnight I'm sorry.After the incident, the police conducted a secret investigation, but did not find any problems, which made the problem even more bizarre and the versions of legends became more numerous.

In the years after that, master Ba became the boss, and he became the boss who was responsible. In Jiangbei County, as long as master Ba wanted to do something, nothing could not be done.

In Hong Hao's development over the years, master Ba has also helped him a few times. Of course, it's also for the sake of money. It's all done by Hong Xu's father. Hong Xu's qualification is not enough, and he has never met master ba.

Today, I heard that Lord BA would come, which made him a little excited. He was a hero he admired for a long time.

As for Yang Lanna, she has some regrets. Master BA's lust is also well known. From a familiar woman to a student sister, as long as master Ba likes everything, she can't get it. It's such an existence. Today, when she comes here, she feels like a sheep has entered the tiger's mouth.

"Songshao, can you please move the master?" Hong Xu asked with envy and admiration.

"Why not?"

"Songshao, that's great. Now Wang Jianguang and Lin Fei, the richest man in Jiangnan City, are in the 99999 private room next door. If master Ba can bring people here, he will receive a lot of goods."

"Lin Fei, the richest man in Jiangnan City?" Hearing this, Songle was stunned and asked in reverse.

"Yes! That is... "

Hong Xu gave a brief introduction to Lin Fei.

After listening to song Le, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He was not surprised, but surprised. How could there be such a big fish? It's hard to imagine.

He immediately took out his mobile phone to call master Ba and briefly explained the situation.

Hong Xu doesn't know what PA ye said. Anyway, song Le's face is full of smiles.

Songle hung up, looked at Hong Xu with a curious face, and said with a smile, "master Ba has come. He is downstairs. He will come up in a moment. In order to celebrate the good news, he will bring a bottle of special wine with him."

"Don't be so powerful Hong Xu immediately thumbs up and flatters.

Ha ha

Songle's laughter echoed in the room.

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