
Lord Ba actually poured wine for Lin Fei.

He actually did it. He really opened the wine and poured a cup for Lin Fei.

This completely subverts everyone's concept, and even makes the younger brother of Lord Ba unable to imagine and accept. Looking at Lin Fei, countless grass mud horses are running in his heart.

However, the expression of PA Ye was so pious and serious, just like worshiping on his head.

"I can't see the difference. Take a sip of it." Lin Fei said, "gududu" drank the red wine.

When master Ba saw Lin Fei's way of drinking, he not only despised him for a while, but also thought that it was a cow's drink. No matter how good the wine was, it didn't taste good?

"It's better than your Lafite of '82."

Lin Fei put down his glass and said.

Master BA's tongue is full of saliva.

The smell of the wine coming from the mouth of the bottle is almost intoxicating.

There are many kinds of red wine, and the price of red wine varies.

Cheap wine is called wine, medium wine is called dry red, top wine is called brand, and top wine is called story, every bottle of wine has its own story.

There is no price for this level of red wine. Being able to buy it is ability. Even if you can buy it at a high price, it is also ability.

Because they are basically not in circulation and are in the hands of a few people.

Over time, many of them have become legends, stories in general.

Lafite, 78, is the legend of red wine, the legend of legend.

This kind of legend is often only seen in the records, in books and magazines, and in the communication of all kinds of people. Only with good luck can we see the real things.

Lin Fei took out this bottle of 78 Lafite, and the wine became a legend. He also became a legend, and Lord Ba became a witness to the legend.

"Come on! Everyone, find your own glass, pour the wine and taste it. " When everyone envies Lin Fei to taste alone, Lin Fei is very forthright and shouts to his classmates.

Obviously, these students did not expect that they had betrayed Lin Fei at the critical moment, and he was forgiving himself?

"What are you doing? Come and drink

Lin Fei pointed to the wine and said.

"Thank you, Lin Fei."

They really can not find a better word, can only use the simplest words instead.

"Little bastard, pour them the wine." Lin Fei pointed to master Ba and said with a smile.


All of them were surprised and asked master Ba to pour them wine. Isn't that a joke?

However, what people didn't expect was that Lord Ba did. He took the bottle of red wine and poured wine for everyone professionally.

No matter Lin Fei or PA Ye's subordinates, they all feel incredible when they see this scene. They all feel that their three outlooks have been destroyed.

"Here, let's touch one." Lin Fei took the lead in raising his glass and said to them with a smile on his face.

Lin Fei's classmates haven't entered the wine yet, but they have smelled the aroma of the wine and their faces are full of joy. They all raise their glasses to meet Lin Fei.


Lin Fei yelled and drank the red wine directly.

"Lin Fei, you are our best classmate. We will do whatever you want us to do in the future."

"You let us go east, we will never go west."

"Believe us, Lin Fei."


After drinking, these students seem to forget what happened just now and show their loyalty again.

Red Yi can't stand it, just want to speak, was stopped by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't speak, but looked at master ba. "Pour a cup and try it, too."

"Really, really?" Lord Ba asked in surprise.

"Where's that bullshit?"

"Good, good!" The greedy insects in my stomach were already very noisy just now. Now I can taste them, so I'm very happy.

Master Ba poured a tenth of his glass, then raised it to his chest, closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and immediately had a unique smell.

The smell is bitter at the beginning and mellow after a while, which is just the texture of top red wine.

"Goo Doo."

Master Ba tried to have a drink.


Lord Ba licked his lips with a mouthful.

He has been in Jiangbei County for many years, and has drunk a lot of high-end red wine before. However, compared with this cup of 78 Lafite, the previous red wine is rubbish.

"Son of a bitch! How about my wine? " Lin Fei smiles.

"Good! very nice! The best of the best. " My Lord is generous in his praise.

Lin Fei took a look at the wine bottle. There was about one third of the wine in it. He said with a smile, "I'll give you the remaining one third as compensation for your half bottle of 82 Lafite. Do you think it's ok?""Really? that 's ok! That's great Ba Ye hears speech, immediately surprise is unusual.

According to legend, 78 Lafite only produces 1000 bottles a year.

Some of these 1000 bottles will remain in Bordeaux to provide a certain standard for the next year's wine making work.

The rest of the list is made by the person in charge of the villa. According to the order of the list, it will be given to people all over the world as the best gift.

Even though Lord Ba is a man of the year in Jiangbei County, he is nothing in China. He can't see anything he wants to see, let alone drink.

Because of this, he regards the Lafite of '82 as a treasure. Now Lin Fei gives himself one third of the bottle of' 78 Lafite. How face saving and exciting is that?

In his eyes, he made money and Lin Fei lost money.

"Since we can, then we drink your wine by mistake. Is that the end of the matter?"

Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"Of course! Of course PA Ye immediately said with a smile, as if he had forgotten the pain.


Lin Fei agreed and turned to look at the other students.

"How about this wine?"

"Very good! Thank you, Lin Fei. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to drink such good Lafite of '82 and' 78 today. "

Students from the heart, heartfelt feeling way.

"There is a saying in China that wine is character. Do you know it?"

As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, the students at the scene were embarrassed.

Today was originally to apologize to Lin Fei. Who ever thought that this kind of thing would happen, and then thought that just now he took the initiative to break away from Lin Fei and stood aside with a fiery face.

"Lin Fei, we are classmates. We really want to make friends with you."

"Yes! Lin Fei, give us another chance. "

"Lin Fei, you have a large number of adults. The prime minister can hold a boat in his belly."


The audacity of the students once again showed incisively and vividly.

Lin Fei's heart is speechless and his expression is natural.

Lin Fei looked at PA ye again, "after drinking, it's time to talk about our business."

"Business? What's the matter? " Ba Ye's face is one side, very curious ask a way.

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