"Zhang Xueyuan, as long as the people you invited can transfer the land of Heping Village, I will agree that the gambling agreement is invalid." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Lin Fei, do you mean what you say?"

"Of course it counts! Remember to ask him to move on. "

Lin Fei emphasized one sentence.

"Good! No problem! " Zhang Xueyuan was full of confidence when he thought about the strength of the other side.

"I'll go and get them right away." Obviously, Zhang Quan knew this very well, said a word, turned and ran out of Lin Fei's yard.

At the moment, Zhang Xueyuan has the bottom of his mind and regains his momentum. "Lin Fei, do you know my role in Heping Village now? It's impossible to drive me out of Heping Village! " Zhang Xueyuan looked at Lin Fei with a sneer and said arrogantly.

Lin Fei said with a smile, "don't worry! I will

"Oh? Good! I'll see. "

Zhang Xueyuan wanted to be depressed about Lin Fei, but Lin Fei still vowed to get out of Heping Village, which is very depressing.

As soon as their conversation ended, Zhang Quan came over with a big bellied man in beige trousers and a red T-shirt.

The man is about 40 years old, with a round face, big head and sparse hair on the top of his head.

He was already fat. In order to show his wealth when he walked, he deliberately straightened up his stomach. As a result, when he looked down at his oversized stomach, he could not even see his shoes.

When Zhang Xueyuan saw a man, his face was filled with smiles, just like a flower in full bloom in June.

He trotted all the way, reached out far away, bent down, and groveled to the utmost.

"Mr. Su, I have told you about the land transfer in our village. We all agree that you are invited to sign the contract."

Su Xing, the man who is called President Su, immediately smiles when he hears that Zhang Xueyuan has agreed to the land transfer, but his pride is even stronger.

Now they kneel down and ask for their own savior.

"I'd like to introduce you to Su Xing, the manager of Xingguo group in Jiangnan City. He and his brother Su Guo came to Jiangbei County to support the cause of poverty alleviation. They chose Heping Village as the place of support. They planned to transfer our land and buy houses in the town, so that we could get rid of poverty and become rich. Let's thank President Su for his enthusiasm. "

With that, Zhang Xueyuan was the first to take the lead.

Zhang Quan's face in the crowd laughed like a chrysanthemum, then began to applaud, and other people in the yard clapped.

About a minute later, the applause stopped. Su Xing straightened his stomach, pretended to cough twice and said, "fellow villagers, Xingguo group has always responded to the call of the state and always cherished the people. This time, the land transfer in Heping Village is initially set to remain unchanged for 30 years. We will give you ten years' money at one time, and then build houses for you in the town to ensure that you can live in peace Happy work, no worries about money. "

"Applause!" As soon as Su Xing's words were finished, Zhang Xueyuan yelled and took the lead again.

For ten years?

All these people at the scene were boiling.

You know, many of them have never seen more than 10000 yuan in their life. Now they hear that ten years is a lot of money. Many people even have wet eyes.

"Secretary Zhang, you have done a good deed at last."

"Thank you for coming."

"Our good day is finally coming."


Some people at the scene have been moved to cry.

Su Xing feel more face, face smile more Sheng.

Zhang Xueyuan has also straightened his back. In the past years, people surnamed Lin in Heping Village have never paid attention to him as the village secretary. This time, he is finally elated.

Until then, Zhang Xueyuan still did not forget Lin Fei's unforgiveness. He said in a strange tone: "but now someone wants to drive me out of Heping Village, what do you say to do?"


All the people at the scene looked at Lin Fei. It seemed that they had forgotten what Lin Fei had done to cure Lin Zhong with magic medicine. What they thought about now was money, just the future life.

"Lin Zhong, Lin Fei, your father and son, we Heping Village have raised you for 20 years. It's time for you to go."

Immediately someone jumped out and ordered to leave.

Lin Zhong's face is a change, he just wanted to stop Lin Fei, is to thank the people of Heping Village for saving his life.

Now, it's embarrassing.

Lin Dong sighed, "if Zhang Xueyuan's land transfer can guarantee everyone's interests, I agree, but Lin Zhong and Lin Fei are members of the Lin family in Heping Village, and no one can drive them away."

Lin Dong a word, let originally Lin family also want to make a sound of person, instantly silent.

"Zhang Xueyuan, you'd better consider where to get out of Heping Village." Lin Fei said, suppressing his anger.

"Secretary Zhang, where does this guy come from? Don't get in the way here. "Su Xing saw that Lin Fei and Zhang Xueyuan had a conflict, and immediately stood up to support Zhang Xueyuan.

This makes Zhang Xueyuan feel very face, quite a body, said: "a person who came back from studying outside for four years, thought he was great."

"Cut! I thought it was something! It turned out that he was just a college student. Now many college students are in our company, and some of them go to farm and feed livestock in person! "

Su Xing's disdain is more intense.

Lin Fei's mobile phone vibrates. He takes a look at the text message and closes it. He smiles in his heart.

"You want one thousand yuan per mu to transfer the land, don't you?" Lin Fei looks at Su Xing and asks.

"Yes." Su Xing extremely arrogant said.

"How much do you think a thousand dollars is?" Lin Fei turned to the villagers of Heping Village and asked.

"So much! Very much! "

"It's a number I can't dream of."

"I've decided to sell all my land."


Lin Fei's question immediately got a positive answer.

Lin Fei's mouth showed a smile. "A thousand yuan is a lot. If his money is two times two thousand yuan, do you think it's more?"

"More, of course."

Next, I immediately thought of a laughing reply.

"Why, Lin Fei, do you want to transfer 2000 yuan per mu?" Zhang Xueyuan asked, squinting and curling his mouth.

"I have this idea." Lin Fei said with a smile.

Su Xing heard this sentence, as if to hear a joke.

looked back at Lin Fei and looked at him up and down. He said, "woodlouse!" It's a joke, isn't it? "

As he spoke, he took out five thousand yuan from himself and hit Lin Fei in the face. He scolded: "poor student, get away from me, don't affect me to do business!"

Ha ha

Zhang Quan is the first to laugh when he sees that Lin Fei has been smashed with money by Su Xing. "Let's see how rich Mr. Su is. He used money to beat people."

Zhang Quan's words make the people on the scene more full of expectations for land circulation.

Lin Fei looks at the money flying all over the sky, and his eyes are cold. "Today, no matter how much money he pays to transfer the land, I will pay twice as much as he does."

In a word, stir up a thousand waves!

The scene was astonished!

Zhang Xueyuan's heart was shaking.

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