"Who are you?" Lin Fei saw that Zhong wanchou and Zhong Chenliang had five or six points similar, but deliberately pretended not to ask.

"I'm Zhong wanchip, chairman of Wanheng real estate."

"There you are! That's good! Make an offer and sell me the company. " Lin Fei said with a faint smile.

"Young man, you don't have a hairy mouth and you don't handle affairs well. People won't laugh at you, but you're too boastful. Can you afford our company?"

"Wanheng real estate ranked seventh among the real estate companies in Jianghai city last year, and this year's performance has been far ahead, with a great trend of further improvement."

"We Wanheng real estate, also known as the brand real estate of Jianghai City, have a lot of loyal users. If you say you want to buy it at will, you don't think it's reliable. Can you brag?"

Zhong wanchou stands in front of Lin Fei and straightens up his stomach. His face is full of arrogance and his eyes are even more disdainful. Lin Feigang's words, in his opinion, are crazy.

His Wanheng real estate has been in operation for nearly 30 years. In these years, he took the Huaxia real estate express, which really made Wanheng real estate famous and rich.

In Jianghai City, he is also a famous entrepreneur and respected by many people. Even the leaders of many departments in Jianghai city should be polite to him.

Now Lin Fei, a young man, is about to buy a company. What is it, not a lie?

"I can testify that Wanheng real estate is definitely a brand real estate in Jianghai city."

"If you want to buy Wanheng real estate, this young man must be talking in his sleep."

"That's tens of millions, not millions, tens of millions."


As soon as Zhong wanchou's words were finished, there was a sound of discussion from the crowd. This makes Zhong wanchip's pride even stronger and more arrogant.


Lin Fei's cell phone sent a short message. He glanced at it and laughed.

Zhao Ren is very smart and has a strong ability to handle affairs. He just said one thing and the other did two.

"Zhong wanchip, your Wanheng real estate is valued at 35 billion yuan, and I have decided to buy it at 50 billion yuan." What Lin Fei said is very serious, very serious, direct quotation.


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, everyone at the scene took a breath, even Zhao Guolong. It's not only Lin Fei's premium is high, but more importantly, even if Lin Fei becomes the richest man in Jiangnan City, his assets will be hundreds of billions, up to 50 billion, which is a little exaggeration.

Zhong wanchou shakes his hand when he holds the wine cup. The cup almost falls to the ground. It took him almost 30 years to turn billions of assets into 35 billion. Now he only sells 50 billion. It's absolutely shocking and surprising!

Enough money!

Zhong Chenliang was even more shocked and almost cried out. Is this guy a fool with a lot of money?

"What? 50 billion is too little? How about I give you 100 billion? " Lin Fei spoke again.


Someone has been called out at the scene.

They don't know if Lin Fei has any money, but Lin Fei's words absolutely shocked them.

Zhong wanchou's forehead has been sweating, and he really wants to sell it, but he is worried that Lin Fei will tease himself by asking a price at will, which will be a shame.

I'll give you three seconds to think about it.

"100 billion once!"

Lin Fei learns the cry of auction.

There was no response from wanchip.

"100 billion twice!"

"Dad, I, we..." Zhong Chenliang has been thoroughly moved.

"One hundred billion three times!"

Zhong wanchip finally chose not to believe Lin Fei. After all, only a fool would buy his company at such a high price.

Lin Fei shakes his head and looks at Zhong wanchip. "It's a pity you missed it."

"Ha ha! Young man, I'm Zhong wanchip, an entity entrepreneur in Jianghai city. I'm not a speculator. I won't be tempted by your interests, and I don't believe you have so much money. "

Zhong wanchou stands tall and looks at Lin Fei.

It's his judgment, his choice, his decision.

Ha, ha

Lin Fei sneered twice. "What do you think this is?" Lin Fei goes to Zhong wanchip with his mobile phone and gently opens it.

In a flash, hot photos appeared in Zhong wancho's eyes. There were photos of sincere meeting in the bathhouse, frequent toasting in the hotel, and accidents at the construction site

When the photos appeared in front of Zhong wanchip's eyes, his face suddenly changed, first shocked, then pale as paper, and finally his body began to shake.

"Dad! What's the matter with you? "

Zhong Chenliang quickly stepped forward and asked.

"You, what do you mean?"

"20 billion to sell me the company." Lin Fei stretched out two fingers, looked at Zhong wanchip and said with a sneer.

Zhong wanchou's heart sank.

If you sell, you will lose nothing.Do not sell, if these photos are exposed, Wanheng real estate will collapse instantly.

He got tangled.

Just now, the pride has disappeared, replaced by tension and fear.

Although the people at the scene were shocked by Zhong wanchip's performance, as a veteran of the shopping mall, everyone seemed to have guessed something, and they were all absorbed in looking at the father and son of the Zhong family.

Zhong wanchou stood there in a daze for half a minute. At last, he took a long breath. He lost his energy in an instant. He looked at Lin Fei and said, "I'd like to sell it to you."

With that, the whole body takes time out.

Everyone at the scene was surprised.

Zhao Guolong's eyes contracted slightly, and his face was surprised. At the same time, he also looked at Lin Fei for the first time.

It's not easy!

This is his definition of Lin Fei.

If it wasn't for the killer, Zhong wanchip wouldn't agree.

How many big waves have he not experienced in the shopping malls for 30 years?

"Dad! We can't sell it! That's 20 billion, not 100 billion. " Zhong Chenliang was in a hurry. Jump out and stop!


When Zhong wanchou heard Zhong Chenliang's cry, he immediately opened his eyes and opened his mouth to his face.

"Dad, you..."

Zhong Chenliang was beaten.

Then, however, he was even more confused.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's all my bad education. Please forgive me." Zhong wanchou looks at Lin Fei and bows to apologize.

The color of prayer is expressed in words.

At the moment, there was no pride or pride in him.

"Zhong wanchou really agreed to sell Wanheng real estate?"

"Well, it's impossible, isn't it?"

"How do I feel like I'm dreaming? Does that young man know any magic, otherwise how can Zhong wanchip bow his head and sell the company at a low price? "


Everyone at the scene was surprised and began to talk.

"There's no way to print the contract here. You can write a note and I'll give you the money." Lin Fei looks at Zhong wanchip and says impatiently.

"Good, good!" Zhong wanchou quickly found the paper, wrote the brief information, signed it and sent it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei takes a look and directly takes out his mobile phone to transfer 20 billion yuan to Zhong wanchip. He is not afraid of Zhong wanchip's repentance. He has some evidence in his hand. It is estimated that Zhong wanchip will not dare unless he does not want to live?

At the moment, he admires Yunting even more. The pictures just now were sent by Yunting. It's unnecessary to think that Zhao Ren contacted her.

Think of the original concession to yunrouhui, did not expect to have such a receipt, Lin Fei is very happy.

Zhong wanchou and Zhong Chenliang left. They left in ashes. They didn't even say hello to others.

They left in a hurry and went down, but they also shocked all the people on the scene more strongly.

No matter who Lin Fei is, he can spend 20 billion yuan like 200 yuan, which is not what ordinary people can do.

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