More than 10 billion?

For these people at the scene, they can all give up 10 billion yuan. Those who are lower than these can not attend the engagement ceremony today.

However, for some people, 10 billion is already half or more than half of their total assets, which is a lot.

However, for homesick, 10 billion is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Siqixue was disappointed, even desperate.

Of course, he is also very clear that he just wants to get more money out of his marriage with the Zhao family. It's very unrealistic. It's already very good to get 10 billion yuan out of his marriage. But what does the family have to pay?

Si Liyuan was also disappointed. In the car, she said that she needed 50 billion yuan, which was the lowest number. No matter how much she didn't dare to say, she was afraid that the Zhao family would directly refuse.

Now, the Zhao family has provided 10 billion yuan of financial aid, which makes Sijia very embarrassed.

"Zhao, Dong Zhao, how would you like to lend the 10 billion yuan to Sijia?" After seeing her father's eyes, siliyuan asked tentatively.

"Yuanyuan, Wenhua and Siyu are engaged today. From now on, they will be a family. The money is for you to think of your family."


As soon as Zhao Guolong's words came out, the scene was filled with inspirations. Those who just praised Zhao Guolong were full of admiration for him again. Zhao Jiaguo is really a big hand.

Zhao Guolong knew that Lin Fei could come up with 10 billion yuan, but he still had a proud smile on his face. He was still very happy and enjoyed the praise from all the people. His eyes were going up to the sky. Besides the Zhao family, who could be so bold?

Try Lin Fei, this is his idea.

At the same time, the Zhao family took out 10 billion yuan to get engaged to the homesick family, which is absolutely beautiful in anyone's eyes. The Zhao family earned enough face.

Zhao Wenhua's heart is even more sour. Today, at the intersection of the expressway, he was beaten in the face by Lin Fei with 10 billion yuan. This time, the Zhao family finally came back with 10 billion yuan.

He also wanted to know whether Siyu had the chance to kneel in front of Lin Fei's 10 billion yuan, and whether he would kneel in front of his Zhao family's 10 billion yuan?

Siyu's heart is a pain, she knows that in front of the 10 billion, she will be mercilessly betrayed by the family.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao!" Si Liyuan said excitedly.

"Yuanyuan, it's nothing!" What Zhao Guolong said is very casual.

"By the way, Siyu married to our Zhao family. How many family shares are you going to send as a dowry?" Zhao Guolong then asked.

This time, everyone on the scene stood up and waited for the reply of homesick.

Siliyuan also looked at her father siqixue, and Zhao Guolong asked this sentence in the car.

Siqixue didn't speak, but his eyes were a little more angry. He was obviously disgusted with Zhao Guolong's words and dissatisfied with his wishful thinking.

In front of the public, the 10 billion is given to Sijia. I turn around and ask what is the dowry accompanying Sijia. Isn't it a disguised share of Sijia?

It's a shame that the accompanying money is less than 10 billion yuan, not to mention that Sijia can't afford so much money now.

If you don't send money with you, what else do you have besides shares?

As for Zhao Guolong's idea, not only did Siqi learn to understand it, but all the people at the scene understood it, but no one spoke. They were all observing to see how Sijia would respond?

For a moment, the scene atmosphere became very strange.

Lin Fei is transparent in his heart and despises the Zhao family more and more. "Cut! Ten billion want to marry Siyu? Are you going to be shameless? "

Although it was ugly, many people at the scene agreed with it and looked at Zhao Guolong and Zhao Wenhua.

Siqixue takes a long breath, but he is secretly grateful for Lin Fei's timely standing up, otherwise he will be beaten in the face on the spot.

Zhao Guolong's face was gloomy and his eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Lin Fei and showed his anger. The peach in his hand was knocked down by Lin Fei. How can he forgive it?

"Lin Fei, shut up, 10 billion. Do you think it's a small amount?"

"The Zhao family can give us 10 billion yuan to marry Siyu. Who can do that in Jianghai?"

"Why do you say that the Zhao family is stingy, and what can you come up with? Can you come up with 10 billion? "

Siliyuan to Linfei always see very deep, has been very angry, he and Siyu intimate together.

It's not enough for the family to give the Zhao family 10 billion yuan. It's a drop in the bucket, but it's still at least 10 billion yuan. What can Lin Fei give?

This made siliyuan more and more angry.

Zhao Guolong is very satisfied with Si Liyuan's performance, and her words are what he wants to say most. With a sneer, "Lin Fei, you can't afford to marry 10 billion yuan, so how much do you think is suitable?"

Lin Fei turned his head and looked at Siyu with a sneer. "Wife! Didn't I just give you 10 billion? To your grandfather, it's just my proposal to you. "


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, the scene was full of excitement, and more people screamed.10 billion, just a proposal?

Did you hear me right?

The Zhao family also gave 10 billion yuan, which is an indication of engagement, but also the accompanying of homesickness. Lin Fei's 10 billion yuan is an indication of marriage proposal. Frankly speaking, it is like a bunch of flowers and a diamond ring, but it has a completely different meaning from the Zhao family.

Who is high and who is low, stands high and low.

People look at Lin Fei, eyes full of admiration, it is hard to imagine.

Because of the previous acquisition of Wanheng real estate, no one doubts the problem of Linfei money.

Siliyuan a little confused, staring at her father and Siyu, she does not know whether it is true or not.

Siqi Xue was surprised in his heart. He was right. However, his expression was very serious, he could not see any fluctuation, and even his eyes showed disdain.

"Oh! Rich like to express, at will! Not to mention 10 billion, it's 100 billion. Anyway, Siyu married our Zhao family, and the money was all our Zhao family's Zhao Guolong's heart is more disgusting than eating flies, but he has to pretend to be optimistic.

He's gambling that homesick doesn't dare to refuse the engagement. Even if Lin Fei has given him 10 billion yuan, homesick doesn't dare.

Siyu has just been in a state of mental confusion. Now Lin Fei mentions 10 billion yuan and suddenly wakes up. He takes out his bank card and goes to siqixue.

"Grandfather, this card has 10 billion yuan. It was given to me by Lin Fei. I'll give it to you!"


As soon as the words came out, everyone at the scene knew that it was true and looked at Lin Fei one after another. How rich was this guy?

Siqixue didn't receive the bank card, but said faintly: "Siyu, the decision can't be changed!"

Siqixue's words are like a bucket of ice, which instantly extinguishes Siyu's rising hope and freezes her.

Holding the bank card in hand, standing in place.

Ha ha

Zhao Guolong suddenly laughs on his back and looks at Lin Fei, showing his deep pride and infinite disdain.

This is the status of the Zhao family.

This is the dignity of the Zhao family.

This is the prestige of the Zhao family in Jianghai city.

No one can dare to offend the Zhao family. Even though Lin Fei is rich and generous, he still demands the Zhao family.

Zhao Wenhua also showed an excited smile on his face. He felt more comfortable than beating Lin Fei with his own hands.

People at the scene looked at the Zhao family with respect and compliment again -

the status of the Zhao family is hard to shake!

Ha ha

Lin Fei also laughed loudly.

The next second, he went to Siyu and held him in his arms. Then

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