The next second, she suddenly sober, why should Lin Fei shout so crazy?

Pick up the phone in front of you and dial the front desk directly.

Downstairs in the lobby.

The receptionist almost went crazy. Lin Fei made her feel that her eardrum was almost broken.

"What are you calling for? Psycho, I'll let the security guard drive you away now. "

He was about to pick up the phone to call the security guard when the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

"I'm at the front desk, you..."

"Is there a man named Lin Fei coming to the company?" The sound of thinking about rain came from the other end.

"Who are you? What kind of psychosis is it? "

The front desk is not familiar with Siyu's voice. Just now, in the case of anger, he didn't see the call clearly, so he directly yelled at it.

Siyu's face is black! "I'm Siyu, the chairman of the board of directors!"

Siyu's cold and serious voice came from the other end of the phone. Although it was far away, it still shocked the front desk lady instantly.

The receptionist felt a short circuit in her brain, which was blank and white, and her face was even paler.

At the other end, Siyu is still talking and asking questions, but she no longer knows what Siyu is saying to her, let alone how to answer.

At this time, the gate of Sifang group.

Diao Shun has already arrived at the door, and is ready to show his skill. When he beats Lin Fei away, he finds that there is no one at all.

Vice captain Wang Bocheng and a group of security guards are gathering together to mutter about the accounts.

"Everyone should be 80000."

"No, everyone should be 90000."

"It's not right. The captain and vice captain take more. We should take 60000."


Diao Shun saw a circle, where have what Lin Fei, immediately eyebrow stood up.

"What are you doing?"

"Where did Lin Fei go?"

"Wang Bocheng, you don't want to do it, do you?"

Diao Shun's scolding and questioning immediately awakens Wang Bocheng and others from the joy of sharing money.

Wang Bocheng subconsciously put his bank card into his pocket and looked up at Diao Shun's voice.

"Good team Diao!"

There's a quick response security guard. He's already saying hello.

Wang Bocheng saw that it was Diao Shun. He immediately came forward with a smile on his face and handed the bank card in his hands. "Team Diao, we are rich! I'm rich

Diao Shun was stunned!

"Team Diao, you see, this is the man named Lin Fei just now. In order to enter the company, he gave us the money. How much do you think there is in it?"

Wang Bocheng is full of flattery and mystification, waiting for Diao Shun's praise.

Diao Shun's brain roared, then gritted his teeth and asked, "you, you said Lin Fei went in?"

"Go in! And gave us a million. This guy is really a fat sheep. If you know... "


"Son of a bitch!"

Before Wang Bocheng finished, he was slapped in the face by Diao Shun. Then he pointed his finger to Wang Bocheng's nose and said angrily, "if Lin Fei doesn't get out of the company today, I promise you to get out of the company! No, get out of Jianghai! It's not, let you disappear from Jianghai city. "

Wang Bocheng

The body a soft, directly sit on the ground.

Just now, Lin Fei's heroism and cheerfulness made him forget Diao Shun's "lying trough" on the phone.

Diao Shun is in a hurry now. He thinks that he has received a call from the security company today, asking that he must throw Lin Fei to the gate of Sifang group after being humiliated and maimed. If he can't finish the task, he will go away, and his forehead has begun to sweat.

"You come in with me and drive that liar out!"

Diao Shun looks at the other security guards who are in a daze and yells.

"Yes, yes

Although they love money, they are scared when they hear Diao Shun's abuse and threat to Wang Bocheng. They rush to the hall.

Just as they were about to enter the hall, they just heard "Siyu, I'm your husband Linfei. Come down immediately!"


The security guard stops and turns to Diao Shun.

Dare to shout like this, can there be false?

Diao Shun's back began to cool. He had no bottom in his heart, but he thought that he had to finish the task. He grasped the rubber stick to speed up his running.

At the moment, Lin Fei is sitting leisurely in a chair, the front desk lady is holding the phone in her ear.

Diao Shun rushes into the hall and sees that Lin Fei is the man he just met at the door, who makes him unhappy. He suddenly bumps his head with anger.

"Well, you liar, you insulted the reputation of Sidong. Let me teach you a lesson."

Diao Shun was very experienced. He put on a big hat, then swung his rubber stick and smashed it at Lin Fei.

Diao Shun's scolding and angry blow wake up the front desk. "No!"The front desk roared. His body in high heels was like a bomb coming out of the chamber. Suddenly, he jumped at Lin Fei, opened his arms and put the whole back on diaoshun's rubber stick.

It was a desperate man.

It was a man who sacrificed himself to save others.

That's a moving person.

This change, not only Diao Shun, even Lin Fei did not think of, how can there be a kind of sacrifice to blow up blockhouse heroism?

It's too late for diaoshun to take back the rubber stick. Although Lin Fei has a bad impression on him, he can't help himself. He suddenly stands up, puts his left hand around the waist of the front desk, and opens his right five fingers like a piece of cloth. He grabs diaoshun's rubber stick in his hand.

The front desk had been desperate to close his eyes, ready to be seriously injured, but he felt like he was lying in the arms of a man.

As for Diao Shun, he was already frightened.

Because his rubber stick is twisting a little bit at a visible speed.

First it became S-type, then it became twist type, and finally it became spiral spring type. Looking at Lin Fei's face, there was always a faint smile, without any anger.

Lin Fei made a little effort to break Diao Shun's rubber stick directly from the middle, just like a crisp biscuit.


Five fingers open, hands part of the free fall on the ground, issued a clear sound.

Diao Shun's brain is blank. Looking at Lin Fei in front of him, he seems to see a monster, a God and a god of war.

He opened his mouth twice without making a sound.

The receptionist has come to her senses from the shock, struggling to get up.

The security guard behind him was holding a rubber stick in his hand, swallowing saliva hard, and slowly retreating back.

The staff who rushed down from the upstairs, looking at the scene in front of them, were also scared.

Lin Feichang breathes a breath, looks at Diao Shun, moves his steps, and walks slowly.

Diao Shun's eyes look at Lin Fei. It's like seeing a tiger's rabbit standing in the same place, shivering and not daring to move.

All the people on the scene hold their breath and stare at Lin Fei. They don't know what Lin Fei will do next second.

"Lin Fei!" Siyu a hasty cry in the elevator.

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