As soon as the woman opened her mouth and stood up, those who wanted to stand up at the scene immediately shrank, because her aura was so strong that she had a kind of long-time sophistication and dignity.

This woman is the personnel manager - Zhu Xuexiang.

In Sifang group, the person with power can be ranked fourth, who can decide everyone's promotion, recruitment and dismissal.

Many people at the scene were in awe.

Zhu Xuexiang, a woman in Sifang group, not only has power, but also has the courage and ruthlessness comparable to power.

Once, because some employees criticized the company, she once criticized the employees on the spot in front of the chairman of the board and fired them on the spot.

Even the then chairman of the board, Si Jiejiang, could not stand up and intercede.

It's very simple. I'll either use her power or I'll dismiss her.

In this regard, sijiejiang actually respected her power.


No one knows.

Today, Lin Fei's practice angered her and made her stand up. All the employees who wanted to stand up at the scene flinched and did not dare.

In their opinion, how can Siyu, the new chairman of the board of directors, be the opponent of Zhu Xuexiang?

When Zhu Xuexiang comes out, she locks Lin Fei's eyes. There is a kind of disdain, disdain and even anger in her eyes.

"Manager Zhu, Lin Fei's attitude is my attitude of thinking about rain." Face Zhu Xuexiang with angry questions, Siyu did not hesitate to stand on the side of Linfei.

Zhu Xuexiang obviously didn't expect that Siyu would be so shameless. In her opinion, Siyu must listen to her own words, otherwise Sifang group will be scattered.

Her originally gloomy face became more ugly, and her peach blossom eyes were full of anger.

The staff who are familiar with Zhu Xuexiang can't help feeling a cool wind rising from their back.

That's the look in Zhu Xuexiang's eyes, which is jokingly called "the light of swallowing". It can kill people, even gods.

In people's eyes, no employee can dare to meet her eyes. As long as they don't bow, there will never be a chance to bow.

At this moment, they all feel pity for Siyu and Linfei.

However, Siyu's eyes and Zhu Xuexiang's eyes are intertwined with each other, and they do not shrink at all. They collide with fierce sparks in the air.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on Zhu Xuexiang. He didn't feel comfortable with this woman's high coldness and hegemony. Even in his opinion, there was a big gap between the high coldness and that of Siyu.

The high cold of Siyu is the natural high cold, which comes from the bone.

And Zhu Xuexiang's Gao Leng is a little ugly, that is arrogant, a kind of woman's arrogance, just like a proud rooster.

This makes him have no good impression on it.


The system prompts that the sound is on.

"Master! The first step to thoroughly solve the personnel crisis of Sifang group is to clean up Zhu Xuexiang. "


Lin Fei can't help but take a breath. It's totally consistent with his own judgment.

"What's the best way?"

"Use mind reading cards to master all the thoughts in this woman's mind."

Lin Fei immediately enters the storage space of the system and sees the red card with mind reading skills lying quietly in the storage space. Lin Fei gently turns the red card into a red light and instantly enters Lin Fei's brain. Then Lin Fei feels that his eyes can see through people's heart.

Withdraw from divine consciousness and look at Siyu. "Lin Fei is the most exciting man I've ever met in my life. I absolutely can't allow Xu Lin Fei to be insulted."

Lin Fei immediately is a joy, unexpectedly very easy to use.

Look at Diao Shun with many scars on the ground. "Lin Fei, I hate you! This time, I fell, completely fell, but Tiansheng security company will certainly get back for me. Zhu Xuexiang, the wretch, stands up, OK! very nice! Fight with Lin Fei

Lin Fei's eyes looked at everyone, and everyone's thoughts immediately appeared in his eyes and entered his mind.

"Sidong! Now the company is in turmoil, and half of its employees have resigned. Now you still want Lin Fei to use this method to bewitch people. Aren't you afraid that the whole company will fall apart? "

Zhu Xuexiang is definitely not an ordinary woman. She stands tall as soon as she opens her mouth. She skillfully says that the problem is extremely serious, which makes people feel that she is standing on the level of thinking for the company.

"Manager Zhu is right. I'm ready to resign."

"I typed my resignation report, too."

"Mine is on, too."


Immediately, some people came forward and agreed with Zhu Xuexiang.

Lin Fei looks at these people.

"If the company is going to close down, it's better to go quickly."

"The highway project venture capital, deliberately will not predict the risk point, if the real investigation, I am afraid to bear the responsibility.""I've collected the money from the Zhao family. I've got the benefit fee. I'd better leave as soon as possible."


Most people's ideas are related to things, to the Zhao family.

This makes Lin Fei can't help but take a breath. The Zhao family seems to have a strong view of Si Jia this time, which makes him more sure that the crisis of Sifang group is deliberately created.

He set his eyes on Zhu Xuexiang's face. "Come on! The last fire of Sifang group today is to let them disappear completely. Last night, Zhao Da Shao was very powerful in bed. Now he still feels that he is not exhausted. He has worked hard here for Sifang group for five years, and finally he can take over the net. In the future, he can stay with Zhao Wenbin every day, and then he can... "

Lin Feifei saw that the colder the light in his eyes, the more he despised Zhu Xuexiang.

"Sidong! Did you see it? This is the current Sifang group. Its employees have to flee one after another. Do you want to continue to die for a husband you don't need? "

Zhu Xuexiang looks at Siyu and asks sarcastically.

"Let Siyu leave Linfei, and when Sifang group is annexed and Sijia no longer exists, it will make him very happy to let this little whore become Wenbin's young woman. At that time, he will be able to find a place in Zhao group, and then..."

Her idea fell into Lin Fei's eyes again.

Lin Fei has been killed, he took out his mobile phone, edit a text message, sent to Yunting.

"Mr. Si Dong, it's not that we don't want to share weal and woe with Sifang group. It's just that we have to support our family."

"Now Sifang group has broken its capital chain. We don't need money, and you don't need to lose money. We will resign now."

"I hope Sidong doesn't hate our leaving. After all, we have to make money to support our family."


Zhu Xuexiang's words immediately received the corresponding response from those who wanted to resign.

Siyu is really confused. Sifang group is already in crisis. If these people resign again, the company will not be able to operate, and there will be no hope at all.

Quickly turn to see to Lin Fei, don't know how to deal with?

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