"Lin Fei, who went to Zhang Qi's home today, is not himself."

Wang Mengyao's words, like a stone thrown into the calm water, suddenly choppy.

Zhang Qi and Zhang Tianze look at Wang Mengyao instantly, and even Zhang Qi's eyes are full of anger.

Lin Fei just raised his eyelids. His expression was calm, but his heart was full of ups and downs. He didn't expect that Wang Mengyao would stand up and testify at this time.

However -

is perjury.

"Bitch! Do you want to go back to Lin Fei because he has money and deliberately give false evidence? " Zhang Qi scolded angrily.

Wang Mengyao showed a resolute sneer on her face, wiped tears from the corner of her eyes, looked at Jiang Yu and said, "officer, I have been in love with Lin Fei for more than three years. I am familiar with the smell of Lin Fei. This Lin Fei in front of me is the real Lin Fei."


Wang Mengyao's words not only made Jiang Yu and others completely speechless, but also made Lin Fei speechless.

Be familiar with your own smell!

If this is in the past, how happy the heart.

At this moment, there is no happiness, even no feeling.

Wang Mengyao's eyes have been secretly looking at Lin Fei, she longed that Lin Fei would be moved by it, but Lin Fei did not respond, which made her very desperate.

However, thinking of Zhang Qi's abuse and insult to her, she would rather choose Lin Fei, who has no feelings for her, than help Zhang Qi and Zhang Jia.

Jiang Yu is disappointed. It seems that the case has become complicated.

"Take them first." Jiang Yu orders to two policemen.

"Lin Fei, you can not admit it now, but don't forget that you can't escape from the contract, where the shares will be in the future and who bought them." Zhang Qi yelled as he walked out.

"It's none of my business! I'm sure you did it voluntarily. " Lin Fei's voice came faintly.

Zhang Qi was so angry that he almost took his breath away. It's over! It's over!

If you lose money, you will be punished for it.

Lin Fei and Jiang Yu were left in the interrogation room again. They looked at each other and could even hear each other's breathing.

"Give me an explanation about it!" Jiang Yu asked.

"I've been kidnapped, and now there are still people posing as me. Shouldn't you go and investigate?" Lin Fei said lightly.

"Are you sure it's not you?" Jiang Yu asked with an angry look.

Lin Fei said with a smile: "can I split my body? Beauty, do you believe there are immortals in this world? "

His words are full of ridicule, which makes Jiang Yu angry. "Lin Fei, this is the police station. I want to act at the scene."

"Policewoman, you don't want to cooperate with me in the suspense movie? I'm just a graduating student. I have no job. Do you think I'm a gangster? "

"And if I'm a gangster, dare Zhang Qi rob my girlfriend?"

"Beautiful police, I'm so sad! I'm green capped by my own woman, you know? It's the kind of cuckold who makes bed with other men after betrayal. "

Lin Fei said, even raised his hand to wipe his eyes.

Jiang Yu

She didn't expect Lin Fei to be so emotional and sad.

"This is the police station. Please be serious!" Jiang Yusi didn't buy it. She looked like she was doing business.

Just then, a man came into the interrogation room.

Jiang Yu said, "have you found his information?"

"Captain Huijiang, his information has been found. He is a student of Jiangnan University of science and technology. He just graduated this year. He had a conflict with Zhu Yan and Zhang Qi at Xinyuan Hotel just now. Wang Mengyao is also his ex girlfriend. Besides, he has a lot of money. He gave a house and 10 million venture capital to a good friend Ma Xiaotian... " The man said strangely.

"It doesn't matter! I wonder if he has twin brothers? "


"What?" Jiang Yu was shocked.

Only sitting on the chair, Lin Fei raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that this system is very bad, and it can really do it seamlessly.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Yu looks at Lin Fei and finds that he is laughing. He can't help but get angry. To handle an ordinary criminal case by oneself, such a strange thing happened. It's just

It's so hateful!

"It's just funny. By the way, I'm the victim. You seem to have interrogated the wrong person. If it's OK, I'll leave." Lin Fei finished and suddenly stood up.

Seeing this scene, the police in the interrogation room were all nervous, and the atmosphere was suddenly suppressed. With the dark interrogation room, there was a sense of tension.

Jiang Yu pulls out his pistol and points at Lin Fei's head.

"as a Chinese citizen, you are now a suspect in blackmail, and no longer a simple victim. You can not leave before you have made a thorough investigation. You're in criminal custody! If you dare to resist, the result will be imprisonment! You have to think it over. " The river is cold and rainy.Lin Fei smiles. Instead of looking at the pistol, he stares at Jiang Yu's beautiful eyes and says: "beauty, your way makes me very unhappy. I reserve the right to sue you."

"Boy, you really hate it!" The policeman who came in to report the situation said angrily.

Lin Fei sneered, his eyes fixed on the policeman, his eyes suddenly shot a terrible murderous gas. This look instantly penetrated all the beliefs of the police, so that the police could not help but step back.

Lin Fei was also surprised. This was the first time that he used the killing power of the Xuanwu in his body. He didn't expect that his power was so powerful.

Jiang Yu stood aside, feeling very clearly.

"Do you know martial arts?"


"You lie! Since you know martial arts, why do you let those people kidnap you easily? "

Jiang Yu caught the flaw and immediately began to hold on.

"I'm a legal citizen. Why use rough money when I can solve things with money?"


"Besides, even if you want to see beautiful women everywhere, I don't want to see you, such a fierce woman."

"You want to die!" Jiang Yu was infuriated by Lin Fei's words, and raised his hand to fight Lin Fei.


Before Jiang Yu put down his hand, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open.

Jiang Yu turned his back to the door and yelled angrily, "get out of here!"

She has been mad by Lin Fei and wants to teach Lin Fei a lesson.

However, the people at the door not only did not withdraw, but also came forward.

Jiang Yu angrily turned to see, suddenly surprised to grow up mouth, even can put an egg.

"Secretary." Another policeman said in a trembling voice.

"Jiang Yu, what are you doing?"

In came a man of fifty years old, with white hair, a police uniform and a very serious face.

"Zhang, director Zhang, I, I..." Jiang Yu stammered and couldn't speak.

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