The pace of Siqi study is not fast, but it seems to be very heavy. It is more like being haunted by countless past events and falling into extreme pain.

Three minutes later, siqixue came out with a red box about 20 cm long, 10 cm wide and 5 cm high in his hands.

If we say that Siqi learning just now seems to be faltering, then Siqi learning at this moment seems to be very serious, even more dignified on the old face.

"What's this, grandfather?" Siyu felt the pain in his grandfather's heart. He walked over to Siqi school and asked with concern.

Siqixue didn't speak. On the contrary, siqixue was more valued and more careful.

He put the box on the eight immortals table in the living room, stared at the box for ten seconds, and looked up at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's eyes have been staring at the box, filled with curiosity.

What kind of box is this? What does it have to do with the agreement?

Why is siqixue so dignified?

"Lin Fei, there is an agreement signed by the Lin family and the Si family in this box. Today, as the representative of the Lin family, I, as the representative of the Si family, open this box together to let you see the agreement inside."


They couldn't help taking a breath, and their eyes fell on the box. Even siliyuan stopped crying, but stood up and looked at the box.

The agreement between homesick and Lin family?

How could this happen? She had never heard of it.

Lin Fei stares at the red box and looks at it carefully. It has been several years since he saw the box. Even the yellow copper lock on it has some bronze green on it, and the paper of the two seals, crossed together, has turned yellow.

On the two pieces of paper are written "Siqi xueqinshu" and "Lin Yonghe Qinshu", the latter is the name of grandfather.

Although Lin Fei had never seen his grandfather's font, he saw that the font on it was seven points similar to his father's font on the family's Spirit card, which made him no longer doubt.

"Yes!" Lin Fei nodded heavily.

Siqixue also nodded, shaking hands, trying to seal in private.

Maybe it's because the time is too long. When the hand touches the seal, it's already weathered. Where it touches, it's powder.

Siqixue shakes his head, and his eyes are full of regret.

He took out a golden key from his pocket and inserted it into the bronze lock cylinder. With a slight force, the bronze lock was opened with a clear click.

Siqixue slowly opened the lid of the box to reveal a yellowing envelope inside.

On the envelope, two lines were written vertically with a brush:

"Dear Lin family!"

"I miss my family and I love you!"

The handwriting is the same as that on the seal. They are written by two people.

Sijixue stares at the envelope and touches it gently.

"Lao Lin, I didn't expect that this letter would still be opened, and it would still be in my lifetime. I feel at ease enough."

"Although you Lin family have disappeared for more than 20 years, you finally see the hope of revival."

"I'm old, too. I haven't been able to take revenge for you Lin family these years. I hope you don't hate me."

By the end of Siqi's theory, he was full of tears. His gray hair kept shaking with his face, and he was in a complicated mood.

"Dad, you can't come back from death. Don't think much about it."

"Yes, grandfather! As you get older, your health matters. "

Si Liyuan and Si Yu advised at the same time.


Lin Fei took a long breath. He felt a little depressed.

However, he was also surprised by the relationship between the homesick and the Lin family.

In other words, the hatred at the beginning was slowly fading away.

Because he always felt that there seemed to be a kind of hidden secret.

"Lin Fei, open this envelope!" Siqi Xue wiped his eyes and said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded and held the envelope in his hand. It was about three centimeters thick. He could feel the paper inside. It was obviously folded and put it in the envelope.

Lin Fei along the edge of the corner, a little bit will open the envelope, the action is very gentle, but the expression is very dignified.

When the envelope was opened at last, the opening of the envelope widened to reveal the letter inside.

Lin Fei took out the letter from inside and spread it out in front of everyone, revealing two pages of paper, on which the secret was full of calligraphy.

Just at a glance, Lin Fei knew that this was absolutely from the hands of predecessors. Now fewer and fewer people can write such elegant and handsome handwriting.

Siqixue's expression was even more excited. His face was full of tears.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on the content of the letter.

"Homesickness and the Lin family are family friends. They are friends in the last life, brothers in this life, and relatives in the next. However, the Lin family, Lin Zhong, broke the engagement with sijiasiliyuan, secretly married the Meng family, Meng Shuying, and got pregnant before marriage, which shocked Jiangnan and even offended her enemies.At that time, Lin Xue, the daughter of the Lin family, broke up her engagement with Ye Kun, the son of the Ye family in Jiangnan City. The Ye family asked for 5 billion yuan in cash compensation from the Lin family. In order to protect the family's reputation, the Lin family agreed to pay compensation. Unexpectedly, Lin Zhong offended his enemy and took the opportunity to unite the Ye family in Jiangnan City and the Zhao family in Jianghai city to annex the Lin family.

At this time of ups and downs, Sijia wants to share the hardships with the Lin family, but because of its limited strength, it is like a mantis pawning a cart. In view of this, Lin Yonghe and siqixue jointly studied that the Lin family took the form of false receipt to turn all the Lin family's property into the collateral of Sijia loan, so as to protect the Lin family's property from being swallowed by Zhao family and ye family.

In order to make things perfect, Sijia took advantage of the marriage problem between siliyuan and Linzhong, took part in the attack on Linjia by Zhao family and others, and took the opportunity to annex Linjia property.

However, he couldn't bear to learn. Nailin Yonghe was determined and had to agree to do it. Siqixue then proposed that the two sides sign an agreement to manage the Lin family's property on their behalf. One day, if someone of the Lin family escapes the disaster, they can come to Sijia to claim it. Sijia will give half of all the future property to the Lin family as a division of annexing property.

If the descendants of the Lin family see this letter, they should kneel down to thank the family for their kindness.

If the descendants of the homesick see this letter, they should try their best to find the descendants of the Lin family and return the property instead of taking it for themselves.

Lin Yonghe

after reading the two pages, Lin Fei's eyes became moist.

Siqixue did not deceive himself. On the surface, Sijia was involved in harming the Lin family, but in fact, he was helping the Lin family.

Looking back at the situation of that day, many people have betrayed the Lin family, and they still have to move forward and retreat together, which shows their deep feelings and thick friendship.

When I think of my anger and impulse when I just came in, I feel guilty.

Lin Fei's face is hot, and the only thing he feels lucky about is that he has been helping his family since he came into contact with them.

Sijixue was shaking now, and his hands were moving.

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