Lin Fei and long Nu run very fast, but Siyu is not slow either. They come out of the villa and shout.

Lin Fei felt speechless, and finally he had to harden his head and stop.

"Think, think of rain, I..."

Siyu raises his hand directly to stop Lin Fei from talking. Looking at the Dragon Girl, "although you are very beautiful, you do have the desire for men to conquer, but I think the rain is no worse than you, Lin Fei, I will catch up with you."


Lin Fei and long Nu look at each other, and they are all confused.

Siyu regards Longnv as Lin Fei's woman. Lin Fei refuses her because of Longnv.

Dragon girl is lying down and shot!

The Dragon Girl's face suddenly changed. She shook her hand and broke away from Lin Fei's hand. "Lin Fei, don't bother me about wiping my ass!"

Then he turned and left.

"Little Dragon Girl, you..."

"Lin Fei, you're not Yang Guo, and I'm not Guo Fu. The man I think Yu likes, even if the fairy likes, I'll get it. So you can't escape! "

Siyu is more proud when she sees that the Dragon girl is angry. She hugs Lin Fei's arm and says out loud. It seems that she will demonstrate to the Dragon girl again.

Lin Feixin is a spasm, this depressed!

How to stick to yourself like brown candy?

"All right! You can go! Of course, if you don't want to go, you are welcome to my villa, and I'm safe these days. You can come here with confidence! "

Siyu put most of his body on Lin Fei's arm, and the icebergs on his face melted together, laughing and joking like a little woman.


Lin Fei was so scared that he was more scared than the female tiger. He turned his head and ran away.

It's over!

Miss rain is crazy.


Siyu suddenly smiles again on his iceberg like face. Looking at Lin Fei's back, he complacently says: "smelly man! You think this girl is so easy to provoke? This little dragon girl is not your girlfriend. Otherwise, I'm really worried about her. But who do you like? "

As Siyu mumbles to herself, the faces of Xiao Mengshan, Jiang Yu and Ruoshui appear in her mind one by one

In the parking lot.

Lin Fei sat in the co pilot's seat, did not speak, a pair of eyes directly staring at the Dragon Girl, as if to see flowers from her face.

"Asshole, why are you always looking at me?" The Dragon Girl's heart bristles when she is looked at by him.

Lin Fei gave a bad smile. "Little Dragon Girl, tell me honestly, are you secretly in love with me?"

The Dragon girl seems to have heard the best joke in the world and laughs with exaggeration. "Ha, I'll fall in love with you shameless bastard?"

"Not in love with me?"


"How can I wipe my ass?"

"Go away! You bastard The Dragon Girl's fist hit Lin Fei heavily.


Lin Fei's scream echoed in the night.

Meeting room of Tiansheng security company.

"Mr. Li, this is all the information, personnel list, partners and other information of Tiansheng security company. It will be hard for you in the future."

Sheng Tianxiang signed the company's transfer contract, looked at Li Qingfeng and said politely.

Li Qingfeng has mixed feelings at the moment. When he and his brothers celebrate the capture of pinchao and others, the murder of zuxiong and their revenge, he suddenly receives a call from Sheng Tianxiang.

Li Qingfeng was still very curious at that time, but he was soon shocked. Sheng Tianxiang begged him to come and handle the company's transfer on the phone.

Li Qingfeng immediately realized the problem and called Lin Fei, but Lin Fei didn't answer it. He simply told him to receive Tiansheng security company and settle down with Sheng Tianxiang.

When Li Qingfeng came, Sheng Tianxiang was very enthusiastic and made a very careful explanation, which can be said to be polite and respectful.

Now that the procedures have been completed, Sheng Tianxiang is ready to leave. "Mr. Sheng, if you want to stay in the company, I can give you a position."

Li Qingfeng spoke.

Sheng Tianxiang was stunned. At last, he shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I don't want to stay in this sad place, and I'm going to take my wife to find a quiet place to settle down. Please help me to thank Mr. Lin, who let me get revenge and thank him for thinking about me up to now."

Sheng Tianxiang is very clear that Li Qingfeng can't let him stay in the company without Lin Fei's instructions, which is risky.

Li Qingfeng nodded and did not say much. He took out a check prepared in advance and handed it to Sheng Tianxiang. "Dong Yi and his wife, no matter what, hope you will not have a happy life."

Sheng Tianxiang

His lips wriggled and his hands trembled. Looking at Li Qingfeng and the check, he couldn't believe it.

He has also helped mingce to do a lot of bad things over the years. He even played with a lot of women with Wang Shuang. He was very satisfied that Lin Fei could let him go. He didn't expect that Lin Fei would give him money, but he was very polite. This"Mr. Li, this money, I..."

"Lin Dong said, you must take it!"

Li Qingfeng interrupted him with a smile and emphasized.

Sheng Tianxiang was more moved and finally nodded. "Tell Mr. Lin that he is the best man I have ever seen!"

With that, Sheng bowed deeply, turned and walked out.

But, in the moment he turned around, Li Qingfeng saw two drops of crystal liquid rolling down.

Li Qingfeng looks at Sheng Tianxiang's back, and his heart is also full of admiration for Lin Fei. This is the real man, and also confirms his determination to devote everything to Lin Fei!

Lin Fei gave Sheng Tianxiang money only because he was moved by the true love between him and his wife, hoping that they could have a happy life.

But he didn't expect that because of his generosity, he conquered the hearts of two people at the same time.

Li Qingfeng is more sincere to him.

Sheng Tianxiang wanted to repay Lin Fei, and later gave power to Lin Fei at a critical moment.

Pay, there is always return!

But that's all in the future.

At this time, a text message from Lin Fei was sent to Li Qingfeng's mobile phone. "At 8:00 tomorrow morning, at the gate of Zhao's group, security drill."

Li Qingfeng took out his mobile phone, began to make calls and began to arrange.

At the moment, in a humble hotel in Haihu District, a man is taking a bath in the bathroom. He is tall and strong, with golden hair, blue eyes and a high nose. At first sight, he is not Chinese.

This person is not Chinese.

In the bedroom outside the bathroom, a woman was learning that Suso was wearing clothes and her face was heavily made up. Her eyes were looking around. Finally, her eyes fell on a bag on the bedside table.

She took a look at the bathroom, quietly stretched out her hand, quickly opened it, took out some red tickets, stuffed them into her handbag, and turned to leave.

Suddenly, there was a flash in front of her eyes, and then a man with a bare upper body appeared in front of her eyes.

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