Zhao Wenbin was very happy in his heart. He enjoyed Tan Haiwen's flattery very much. As a result, Li Qingfeng almost vomited his blood.

At the scene, the staff of Zhao's group heard clearly, and their faces became pigliver color. They didn't dare to laugh if they wanted to.

"Did you eat shit? The expression is so ugly. " Li Qingfeng thin lips, evoke a evil smile, look to tan Haiwen asked.

Ha ha

One of the first people couldn't help laughing.

And this laughter is like the flood of breaking the dike, a beginning, an instant flood.

Zhao Wenbin's face is black and dripping, and his teeth are biting. He knows what the laughter means and why it is -

this is laughing at Li Qingfeng's words, that is, laughing at his being scolded as a cat and a dog.

"Your security company has been fired. Now go away!"

Zhao Wenbin opened his mouth and almost yelled out.


The crowd stopped laughing.

"Our security company was fired?" Li Qingfeng looks at Zhao Wenbin and asks jokingly.


"Good! Then you should pay for it first! " Li Qingfeng finished, took out a contract from the desk portfolio and threw it directly into Zhao Wenbin's arms.

Zhao Wenbin: "yes."

Just raise your hand and tear it to pieces. "Boy, you are good, aren't you? I'll fire you first. "

"Boy! Do you hear that? Our general manager Zhao is angry. You can wait for his thunder fury! "

"Mr. Zhao is the general manager of Zhao's group, the largest group in Jianghai city. In a word, he will make all the companies in Jianghai city refuse to use your security and let you lose your job."

"You just wait to lose your job, go back and wait for the company to fire you!"

Tan Haiwen jumped out again.

"How about a bet? If the manager of the security company dismisses me, I'll leave immediately. If I can't, how about Zhao Wenbin dismissing you? " Li Qingfeng looks at Tan Haiwen and asks.

"You, this..."

"Promise him!"

Zhao Wenbin is more angry. Isn't he looking down on his own strength? The person who wants to be expelled is not impossible in Jianghai City, let alone a small security guard.

"Good! If you don't get fired, I'll go away! " Tan Haiwen saw Zhao Wenbin stand out to support, suddenly came to strength.

"It's a deal?"

"Of course! It's a deal! "

Tan Haiwen put his stomach out, full of confidence.

Joke, also don't see Zhao Shao's strength.

"Isn't it self humiliating to gamble?"

"Yes! There's no need to gamble. In Jianghai City, Zhao Shao's casual words, even the manager and chairman of a company, may be dismissed, not to mention a little security guard? "

"He deserved to be beaten in the face. He even let us expose ourselves to the sun in the morning. He didn't even give manager Zhao's face. I'm really looking for death!"


The crowd immediately rang out a voice of discussion, are not optimistic about Li Qingfeng and despise.

Zhao Wenbin takes out the phone and sneers at Sheng Tianxiang directly.

Soon connected, do not know what to say, Zhao Wenbin face some unhappy, but still wrote down a phone number, and then hang up the phone.

"How's it going? Is it done? " Li Qingfeng asked sarcastically.

"You wait! I'll call again. " Zhao Wenbin finished, began to dial Sheng Tianxiang to the phone number.

"Boy, if you apologize to Zhao Shao now, you may not be fired. If it's too late, you'll be fired!"

"The security guard has to do his duty well and keep an eye on the door, which makes the company boss angry. How ruined you are."

"After Zhao Shao gets on the phone, you just wait to get out of here!"

Tan Haiwen sees that Zhao Wenbin is not happy, so he quickly stands up to fight Li Qingfeng and wants to vent his anger for Zhao Wenbin.

Before Li Qingfeng could speak, his mobile phone rang.

He looked up, Jianghai city's mobile phone number, tail number is "9999" is clearly a special selection of numbers.

He raised his mouth slightly, looked at the people blocked at the door, and said with a smile, "whose phone number is 137xx9999? The number is domineering, but I don't know if people are domineering. "

As soon as Li Qingfeng's words came out, Zhao Wenbin was in a daze. He quickly looked at his mobile phone, and the number he dialed was just the number given by Sheng Tianxiang. How?

"What's the number?"


"Isn't this manager Zhao's mobile phone number?"

"Isn't he going to call the manager of the security company? Wu... "

The on-site staff stopped here, Shua! Qi Shushu looks at Zhao Wenbin.

"Who is it?"

Li Qingfeng has pressed the button to connect, and the voice coming into everyone's ears is either directly from his mouth or from his mobile phone.The scene was suddenly quiet.

His eyes turned to Zhao Wenbin.

when Tan Wenbin saw this, he couldn't answer well!

His eyes shifted back and forth between Zhao Wenbin and Li Qingfeng, which

"It's dumb! Dumb call, you say it's not sick, what is it? "

Li Qingfeng deliberately pretends not to know and insults the phone.


All the people at the scene, no one dare to speak, but they were frightened. After all, they were all agitating to call just now.


Zhao Wenbin cut off the phone and looked at Li Qingfeng, his eyes staring like a light bulb.

"Who are you?"

"Li Qingfeng, general manager of the earth security company." Li Qingfeng straightened his back and said haughtily.

"You, you are the general manager of the earth security company. Why do you come to our Zhao group?"

"Tiansheng security company has been acquired by us. This is the contract they signed with your company. We just carry out the contract and carry out the security work here. If you don't agree, you can dismiss us all!"

Zhao Wenbin heard the contract, a burst of depression.

Tan Haiwen is one side absolutely muddled force, the body a little bit backward.

"It's time to keep the promise and get rid of him!" Li Qingfeng pointed to tan Haiwen and said haughtily.


Tan Haiwen sat down on the ground.

Zhao Wenbin's face seemed to be whipped by the soles of his shoes. It was hot.

Tan Haiwen is a man who flatters himself, not only just just now, but also on weekdays. Now if he is not expelled, he will be laughed at by Li Qingfeng. If he is expelled, he will lose face completely.

"Oh! Zhao Wenbin, general manager of the largest group in Tangtang Jianghai City, won't break his promise? " Li Qingfeng said with a sneer.

Zhao Wenbin's heart was convulsed.

"Li Qingfeng, you are just the general manager. Be careful that I find your chairman and fire you." Zhao Wenbin was angry and threatened.

"Get rid of me? Which one of you can fire me? " Li Qingfeng's joking smile came to his mouth.

"Let your chairman fire you!" Tan Haiwen roared!

"Who said I was going to fire him?" Lin Fei's voice just came.

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