"Lin Fei, now it's over. We Zhao group want to work. Please leave."

"You security guards, open the door now!"

"You all go to work at once."

Zhao Guodong said directly.

As for sijiejiang and Siyu, he ignored them directly. It was his death.

Lin Fei is worried about seeing Si Jiejiang. When he heard this, he was almost grateful to Zhao Guodong. "Zhao Guodong, how do you explain the affairs of Sifang group?"

Siyu and sijiejiang's eyes immediately fall on Zhao Guodong's face. They know that Lin Fei's good play is about to be staged.

"What's the matter with Sifang? What does it have to do with me? "

Zhao Guodong with sullen face, is trying to bear the anger in the heart.

"It's really none of your business, is it?"

"Of course!"

"Good! What you do in Sifang group, I will do in Zhao group today. "

"Whatever you want! Our Zhao group is not the Sifang group. "

Lin Fei and Zhao Guodong are deadlocked.

Lin Fei's gloomy face was full of evil spirits.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you Zhao's group want to annex Sifang group. A large number of commercial spies have been planted in Sifang group. Yesterday, hundreds of people were sent to the police station by me. Are you shocked?"

As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, they immediately began to boil.

"I've heard about it. It seems that many of them are above the middle level."

"It is said that some of those people have been lurking for many years. Even Zhu Xuexiang, the manager of the personnel department, and Zhao Zong's mistress are hidden inside."

"It's really terrible! Do you think there will be people in Sifang group lurking in our Zhao group? "


Zhao Guodong's face was as gloomy as a storm, which was very terrible. "Lin Fei, you are spitting blood. We have never had any contact with them. It's their one-sided view."

Zhao Guodong must stop Lin Fei from going on at the moment, otherwise once it spreads, it will have a very bad impact on Zhao's group.

"Zhao Guodong, I understand your mind, but today I'm going to give a tooth for a tooth."

"Yesterday, you let Yu mingce arrange the security guard to stop me at the gate of Sifang group and hit me in the face."

"Today, I asked the people of earth security company to stop all your employees here. How do you feel?"

Ha ha

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing. It was ecstasy from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Guodong's face is livid. "Lin Fei, our Zhao family is not a soft persimmon. You have to be able to withstand the thunder."

"That's what you think! I'll tell you, my big move is still behind me

Lin Fei finished and looked at the employees of Zhao group in front of him.

"A large number of employees of Sifang group were arrested yesterday, so now they are short of manpower. Do any of you want to work in Sifang group?"


Zhao Guodong was the first to hum. "Lin Fei, Sifang group may be a big enterprise in other people's eyes, but compared with our Zhao group, it is a small company. Do you want them to give up large forests and choose your small tree that may be blown down at any time? Will anyone go?"

Sijiejiang and Siyu can't help shaking their heads when they hear these words. They look at Lin Fei and are speechless. Zhao Guodong is right. Zhao's group is a big group of 200-300 billion, and their Sifang group is worth 100 billion.

If Zhao's group and his loyalties and loyalties were added, it would be more than two or three hundred billion.

Because of this, Zhao's group is the main body of Jianghai's economic development, and even can determine the overall situation of Jianghai's economic development.

Lin Fei's problem is definitely low IQ.

However, Lin Fei seems to have directly ignored their reaction and looked at the employees of Zhao's group.

"I injected 50 billion yuan into Sifang group. Now Sifang group is a big company with a value of nearly 150 billion yuan. I am here to issue a recruitment order to you. All those who are interested in doing business are welcome to join us. "


Absolutely cold!


Tan Haiwen beside very Jiehen smile out. "Don't dream!"

Lin Fei still didn't care.

"Do you know this 2.1 billion check?"

"Today, I, Lin Fei, put this check here and solemnly promise you that I will give all the money here to the people who go to Sifang group. If there is only one person, then this person will get 2.1 billion. Of course, if it's too much, Lin Fei can guarantee that everyone will never be less than two million. "

Lin Fei said, shaking the check in his hand.

The morning sun fell on the check, shining, it seems that the breath of money instantly diffused in the scene, many people are ready to move.

However, everyone was very quiet, afraid that their decisions would be followed by others to rob their own money.Sijiejiang and Siyu frown. Lin Fei spends money to recruit people. What if they recruit commercial spies again?

Zhao Guodong, on the contrary, was really depressed at first. Lin Fei used the Zhao family's money to dismantle the Zhao family's platform. He really hated it.

But he soon changed his mind. "Let's go quickly, promise first, get the money, and then go back to the company. I promise to take you in?"

When Zhao Guodong said this, he wanted to laugh.

"Zhao Dong, are you telling the truth?"

"Mr. Zhao won't cheat us."

"I'll go!"

"I'll go too!"


In an instant, the employees of Zhao's group were boiling and stood up one after another to say they wanted to go.

Zhao Guodong looks at Lin Fei and finds that he has a smile on his face. He seems calm and calm. He turns his mouth. You can be depressed for a while!

However, Lin Fei didn't care. He raised his right hand and motioned to everyone, "if you want to come to Sifang group, please stand on this side!"


Everyone stood up, with the chairman, if this does not come to earn two million, it is not a fool is what?

"Ouch! Are you all coming? "

"Zhao Guodong, all the employees of Zhao group have defected!"

"Lin Fei, this is what I encourage. If you don't earn money, you're a son of a bitch! I support my employees to make stupid money. "

Zhao Guodong even just very depressed mood has changed a lot.

Lin Fei didn't respond. Instead, he looked at the crowd with a smile in his eyes.

"First of all, I would like to welcome you to the Sifang group."

"When will the money be paid?" Immediately someone called out.

"That's a good question. We want money."

"Yes! Just want money. "

"Give us money, or who will go to your broken company?"


The best way to describe them is to have an eye for money.

Lin Fei's decision makes Siyu and others more incomprehensible. Zhao Guodong's definition of Lin Fei is that people are stupid and have more money.

Lin Fei's eyes flashed a strange smile and slowly opened his mouth.

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