In the bar.

Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan quickly enter the slow shake bar on the first floor under the guidance of beautiful waiters.

the hall is full of music and noise, and the noise is deafening. The air is mixed with smoke, wine, pungent perfume, and even the perfume smell from the intense sports. All these flavors stimulate the sensitive nerve of this person.

If you look around, you can see girls with heavy make-up everywhere.

Lin Fei and Mu Xinxuan are arranged by the waiter to sit on a relatively quiet double table in the corner.

Lin Fei was dressed in ordinary clothes. He didn't look like a rich man, so he didn't attract the attention of the women around him.

Although Mu Xinxuan has a noble temperament, because she is wearing a hat and sunglasses, people can't see her true face at all, but she hasn't been exposed.

When they sat down, it was quiet.

"What would you like to drink, please?" The beauty waiter asked with a professional smile.

Lin Fei looks at Mu Xinxuan and asks for advice.

"A bottle of vodka and a dozen beers." Mu Xinxuan's eyes flashed a ray of light and said.

If Lin Fei sees it, he will find Mu Xinxuan has a purpose, but he doesn't.

Soon the wine came up, and Mu Xinxuan pushed vodka to Lin Fei.

"If you want to be the richest man in the world, you have to have the courage to be the richest man in the world. Let me see if you can conquer this bottle of liquor."

Although Mu Xinxuan's tone is calm, Lin Fei catches that smug.

But he didn't say anything. He just nodded, opened the bottle and drank it like boiled water.

Mu Xinxuan's eyes widened and she was silly.

"Drink the strongest wine, soak the most beautiful girl! I remember Put down the empty bottle, Lin Fei wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand and said.

"Your business has nothing to do with me." With that, Mu Xinxuan quickly picked up the wine bottle in front of her and took a SIP to hide her confusion.

"Give me another bottle." Seeing the waiter passing by, Lin Fei raised the bottle and said.

The waiter immediately nodded and ran to the bar.

Mu Xinxuan doesn't talk. She really hopes Lin Fei will drink more. It's better to drink more. That way, she will be safe.

Since Lin Fei lost his life because he was drunk, Mu Xinxuan has decided to drink less or not.

As for Lin Fei, he has the strength of a Xuanwu. The alcohol enters his body and is quickly decomposed and absorbed. He doesn't feel like drinking at all.

At this point, if the test of drunk driving, he can be 100% sure not to exceed the standard.

Two people sat down less than ten minutes, outside came a familiar figure.

Jiang Yu appears in the slow shake bar, and her eyes seem to be looking for it, and soon they are located here.

Jiang Yu took off his police uniform, wearing a black T-shirt on his upper body, a pair of Black Slim trousers on his lower body, and a pair of sports shoes at his feet. His whole body exudes the sports atmosphere of youth and sunshine.

Looks -

are absolutely the most beautiful in the whole bar.

Of course, that's because Mu Xinxuan is wearing sunglasses.

As soon as Jiang Yu appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The man's eyes are direct, naked, showing the desire to push down.

A woman's eyes are full of envy.

As a policeman, Jiang Yu is bold and confident. He directly ignores his eyes and follows the waiter while scanning the whole field.


A soft sneer.

"Do you know each other?"

Mu Xinxuan asked faintly.

"I was caught by this crazy woman, and I had to admit that I blackmailed Zhang Tianze..." Lin Fei briefly talked about what happened to them.

Mu Xinxuan has an evil smile on her lips. "You've made a hornet's nest!"

It seems to verify Mu Xinxuan's words, and Jiang Yu comes directly to them.

"What about leech hive? I didn't break the law. She can't... "

Lin Fei has not finished, Jiang Yu has pulled a chair from the side table and sat on the edge of two people's table.

Lin Fei puts down the wine, looks at Jiang Yu and reminds her to leave.

Jiang Yu doesn't pay attention, but looks at Xiang Mu Xinxuan. He doesn't speak, but his eyes are full of doubts.

Mu Xinxuan opens a bottle of beer and hands it to Jiang Yu.

"Do you know each other?" Jiang Yu took a drink and asked Mu Xinxuan.

Mu Xinxuan nodded and said calmly, "I'm his sister Xuan."


Although Jiang Yu is as thick as a man, the woman's intuition tells her that it's not so simple. She can't help but wonder.

Then he looked at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei deliberately turned his head to one side.

In the dim light, her eyes are full of aggression!

Seems to want to see through all the secrets of Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei was very calm, as if he didn't see Jiang Yu.It made her feel rather uncomfortable!

The reason why she followed Lin Fei here is that she was teased by Lin Fei in the interrogation room of the criminal police team and punished by the director. The most important thing is that up to now, there are two things about Lin Fei that can't be found.

Jiang Yu, who is stubborn, decides to follow Lin Fei and find out the clue. She doesn't believe it. Lin Fei doesn't know.

It was for this purpose that I got the location of Mu Xinxuan's car from the traffic control department and found it accurately.

Of course, Lin Fei also made her feel uncomfortable and wanted to get back to the venue.

Mu Xinxuan feels Jiang Yu's hostility to Lin Fei. She looks up and down, pretends not to know, and continues to sip beer.

"Lin Fei, you know the purpose of my coming. As long as you tell me, I won't keep pestering you." Jiang Yu took the initiative to speak.

"I don't understand what you mean? Shouldn't someone tell me justice when I've been kidnapped? "

"We will punish those who kidnap you. I want to know why there are two Lin Fei?"

"I'm also strange about this question. How about you investigate together and give me a result?"

Lin Fei took vodka and took a big drink.

Jiang Yu was so angry that his face turned white. He held his five fingers tightly on the wine bottle.

"Xinxuan, how do you know Lin Fei?" Jiang Yu turns to Mu Xinxuan and asks.

"He's the biggest investor in dark night." Mu Xinxuan's answer was very concise.


Jiang Yu is more curious. Where did Lin Fei get so much money?

Jiang Yu decides to investigate Lin Fei's account tomorrow to see if he is engaged in illegal activities.

Otherwise, why did Lin Fei use 10 million to bribe the kidnapper to be released, and the police wanted to arrest the kidnapper, but he gave up prosecution.

Of course, criminal cases are not civil cases. You said they would not be investigated if they were not investigated. Now the criminal police are also arresting them, but they have not.

Lin Fei gives up, and they won't give up.

"Monitor?" Lin Fei suddenly looks at the stage, says something, and then stands up

Mu Xinxuan and Jiang Yu look at the stage at the same time, and the two women's brows can't help frowning

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