The gate incident!

The car earthquake!

All kinds of gate and earthquake events emerge in an endless stream. Will there be an earthquake event here today?

Mu Xinxuan's brain is blank and she wants to resist. As a result, her handsome face is getting closer and closer

"Well! How fragrant! How sweet

After a full three minutes, Lin Fei raised his head, looked at Mu Xinxuan, whose pretty face was as red as a burning cloud, and wiped his mouth.

He just gave Mu Xinxuan a very aggressive kiss.

Until now, Mu Xinxuan's brain is still blank, as if he still has the breath of Lin Fei in his mouth.

Lin Fei's words made her wake up and become irritable immediately.

He clenched his fist and hit Lin Fei.

Lin Fei quickly hugged his head, curled up on the seat, exposed his back and asked for mercy.

Mu Xinxuan was angry, and a shower of Xiangquan fell.

But -

it doesn't hurt at all!

On the contrary, he was massaging Lin Fei.

After fighting for a full minute, Mu Xinxuan stopped, her face still flushed, but the anger in her eyes disappeared.

Lin Fei holds his head in his heart.

"Fight is pro, scold is love, it seems that our relationship is quite deep!"

Lin Feigang is deliberately kissing Mu Xinxuan, and is waiting for her to do it. This is the best way to ease the awkward atmosphere between them and quickly get closer.

As expected, although this sentence was very funny, Mu Xinxuan didn't get angry any more. Apart from staring at him, he didn't seem to be as formal as before.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on Mu Xinxuan's beautiful face. Looking at her natural flowing noble breath, he felt extremely excited and filled with emotion. If there is a woman like this, what can I do for her?

"What are you looking at?" Mu Xinxuan asked with an air.

"I remember you didn't make up before. Alas, wife, I feel you are several years younger. By the way, are you nearly thirty?"

Mu Xinxuan took a long breath and her heart beat faster.

"Lin Fei!"

Mu Xinxuan is furious. This bastard is absolutely intentional. Absolutely!

"Oh, I'm so sorry. We've been separated for too long. I forgot that you're only 25 years old and still young, but cough..."

"But what?"

"But three years older than me."

Lin Fei deliberately made a very exaggerated expression.

"Lin Fei, can you talk well?"

"Well, I'll talk well." Lin Fei sits up straight, looks at Xiang Mu Xinxuan affectionately, and takes out the black card from his pocket.

"Wife, I'll give you my bank card. After that, you just need to do four things for me."

Wen Yan.

Mu Xinxuan is a fool. That's 100 billion yuan!

"What's the matter?"

"Three meals a day."

Finish saying, Lin Fei full face is smiling, return intentionally pick eyebrow, show a face wretched. "Three meals a day?"

Looking at Mu Xinxuan's puzzled face, he had to stretch out four fingers, "four things, one day, three meals."

This time, Mu Xinxuan understood.

Almost all of a sudden, his face was so shy and angry that she roared like a female leopard, "you little rascal!"

Words fall, directly toward Lin Fei rushed over.

Lin Fei hugged him.

"Isn't it right to eat three meals a day? How can I be a hooligan? Tell me clearly. "

Lin Fei looks down at Mu Xinxuan lying in his arms and asks with eyebrows.


Mu Xinxuan finally finds out that Lin Fei has become more colorful than before, but he is not bored

The huge noise of the plane landing awakens Mu Xinxuan, opens his lazy eyes, and what comes into his eyes is Lin Fei's handsome face.

To be honest, Mu Xinxuan has a feeling that she can't control Lin Fei again.

Fortunately, Lin Fei just hugged him and didn't do anything, otherwise she didn't dare say she could refuse.

However, just sleeping in Lin Fei's arms, it was so familiar and warm.

"This time, no matter what happens, I won't let you leave me."

"No matter how many difficulties and obstacles are ahead, I will not allow you to leave me."

"In this world, you are my barometer of Linfei's mood. I want you to stay with me forever.

There is no earthshaking pledge, no gorgeous rhetoric, are the most simple language, but it is the most real feelings.

"I hate it! Make it look like you're someone else

Mu Xinxuan let out a light responsibility and struggled to stand up, but there was more happiness in her eyes.

After a month's separation, the two hearts once again came into close contact.Although Mu Xinxuan knew that there would be more difficulties waiting for them in the future, she decided not to escape.

"Wife, from today on, I formally pursue you until you agree.

"I'm not so easy to be pursued. It depends on your ability!

"Do you doubt my ability?

"Cut! Don't take advantage of me with words. If you can touch me nine times, I will marry you.

Thinking of the last time she wanted to use the richest man to make Lin Fei afraid, Lin Fei was not afraid. She also created a lot of wealth in one month. She knew that Lin Fei's current company market value was at least 300 billion yuan. Now he calls himself the richest man, and no one dares to object.

Of course, if she knew that Lin Fei's system still contained more than one trillion yuan, she would be surprised to vomit blood.

"What kind of emotion are you talking about nine times? Is it the one just now? "

Lin Fei asked with a bad smile.

"Where is that easy?"

Mu Xinxuan gave him a glance with all kinds of manners.

"When moved me to cry, even once."

Lin Fei raised his hand and snapped his fingers. "Deal."

Mu Xinxuan had a sweet feeling in her heart. Which woman didn't like romance and which woman didn't like beautiful love, she also yearned for it.

Giving Lin a plane meeting is also an opportunity for her to adapt. She needs time to accept Lin Fei and hopes that Lin Fei can stand the test in difficulties.

Two people's hands together, a deep love, the thick love of rain flowing naturally

Half past eleven in the morning.

The plane arrived in Jianghai on time and landed safely.

As soon as the plane stopped, Han Jing couldn't wait to get up. Ignoring the stewardess' instructions and tips, she angrily took her bodyguard to get off the plane first.

As for mu Xinxuan in the first class, she didn't care.

Along the way, Han Jing is always thinking about how to deal with Lin Fei when she gets to Jianghai city. She must torture Lin Fei so hard that Lin Fei regrets offending him and coming to this world.

Now that the plane has finally landed at Jianghai airport, Han Jing can't wait to be arrogant again. Especially at the thought of the good play to be staged at the gate of the airport, Han Jing's face is even more brilliant.

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