Men and women is a paper like relationship, when the thin relationship exists, everything is so far away.

But after deep communication, there will be a kind of light in my eyes -

the light of desire!

At the moment, Lin Fei's eyes are undoubtedly this kind of light.

Mu Xinxuan is so beautiful!

What a temptation!

She is the fairy in his eyes. He even can't control himself. The devil's impulse comes like a tide.

The country is beautiful and fragrant.

The beauty of the country.

The beauty of flowers and the moon.


Lin Fei feels that all the words are not enough to describe the beauty of Mu Xinxuan in his eyes at the moment.

He moved.

It's open.

However, Mu Xinxuan stood calmly in the same place, with no expression on her face. The two words are most appropriate -


Just as Lin Fei's hand is about to touch Mu Xinxuan's shoulder, Mu Xinxuan's body suddenly disappears out of thin air and quickly stretches a distance of two or three meters.

Lin Fei is in the air.

Before he could react, there were three women giggling in the room.

I had a great laugh.

All kinds of laughter.

Lin Fei raises his eyes to see that Mu Xinxuan is being pulled by the Dragon Girl, and Ruo Xue is beside them.

Lin Fei's old face is red -

has been teased!

Just now, when she knocked on the door, Mu Xinxuan responded, still wondering why it wasn't the Dragon Girl.

Now it seems that the three women are playing a trick on him.

"Lin Fei, is sister Xuan beautiful?"

"I didn't eat the meat to my mouth. Are you in a good mood?"

"Ha ha! It's said that you are going to formally pursue sister Xuan. Could it be the direct action just now? That's low-grade! "

Ruo Xue brings up her charming lips and shows a beautiful smile. She looks at Lin Fei and jokes.


Lin Fei looks at Mu Xinxuan's gorgeous face, charming figure, and small hands. She is depressed and wants to hit the door. How can she become so naughty?

However, but also feel more amorous feelings!

Lin Fei raised his hand and touched his nose, trying to be calm. "I thought I wanted to be immortal when I saw fairies."


Ha ha

The three women laughed again.

"Lin Fei, you are getting more and more cheeky!" The Dragon girl said with a smile.

Just now, three people were chatting in the room, but mu Xinxuan really took a bath, but that's what happened before.

When Lin Fei knocked on the door, they guessed that it was Lin Fei. Ruo Xue suggested that Mu Xinxuan should dress sexy on purpose. After seeing Lin Fei's reaction, they didn't expect that he was really seduced!

"It doesn't mean that men should be thick skinned and bold, and don't shrink back because of fear. Then they will pester girls. There will always be a day when girls will be captured."

Lin Fei suddenly thought of a sentence in the love dictionary.


The three women were speechless.

Especially Mu Xinxuan, how the little man in his eyes suddenly became cheeky.

"Oh! This sentence is also applicable to women. If you need a dragon girl, you can also try to pursue me in this way! "

When everyone was silent, Lin Fei spoke again, but what he said was exciting!

"Lin Fei, you die for me!"

The Dragon girl was the first to react. She flashed and hit Lin Fei's handsome and charming face with a blow.

"Dead Lin Fei! I won't chase you

Although Ruo Xue has already made a secret promise to Lin Fei, she always feels like having an affair in front of her good friend Mu Xinxuan. She blushes and scolds her.


"It's going to kill you!"

Lin Fei yelled, covered his head, turned and ran.

Longnu's attack is very fast, but Linfei runs faster.

"Get away from me! I'm muxinxuan's bodyguard. I don't pursue success formally. If you dare to play hooligans, I'll kill you! "

The empty dragon girl looks at Lin Fei's back and roars.

Lin Fei used to be very happy. He just came here to admire Xinxuan and said that he wanted to go out. Now he doesn't even have to say that. He was driven away.

He was not in the mood to pay attention to what the three women thought and said.

As a result, Longnu's last sentence depressed him, lifting a stone to hit his feet.

Out of the hotel, give Siyu a call, ask the location, stop the car to go!

At the moment, in the bar of the age of pure love, there are two empty XO bottles on Siyu's desk. The third one has just been delivered and is about to be opened.

She is drunk and heartbroken now.

Lin Fei, the man in her eyes, was initially a scum man, but now is a golden turtle son-in-law.Even though she doesn't love money, she also loves talented men.

Heart, has gone with the forest.

However, he refused in front of his grandfather and saw the photo of him holding hands with Mu Xinxuan at the airport. Siyu's heart was in tears and dripping blood, as if he had lost the most precious thing in the world.

Choose here, she is gambling!

If Lin Fei cares about himself, he will come. If he doesn't care about himself, he will find a man to go crazy for a night and give Lin Fei a big green hat.

Anyway, in the upper class of Jianghai City, no one does not know that she is Lin Fei's woman.

Strong character of the rain, now has put down all.

The phone call from Lin Fei, asking about the location, made her feel a little more relaxed, and her mouth showed a touch of complacency -

Lin Fei cared about herself.

In the age of innocence, the bar is just like its name, with a kind of coldness of the bar. The whole bar is mainly decorated with glass materials, and the warm colors of lights are arranged in the bar at random, which makes the bar more soft in the coldness, with a feeling of ice and fire.

Stay in the bar, people quickly into the bar!

After two bottles of wine in a row, Siyu wanted to go to the bathroom. She stood up in a hurry. She didn't know whether it was because she was in a hurry or because the strength of two bottles of red wine Rose. She almost fell down and the high chair under her buttock was taken out one meter away.


Hit a table by the side.


A bottle fell to the ground, and the sound of falling attracted the eyes of a group of people.

"Girl! You hit us

A man's voice of yin and Yang.

Siyu is now sober and looks at the man in front of her. He is less than 20 years old. He is wearing a yellow T-shirt, beige trousers and a pair of sports shoes. He looks like a college student, but he is definitely not a kind of good student. He is a kind of college student who has no knowledge and skills.

There are still five people sitting on the seats, but they are all women. They don't look like women in the society. At most, they are female college students. There are still three empty seats beside them.

Although Siyu has a bad impression on the young people, he still apologizes when he thinks of bumping them into him. "I'm sorry! I was a little dizzy just now

She gave herself a lame excuse.

"Dizzy! Are you still dizzy? Do you want to lie in my arms and have a rest? " Hearing this, the man suddenly opened his arms and looked at Siyu.

Ha ha

"Qiao Shao is so humorous The other five women laughed at the same time.

The displeasure flashed on Siyu's face.

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