The waiter is stupid.

Just now, the Royal Salute was rejected.

Nowadays, vodka is waiting to be rejected?

However, she can't afford to offend the person who delivers the wine -

that's a member of Qingfeng club and also a protection fee collector in the bar.

The owner of the bar dare not offend her, not to mention she is a waiter?

Without hesitation, the waiter almost trotted all the way to send back the royal salute. Then, in full view of the public, he took the vodka and went back to Lin Fei's table.

However, the waiter appeared to have no confidence. He came to Jiang Yu with vodka in his hands. The voice is very low say: "beauty, this bottle of vodka is that gentleman send you."

Lin Fei looks at the scene in front of him and looks at Jiang Yu calmly. He is waiting for Jiang Yu's reaction. To be exact, he hopes that Jiang Yu can break out and get rid of the female devil completely.

At this moment, although the waiter secretly scolds and makes the wine delivery qingfenghui's head look funny, she keeps praying silently in her heart, hoping that Jiang Yu can accept it, otherwise she will be beaten severely!

I don't know if her silent prayer played a role. Jiang Yu took the vodka and nodded to the other side with a smile.

Lin Fei takes a look at Mu Xinxuan and wants to know which Song Jiang Yu sings?

However, his eye question has not been answered, Jiang Yu has already answered with practical action.

"This bottle of wine is for you, Lin Fei."

Lin Fei

"What? My wine doesn't taste good? "

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't respond, Jiang Yu asked with a strange smile.

"I dare not drink it." What Lin Fei said is very true.

"Afraid of those people?"

"No. I'm afraid of you

Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing.

Lin Fei didn't look at it, but let the people of Qingfeng club who had just delivered the wine look intoxicated.

At this moment, a young man with red hair on the seat stood up and walked towards Jiang Yu's table.

Wine is a gift of friendship.

It's time to carry out the next step of communication after the end of friendship. As for this communication, of course, the more in-depth the better.

"Beauty, how about having a drink with my brother?" The red hair who delivers the wine goes to Jiang Yu, raises the wine cup to the eye level, gently shakes twice.

However, his eyes are fixed on Jiang Yu, just like a tiger rushing at wild animals at any time, and there are many pictures in his mind that are not suitable for children.

"Lin Fei, people are looking for you to drink. Let's have a drink with him."

Lin Fei was stunned.

"The wine you take, and don't you like men? It's just to your taste. "

Jiang Yu said, can't help giggling.

Lin Fei's brows are twisted together. This woman is playing with herself.

"The wine is taken by Jiang Yu. She is interested in you. You should drink with her."

Lin Fei turned to look at the red hair standing on one side and said.

"Beauty, what he said is right. You take the wine. You have to drink it with me. Besides, brother, I only like girls, but I don't like making bases. You'd better come!"

Red hair said, with a smile on his face, holding his glass, leaning towards Jiang Yu, as if he wanted to embrace Jiang Yu in his arms.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Yu dodges red hair, his face shows anger, and his forehead is covered with black lines.

However -

the next moment.

Red hair's performance almost surprised everyone's chin!

Because, he was scolded, not only did not get angry, but laughed and cried, shouting to all the people in the bar: "lying trough! You hear what she's saying? "

This makes people who have been paying attention to this place can't help but be shocked.

"Fuck her!"

"It's here for her!"

"Feige wants to show his power!"


Red hair behind a few friends have been shouting.

"This What's going on here? "

For a moment, those men who always pay attention to here are a little confused.

There is no answer.

Immediately, in their face, Jiang Yu picked up a bottle of beer on the table, the mouth of the bottle facing red hair's head, Dong! It fell.

Dong Dong! The young man with red hair fell down.

Is making public the expression that laughs wildly, instantly solidify on the face.

"Handsome! Are you satisfied this time? I'll stay with you in the evening, OK? "

Seeing this scene, those men who are going to chat up Jiang Yu turn their eyes to Lin Fei one after another. There are some sarcastic, some teasing, and more like looking at a fool.

Of course, there is more hatred, including the red haired people.

Jiang Yu picked up the wine bottle on the table and drank it, but his eyes never left Lin Fei.Lin Fei is completely speechless. What this woman is playing is to bring disaster to the east of the Yangtze River, to bring disaster to the East, and again and again.

"Damn it! Such a beautiful woman has been soaked by such a bumpkin. "

See Jiang Yu and Lin Fei clink a cup, those originally intended to Jiang Yu "hand" men, one by one full of envy.

And some women around can't help but look at Lin Fei.

Among them, there are wine girls in bars and girls who come to spend money outside.

Just now, the appearance of Jiang Yu has become the focus of the bar, making them dim.

What kind of man will be conquered, this is the bar men and women are guessing things.

Now, the truth is clear!

Through the dim light, they saw Lin Fei's angular face, although immature, but with a strong masculinity.

He is an alternative. His clothes and appearance are out of place with bars, but his temperament is definitely a man.

It is in sharp contrast with those little white faces in the bar who are full of Niang gun breath!

"This woman is very strong. She seems to prefer the domineering male president."

This is their final definition of Jiang Yuxia.

They're right enough for women and men to be here every day.

Under normal circumstances, what they see is money, and the thickness of the bill is how hard they work.

Lin Fei, obviously different from the men they met, is very interested in men like Lin Fei.

Just as the people around him were daydreaming, Hongmao woke up and rubbed his head. His eyes first fell on Jiang Yu, then on Lin Fei's face.

The anger is burning, the smile on the face disappears completely, the corner of the mouth shows a sneer, and the murderous gas on the body is gurgling and burning.

For him, to ask the waiter to give Jiang Yu wine is to express his heart. You can refuse, but you give the wine to Lin Fei. However, you can't tolerate teasing yourself and showing love to other men.

He, as the person in charge of the emperor's bar of the breeze club, is exactly the person who watches the show. If he loses face here today, what do the people in the bar think of him, and who will pay attention to him in the future.

You know, staying here every day, women sleeping, drinking and spending money are all men's dreams.

Because of this, he had a place in Qingfeng club, and was honored as Feige by many people of Qingfeng club.

Hongmao raised his hand with the wine cup

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