"Mr. Fan is too modest. I'm happy enough to have you." Zhao Wengang said with a smile.

"Sure! Sure

On fan Ze's big round face, there are only two small black holes eyes. At the moment, the light is blooming, and Zhao Wengang conveys the meaning that only two people understand best.

Other people in the room want to insert a word into their conversation, but it's very difficult, but it's very respectful.

This fan Ze is fan Linhan's father and chairman of paradigm medicine group.


There were three rhythmic knocks at the door, and the room was quiet for a moment, looking towards the door.


Two doors were pushed open, and a fragrant wind came. Then everyone's pupils in the room immediately dilated and couldn't be retrieved any more -

three enchanting women with a height of more than 1.7 meters appeared at the door, just like three blooming flowers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please!"

Manager Yang Ming's voice broke the silence in the room.


The sound of the chair moving.

Zhao Wengang was the first to stand up and welcome him.


There was a sound from other chairs in the room, and everyone stood up one after another.

However, compared with a man who seems to be roasted under the buttocks and stands up in an instant, a woman's action is much slower. Even many women's eyes flash envy and jealousy, and they even turn their lips directly and are very dissatisfied.

"Welcome, Ms. Mu Xinxuan!" Although Zhao Wengang had just separated from him, he still felt that he had not seen him for a day, and he quickly extended his hand.

Mu Xinxuan just shook it lightly and released it immediately.

Although Zhao Wengang didn't give up, he also showed great demeanor and recovered quickly.

"How do you do, Ms. Mu Xinxuan! I'm fan Ze, chairman of paradigm Pharmaceutical Group Fan Ze introduced himself and held out a fat hand to Mu Xinxuan.

Results -


Mu Xinxuan responded politely.

And she -

her hands hang down naturally, holding them together, and she is graceful.

As for fan Ze's outstretched hand, it was directly aired in the air.

Fan Ze put his hand there awkwardly, and his face turned white and blue, but he held back.

"My head is a little itchy!" Fan Ze said. He took back his hand and touched his head. A smile came out of his face.

There's a self mockery.

The people in the room who wanted to shake hands with Mu Xinxuan all stood still.

No one wants to be beaten in the face again.

Knowing that Mu Xinxuan was arrogant, Zhao Wengang seemed to expect everything, so he was the fastest to respond.

"Please, please come to the table!"

"Manager Yang, you can serve now."

"Everybody go back and sit down!"

As the host, Zhao Wengang showed his style, arranged in an orderly way, and instantly resolved the embarrassment of the scene.

The Dragon girl stood by without saying a word, but she observed carefully. These people are ordinary people, and there is no danger.

The only thing that is more is the lust, the lust and wealth of the rich.

The first time she attended such an occasion, she also understood Mu Xinxuan's character -


Fan Ze went back to his seat with the woman beside him, but the venom flashed from the bottom of his eyes didn't escape the Dragon Girl's eyes.

"Ms. Mu Xinxuan, this master is yours." Zhao Wengang said while guiding Mu Xinxuan to his seat.

Mu Xinxuan walked slowly to her seat, but when she saw that there was only one seat, she stopped. "Where is sister long sitting, please?"

Mu Xinxuan looks at Zhao Wengang. Although her tone is calm, her eyes are dissatisfied.

"Sister long?"

Zhao Wengang asked suspiciously.

"She's my sister long!"

Mu Xinxuan raised her hand and gently took Longnv's arm.

"Cut! Isn't he just a bodyguard? Or your sister long? " Fan Ze, who has long been dissatisfied with Mu Xinxuan's arrogance, spoke to the women around him.

Fan Ze didn't stop the woman's words. He was even a little happy at the bottom of his heart. He was also dissatisfied with Mu Xinxuan's arrogance.

You know, as the chairman of paradigm medicine group, he is also a rich man worth tens of billions. In Jianghai City, even in Jianghai Province, even in the whole country, he is No.1, and many people have to greet him respectfully. When did he receive this insult?

In his eyes, Mu Xinxuan is beautiful, but she is just a playwright, a playwright with a bit of status.

If it wasn't for the actors, how could they act as spokesmen for the rich?

They are Mu Xinxuan's parents. Without them, Mu Xinxuan is nothing.

Thinking of this, fan Ze put his arms around the woman's waist and patted her hands on her abdomen to encourage her."Mr. Zhao, in this case, I'll leave first. I've come to the meeting arranged by the company. It's over!"

Mu Xinxuan looks very unhappy.

But in fact, my heart is very happy, for this kind of banquet heart already conflict, now just take advantage of.

As for the Dragon Girl, she has a hot temper, not to such a woman who was kept hot, so pretended not to hear.

She wants to leave more, because she saw desire and even conspiracy in Zhao Wengang's eyes.

Longnu, who is familiar with the hatred between Zhao family and Lin Fei, will not take the Zhao family lightly. Otherwise, how can she enter here?

The atmosphere of the scene fell into embarrassment!

"Fan Ze! Get rid of your woman

To everyone's surprise, Zhao Wengang suddenly spoke harshly.

Fan Ze was also stunned, and the woman beside him was even more stunned.

Both of them looked at Zhao Wengang at the same time, with doubts in their eyes.

"Shall I repeat it a second time?" Zhao Wengang's voice became even colder.

Fan Ze seemed to shiver and turned to look at the woman beside him! Without hesitation a slap in the past.


It's crisp.

What a sad cry!

The woman's cry immediately rang out in the private room.

"Fan, fan Ze, you, you hit me?" He asked angrily, covering his face with anger and surprise.

"Go away! You bitch Without any explanation, fan Ze angrily scolded again.

"Fanze, are you crazy? For the sake of a woman who doesn't give you face at all and doesn't even shake hands with you, she hit me? "

"You, have you forgotten who went to bed with you?"

"Do you want to get Mu Xinxuan to your bed? You don't have to look at your own virtues. Toads want to eat swan meat

The woman was angry, became a little crazy, and even started to tear with fan Ze.


Fan Ze's face was livid, his forehead was covered with black lines, and he raised his foot to the woman's abdomen.


The woman screamed and sat down on the ground, knocking over the chair behind her.

He sat on the ground covering his stomach.


"Fan Ze, you are a thousand swordsman. I won't serve you any more."

Women are being beaten up and they're going crazy.

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