Enduring the burning pain of her body, Longnu holds Mu Xinxuan and runs down the stairs directly. Even if she runs, she is faster than Zhao Wengang who takes the elevator.

Go downstairs, put Mu Xinxuan in the co pilot, start the car, step on the gas and rush out.

When Zhao Wengang drove out, he only saw a Ferrari's back.

He looked down at the traces of water left on his trousers, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

I took out my cell phone and dialed it.

"Gangzi, what's the situation?" Zhao Wenhua's voice came immediately.

"Follow the plan!"

"Ouye! Great Zhao Wenhua at the other end called out excitedly.

"The next step is your business." Zhao Wengang finished and hung up directly.

He went to the car, started it and left.

Eight Xianju manager's office.

"Xiaoqing, it's a million dollars. It's hard for you just now." Fan Ze, laughing, shoves a check into his woman's hand.

"Well! I don't want it The woman called Xiaoqing cried wrongly.

"Isn't it for acting? Let Mu Xinxuan sit there to eat, but he will not be able to concentrate in his heart. That's why Zhao Shaohui thinks so carefully. "

"Sweet talk! It hurts so much. " Xiaoqing murmured and took the check and put it into the bag.

"Manager Yang, is there no problem with the people you arranged there?"

"Don't worry! That is a waiter who has just been recruited. He is qualified and has less experience, that is... "


Yang Ming was interrupted by a voice coming from the intercom.

"Go ahead, please!" Yang Ming's melodious voice rang out immediately.

"Just when Qingqing served the soup, she accidentally scalded Zhao Shao. As a result, Zhao Shao overreacted and ran into the soup, scalding Mu Xinxuan and the woman beside her. What can I do?"

The waiter at the other end was obviously nervous, anxious and scared.

"What? How could this happen? I can't let her run

Yang Ming's voice is cold and seems to be able to kill people. Then she presses to cut off her walkie talkie.

Just after the conversation, fan Ze also heard clearly. The three people in the room looked at each other and finally all laughed.

At the moment, the vice presidents in charge of drug procurement of all hospitals in Jianghai city have received a phone call. If someone is scalded in baxianju, the treatment should be rapid, but the drugs should use the Meifu scald cream produced by paradigm medicine group. If they use it, they will get a million rewards.

Although the people who received this call were confused, they were excited. It was a million dollars!

These people have already called the direct relatives of the Department of skin burns to remind such patients to report immediately.

At the moment, the Dragon girl is driving frantically through the city. Mu Xinxuan's face is covered with sweat. Most of her body seems to be unconscious. She doesn't even dare to move her body for fear that her flesh will fall off.

Dragon girl is the most frustrated in her heart. As a kind of organized woman, dragon girl has been invincible by virtue of her high sensitivity. I didn't expect that she was calculated like this today.

Thinking that Mu Xinxuan is the woman Lin Fei deeply loves, and even more important than her own life, I feel sorry.

I'm not in the mood to estimate the pain of my scald. I just hope Mu Xinxuan will be OK.

"I'll take you to the first hospital of Jianghai City, where the Department of skin burns is famous all over the country." Although the Dragon girl is very angry and reproaches herself, she still keeps calm and says.

"How's your burn?"


Dragon Girl's pain is no worse than Mu Xinxuan's. just now, when she hugged Mu Xinxuan downstairs and touched the scalded part, it was even more painful. She could feel the blood flowing out. However, after years of training and the rush of bullets, her endurance was much stronger. Except for the instinctive cry at that time, she didn't make any more pain calls.

Mu Xinxuan is deeply moved. If it wasn't for the Dragon Girl's quick reaction and sacrifice her life to save herself, I'm afraid

Department of skin scald, Jiangnan first hospital.

"The patient's burns were very serious, including multiple burns in the abdomen, waist and thigh."

"The skin is now red and swollen, blisters are gradually emerging, and peeling is likely to occur in the next step."

"In this case, the treatment is very difficult, especially to prevent deep tissue necrosis. Once that happens, it will fester, unable to heal for a long time, and even leave permanent scars."

Long Nu and Mu Xinxuan sit in front of the doctor and listen to the doctor's story.

They came to the hospital and registered very smoothly. They were lucky to find Wang Haizhong, an expert in the Department of skin burns in the first hospital of Jianghai City, who is very famous in the field of burns all over the country.

However, the results of the examination made the nearly 60 year old doctor look embarrassed and even worried.

He doesn't follow the stars and doesn't know the identity of Mu Xinxuan, but with the experience of the doctor, he knows that the scald is very serious.Hearing the result, Mu Xinxuan's eyes immediately looked frightened.

Whether as a beautiful woman or as a female star, she knows too well the importance of skin to women.

The fundus of the eye showed confusion.

"Doctor, go to the hospital first!"

The Dragon girl made a decisive decision.


Wang Haizhong immediately signed and asked Longnv to pay the money.

Mu Xinxuan was taken to the ward by the nurse. At the request of Longnu, she found a senior ward.

Wang Haizhong stares at the examination results in front of him, but he is at a loss.

In fact, he said it conservatively just now. If there were no accidents, Mu Xinxuan's scalded muscles would be necrotic. It's hard to predict the outcome.

As an old doctor, he knows that patients need more comfort and confidence at the moment, so he is very conservative.

He's already staring at the results and thinking about treatments.

In the office, another doctor in his thirties, with a long face, black framed glasses and a slightly thin figure, never spoke, but his ears stood up and didn't miss a word.

His name is sun Haoran, a student of Wang Haizhong.

"Professor Wang, I'll go to the toilet and be right back." Sun Haoran looked down at Wang Haizhong who studied the disease and said.

Wang Haizhong didn't look up. He just raised his hand and motioned for him to make his own arrangements.

Sun Haoran out of the office, immediately ran to a quiet corner of the corridor, dialed a phone.

"Xiao Sun, any news?" Just as the phone was put through, a deep, steady voice came from the other end.

"Dean Dou, he has been hospitalized. According to Professor Wang, his condition is very serious, but..."

"But what?"

"But I feel more serious than I said."

"Oh? Good! I see. Keep watching and let me know if you have any news. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Dou!"

Sun Haoran hung up with a smile on his face.

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