
Yang Ming now where there is the manager's fan Er, mouth issued a cry of pain, hands want to struggle, but finally turned into scalp pain, busy to cover his head.

Lin Fei's eyes are strangely cold, without any emotion.

This is definitely the first time in his life that he beat a woman so cruelly.

I hit siliyuan because of family feud.

Beat Yang Ming, this is from the heart want to beat, because she has touched his scales.

Now, he has only one idea, that is to pay for blood.

What Mu Xinxuan bears, Yang Ming must bear back.

The elevator soon reached the first floor and the door opened.

Like a dog, Lin Fei pulls Yang Ming's hair and comes out.

The hall attendant Lin Fei was attracted by his handsome when he just came in. Now, in their eyes, his eyes are scarlet, like a devil, more like a violent madman, and their image of a perfect man collapses in an instant.

However, Lin Fei has never seen these flowers and plants in his eyes, so he is not afraid of their views.

At first, the attendant didn't recognize Yang Ming as Lin Fei was dragging. But soon, through the cheongsam, he recognized Yang Ming and was shocked.

"Let go of manager Yang." A waitress who flatters Yang Ming rushes over and yells at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't even bother to talk. He raised his leg and kicked the waiter to the woman's belly. He directly kicked the waiter more than ten meters and sat on the ground, unable to cry!

Just for a moment, the other waiters who wanted to come forward were scared and stood in the same place.

Two seconds later, someone ran out to call the police, someone ran out to call security.

At the moment, Yang Ming's tears are streaming and her hair is messy, just like a crazy woman.

Lin Fei didn't pay attention to the waiter's reaction at all. He pulled Yang Ming into the kitchen.

At the moment, the chef in the kitchen is busy preparing dishes, frying dishes, and the sound of pots and pans is like a harmonious music.

However, he was soon broken by Yang Ming's tragic cry and was quiet for a moment.

Looking at Lin Fei, they were all in a daze.

"Stop it all!"

Lin Fei a big drink, the kitchen is more quiet.

Only the soup on the kitchen stove is still making a sound of boiling, which is particularly prominent in the room.

"Who are you? Let us go, manager Yang A fat cook with a weight of 250 kg, holding a shovel in his hand, yelled angrily at Lin Fei.

"Go away!"

Lin Fei is angry.

The cook was stunned at first, then burned with anger.

Waving his shovel, he swung it at Lin Fei.

How dare you scold him?

Dare to beat Yang Ming?

He was angry and wanted the hero to save the beauty.

Relying on a body of brute force, with full body strength, but also mixed with anger, can be said to be extremely spicy and vicious.

The other chefs nearby can't help but close their eyes when they see this scene. Lin Fei, with his small physique, cleans up Yang Mingxing. Facing the Fat Chef, he is only abused.

However, Lin Fei sneers at the corner of his mouth and loosens his grip on Yang Ming's hair.

Yang Ming's pain is sharply reduced and she just wants to run away.

The next second, she felt her feet suddenly off the ground, her body swaying in the air, but she couldn't escape. She turned to see that Lin Fei had pulled her clothes and lifted her up.

The next second, it's scary.



The Fat Chef's shovel hit Yang Ming heavily on the back, making a huge noise and Yang Ming's sad cry.

"Ha! How can you play so skillfully? " Lin Fei said jokingly.

However, his words are not humorous at all, and no one dares to laugh.

On the contrary, it makes everyone feel scared.

Just released, and then grasp, and then lift, all at once, just block the attack, absolutely deeply shocked everyone on the scene.

Fat Chef is scared silly on the spot, he wanted to beat Lin Fei flat, how unexpectedly hit Yang Ming's body?

Think of her thin and slender figure, think of his full blow, heart a convulsion, should not

Before he thought about it, he suddenly saw a flower in front of his eyes, and then his body flew as high as a ball, just like being hit by a high-speed train. After flying five or six meters away, he fell heavily on the ground and couldn't get up again.

Lin Fei's feet in the air across the beautiful arc, very elegant put down.


Other chefs at the scene immediately breathed in.

That fat man is their chef. He's usually domineering and vicious. He's strong and very tough. He can even hold two Linfei. Unexpectedly, he was kicked by Linfei.

Looking at Yang Ming, although she sympathizes with her and wants to curry favor with her, no one dares to help her.Yang Ming was also shocked.

However, she was pulled back to reality by the pain.

"Who are you?"

"Let me go, it's killing me!"

"You help me call the police and help me quickly!"

Yang Ming guessed something in her heart, but she couldn't believe it. She cried and cried.

"Does it hurt?" Lin Fei tugs at Yang Ming's hair and asks.

Ah, ah!

"Pain! It's killing me

Yang Ming's beautiful face has become extremely ugly at this moment, which can even be described as horror.

Long time calls, even make the sound have some flavor.

"Does it hurt? In a moment, I'll let you feel the feeling of being scalded by your baxianju hot soup. Will it hurt more? "

Lin Fei was full of anger.


The chef in the room breathed in and looked at the boiling soup. They knew how hot it was.

Yang Ming's eyes turned and fainted in fear.

However, her fainting was too unfortunate. Her body fell down and hurt her hair. She woke up immediately.

At the moment, Yang Ming really hopes that she can be stunned and scared to death.

Eyes fell on Lin Fei's handsome face, no matter what, I can't believe that this handsome man would be so cruel, even inhuman.

She's a woman, and she's also a beautiful woman. She's merciless, and she's trying to clean herself up to death.

"What happened to Mu Xinxuan's scald today?"

Although Lin Fei has learned the information from fan's father and son, he still wants to verify it by himself.

Yang Ming's head hummed.

Confirmed their own ideas, think of what happened in Jianghai first hospital, which also makes her feel more terrible.

"Yes, it was caused by the carelessness of our staff in baxianju."

"Not careful?"

In the face of Yang Ming up to now refused to tell the truth, Lin Fei's eyes showed banter, showed anger.

"Don't be careful! It was definitely caused by carelessness. "

"Then why did it happen? You haven't taken any compensation measures up to now?"

Yang Ming

He was stabbed in the pain by Lin Fei.

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