"Lao Li, you've caught these gangsters. I'll catch Lin Fei myself." Jiang Yu stood up straight, just to see his men come in.

Just when Lin Fei started beating people, she sent a message to Lao Li and others, asking them to catch people.

Jiang Yu's purpose of tracking Lin Fei is very clear, that is to find an opportunity for Lin Fei to grasp the police station to continue interrogation. She doesn't believe that Lin Fei himself doesn't know about the two Lin Fei.

So, she deliberately brought disaster to the East and let Hongmao and Linfei have a conflict. Everything went smoothly. The only thing she didn't expect was that Linfei played tricks on herself by using the swearing words of two little gangsters, and

At the moment, there is a clear feeling in front of her chest, which she can't bear anyway.

Lin Fei, who must be punished, pretends not to hear and goes on.

He wanted to stay away from this crazy woman.

As for just now, although it was too much, it was the river's rain and disaster that led to the East. He was just revenge. Everyone was just like each other.

However, he was disappointed.

Jiang Yu rushes directly to Lin Fei, straightens up and stretches his arms to stop him.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Fei asked angrily.

"It's OK, just ask you to talk about your heart." Jiang Yu said with anger and smile.

However, her smile is like a hungry wolf, a hungry wolf ready to swallow its prey, which makes people hairy.

"Not interested."

"I have to go if I'm not interested!"

"What if I don't go?"

"You'll know in a minute."

Jiang Yu raised his right hand and swung down.

"Irrelevant people, get down!"

Standing at the door of the old Li and others, at the moment is a formal action, the hands of the black muzzle at Lin Fei and others.

All of a sudden, the bar was full of cocks and dogs, men and women screamed.

Even Ma Chao and others were scared to squat down.

In addition to the police, Jiang Yu, Mu Xinxuan and Lin Fei were the only three people standing at the scene!

"Are you trying to help me?"

"Whatever you think, it's a criminal case to disturb the law and order, seriously injure others and insult the police." Jiang Yu's eyebrows are full of pride.

"Jiang Yu, you are going too far!" Mu Xinxuan, who has been silent, has a cold voice in the bar.

"Xinxuan, what's your brother-in-law relationship with him that makes you care about him so much?" Jiang Yu looks at Xiang Mu Xinxuan and asks with a trace of color on her face.

"You don't care about my private affairs. Today, you can see clearly why Lin Fei beat someone. You can't take him away. "

"I admit that he did it to protect you, but the fact is that he seriously injured the man."

Jiang Yu's face is always with a proud smile, a winner's attitude.

"Jiang Yu, do you think you can take him? Besides, even if you take him away, do you think I will let you succeed? " Mu Xinxuan did not flinch.

Lin Fei looks at the two women in front of him. During the whole process just now, they didn't communicate with each other. Mu Xinxuan didn't do anything except to open a bottle of wine for Jiang Yu. However, from the dialogue between them, we can see that they are not only very familiar with each other, but also unwilling to let anyone go.

"Lin Feigang has just been released from the police station. I have no choice, because he is the victim. Although he is suspected of extorting Zhang Tianze, I have no evidence to investigate. But this time, Lin Fei hurt people, I witnessed it with my own eyes, and it was a live camera. He could never escape. Besides, he insulted me. " Jiang Yu never gives up.

When Mu Xinxuan heard the four words in the live video, her brows were locked and her face was as cold as the moon in winter.

However, in Jiang Yu's eyes, it is full of laughter. She is confident that she can take Lin Fei away.

"Jiang Yu, you've gone too far." Mu Xinxuan breaks away from Lin Fei's embrace, stands in front of Lin Fei and looks at Jiang Yu. Her voice rises by more than ten points.

"You're very close." Jiang Yu's words suddenly changed.

Mu Xinxuan's face was shocked.

Although wearing glasses, still not able to escape the eyes of Jiang Yu.

"Lin Fei has to go to the police station with me, but you can get bail." Jiang Yu's eyes flashed disappointment and continued to adhere to the principle.

"I'll go!" Lin Fei doesn't want Mu Xinxuan to continue to argue with Jiang Yu, so he stands up directly.

Jiang Yu personally took the handcuffs from Lao Li, carried Lin Fei's hands to the back and put on the handcuffs.

The next second, Jiang Yu suddenly looks like a transformed demon, and it's a heavy blow to Lin Fei's abdomen.

Lin Fei is getting used to the handcuffs. He is unprepared and is beaten hard.

Suddenly bent down and squatted on the ground.

Mu Xinxuan rushes to Lin Fei and blocks Jiang Yu's kick with her body.

Two people, four eyes, met in the air, blazing.Just -

no feelings.

Only anger.

Jiang Yu turns around and brings people to Ma Chao.

"Female police officers, we are law-abiding citizens and have done nothing."

Ma Chao sees Jiang Yu staring at him and starts to wash himself white.


"Law abiding citizens? Is kidnapping a crime? " Jiang Yu asked coldly.

Ma Chao shivered and looked up at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's pain has been relieved, just a look of consternation.

"Zhu Yan and Xu Hao have already reported you. You have collected 500000 deposit from them, which constitutes the crime of kidnapping. I'm worried about where to catch you. I didn't expect that you came to the door and hit the muzzle of the gun. It's easy. Let's go with me!"

Jiang Yu said at the end, he is proud of the smile.

She really wanted to thank Lin Fei. If she hadn't come here, she might not have been able to solve the case by staying up all night.

Now, it's solved.

"Zhu Yan, you son of a bitch! I didn't even know the rules! " Ma Chao suddenly stood up and said angrily.

"Be quiet!" Jiang Yu yelled angrily and went forward to catch Ma Chao's hands behind his back and put on handcuffs.

"Mr. Lin, I..."

"We don't know each other, and we have nothing to do with each other."

Lin Fei looks at Ma Chao and interrupts him.

Ma Chao was stunned at first, and then his face was full of smiles. Lin Fei was particular about whether to mention 10 million things or not.

"Mr. Lin, you are a friend. No matter what the result is, I remember your friendship."

Ma Chao straightened his chest and said aloud.

Huang Mao and others on the ground were also handcuffed.

However, their eyes to Lin Fei were full of thanks.

Lin Fei reported Zhu Yan's kidnapping, but he didn't mention that he bought Ma Chao and others with 10 million yuan. He said that he escaped. The recording was secretly recorded when the kidnapper showed it to him, so the police didn't know Ma Chao had taken Lin Fei's 10 million yuan.

As for why Lin Fei doesn't say these things, he has his own principles. Since he wants to be a rich man, he must have the mind of a rich man. As long as money can solve things, he will never rely on force. As long as money can settle things, he will never find a back account.

History has proved countless times that many people fail in the end, not to others, but to those smart people who think they are right.

If you give XXX money, record the time and amount in the book.

In case of improper relationship with XXX, record the time and times on the notebook or computer.

Lin Fei disdains these stupid methods.

Lin Fei and Ma Chao made a confession, which made Jiang Yu very depressed.

"Take them back to the police station, respectively!" Jiang Yu cried angrily.

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