They specially planned what happened yesterday, and Yang Ming knows it very well. Now

"Zhao Wengang is a member of the Zhao family, the richest man in Jianghai city. How can he do that? You are wronging a good man!" Lin Fei pretended not to believe.

"Mr. Lin, I have evidence here to prove that the scalding of Mu Xinxuan yesterday was a conspiracy."

Seeing that Lin Fei didn't believe it, Yang Ming was worried and even nervous.

Since she was scalded by Lin Fei and admitted to the hospital, she has a kind of pain.

Today, when she was lying in the hospital bed crying, pain unbearable, Qin Feng went.

She doesn't know Qin Feng, but Qin Feng's request is to let Yang Ming prove that Zhao Wengang is involved in hurting Mu Xinxuan.

At the beginning, Yang Ming's opposition attitude was very firm, and even scolded Lin Fei for being abnormal and shameless.

Qin Feng didn't get angry. He just smeared a little ointment from Lin Fei on Yang Ming's wound.

Yang Ming's hot wound didn't hurt, and then she was shocked to see that the wound was recovering at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Yang Ming is not stupid, as if to see the Savior, but also understand the meaning of Qin Feng.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Zhao Wengang pushed it all away. Lin Fei was so vicious when he took revenge. She was scared and angry. She didn't hesitate to cooperate with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng also helped her deal with some wounds, which greatly reduced her pain. The magical effect made Yang Ming more eager to be cured.

The rest, it goes without saying, came here.

At the moment, Yang Ming for his injury can recover, can not suffer pain, naturally want to try to flatter Lin Fei.

She has touched the mobile phone from her side and lit the screen. Her eyes are more determined and happy.

"Fan Dong, what fragrance has brought you here?"

"Manager Yang is really shining more and more."

"I hate it! Then you don't like me

"Let me introduce you to Zhao Wengang, general manager of xiangmeier underwear company."

"Wow! It's Zhao Zao

"I'll come today and ask you a favor."

"What's up?"

"At noon, I'll have a banquet in baxianju. When you serve hot soup, you may upset it and burn a person."

"No problem, it can be arranged! I don't know who the scald is? "

"Mu Xinxuan!"


"Are you afraid?"

"No! That's good. There are rewards for doing it well. "


The conversation of Yang Ming, fan Ze and Zhao Wengang was recorded on the mobile phone, and the whole plan was perfect.

However, it's very instructive.

Mu Xinxuan stood by and heard about the whole process, which made her despair. She secretly vowed that she would never speak for another company in her life.

Zhao Wengang is lying on the ground with silly eyes.

Zhao Guodong and Zhao Guolong face a burst of red and white, like someone with the sole in their face, special stimulation, special depression, and special helplessness.

Jiang Yu, who has been bursting with a sense of justice, already wants to arrest people.

It's disgusting.

After the recording, the scene was quiet.

Pop! Pop!

Lin Fei clapped his hands suddenly. "Good! Very good

"Lin, Mr. Lin, can you help me?"

Yang Ming asked in a pitiful tone.

"No problem, of course."

Lin Fei finished and took a look at Qin Feng.

"I have a panacea here, which can ensure that the scald can be cured on the spot." Qin Feng takes out the medicine bottle and shows off. He says to Zhao Wengang lying on the ground.

At the moment, Zhao Wengang's heart hurts even more.

Looking at Lin Fei and Qin Feng and others full of bitterness.

Qin Feng directly lifts the quilt on Yang Ming's body, revealing the woman's hot body immediately.

However, even if the hot body is naked, there is no desire. On the contrary, there is the urge of nausea and vomiting.

The red part of the burn above is like a red spot, all over the body. Some parts are more extensive burns, transparent and shiny blisters, it seems that a touch will immediately rupture.

Yang Ming's body is exposed to the air, and she can't care about her shame. She looks at Qin Feng eagerly, hoping that she can recover quickly. It's just not something that people can bear.

Mu Xinxuan and long Nu are looking at Yang Ming's scald at the moment. Their hearts are still palpitating. They seem to have a kind of uncomfortable pain at the wound where they have recovered.

Qin Feng didn't grind his teeth. He raised his hand, squeezed out the ointment and began to apply it.

As a doctor, the smearing method and technique are hundreds of times better than Lin Fei's, and the speed is very fast, and the ointment is not wasted.After applying the ointment to Yang Ming's scald, you can see immediately that the bright blisters began to contract slowly and the skin gradually returned to normal.

When Qinfeng was completely applied, the first part of the skin was red, swollen and scalded, and the skin had returned to normal.

This scene was so amazing that the reporters forgot to take photos and video until all the scalds on Yang Ming disappeared and no longer felt any pain. She quickly pulled the quilt over her body, and the reporters at the scene responded.

"Wow! What kind of ointment is this? It's amazing. "

"It's definitely a panacea! anything else? I want to buy one. "

"What's the name of this medicine?"


The reporters on the scene were crazy, surrounded Qin Feng one after another, and began to ask loudly.

"Cough The name of this medicine is kept secret for the time being, but my name is Qin Feng. I'm a traditional Chinese medicine. This medicine will be available in the future. "

Qin Feng is the announcement of Sao Bao.

Lin Fei is amused by Qin Feng's performance. He laughs in his heart. Is he listed?

I'm afraid it will never be. It's a medicine given by the system. How can it be so easy to produce on the market?

However, Qin Feng took the opportunity to publicize it, which gave him an idea. Paradigm Pharmaceutical Group just has no one to manage. Isn't Qin Feng the best manager?

Lin Fei has made a decision in his heart.

"Oh! Such a good medicine, painted on the body, immediately no pain, really good medicine ah! Good medicine

Lin Fei smiles at Zhao Wengang and says seductively.


Very tempting, of course!

Especially in the case of Zhao Wengang's unbearable wound pain, it is a kind of temptation.

Although did not see the treatment effect, but heard the reporter's praise, saw the father's eyes.

At this moment, he finally understood why Mu Xinxuan and Longnu's injuries had healed so quickly. This is absolutely unbelievable.

Of course, it made him even more depressed.

If I had known that, I would not have gambled with Lin Fei.

Now, it's too late to repent!

Compared with Zhao Wengang's inner disorder, Lin Fei thinks of the system task and looks at Zhao Wengang. "How's it going? Is Yang Ming's demonstration good? Do you want to

"Yes! I think

Zhao Wengang said.

Zhao Guodong and Zhao Guolong look at each other, and they both acquiesce to Zhao Wengang's words.

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