"Fat man, what's your expression?"

"I tell you, if you want to like men, go to Qin Feng. He has a tendency to like men. I like women!"

"What's more, aren't you with Gu lanyue every day? Why are you interested in men? "

Lin Fei saw that Ma Xiaotian's expression was serious and dignified, and knew that there was no good thing. He quickly began to talk nonsense, trying to distract Ma Xiaotian's attention.

"Boss, you've changed!"

Ma Xiaotian suddenly said with a heavy tone.

"How have I changed?"

"I've become cheeky!"


Lin Fei almost vomited blood.

He glared at Ma Xiaotian. If it wasn't his best brother, he would blow it up.

Ha ha

Ma Xiaotian laughed.

"I'm going!" Lin Fei doesn't want to be angry any more. He's going to unbuckle his seat belt.

"Don't go, boss! I haven't said anything serious yet Seeing that Lin Fei is about to leave, Ma Xiaotian is in a hurry and reaches for Lin Fei's arm.

"What's the matter?"

"Han Bing, what about you two?" Ma Xiaotian is afraid that Lin Fei will really go and asks directly.

"Han Bing?"

Lin Fei's eyes are too complicated to repeat.

"Mu mufeixuan, I know what it means now. It's Mu Xinxuan! The boss is really devoted. "

Ma Xiaotian smashed his mouth and said meaningfully.

Lin Fei's eyes stare like an egg.

As a result, Ma Xiaotian directly ignored it. "Boss, you give Han Bing shopping malls, and you are the most popular female anchorperson on the platform of two hundred million holding cuttlefish. This completely conquers her heart. Shouldn't it be..."

"What is it?"

"Playing with emotion? "To abandon everything from beginning to end?"

"Go away!"

Lin Fei shook his fist in front of Ma Xiaotian.

When did you play with your feelings?

Offer to open a room to refuse actively, did not show an attitude?

What's more, if you haven't started, how can you call it "starting from chaos and ending with abandonment"?

Ha ha

Ma Xiaotian suddenly exaggerated smile.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Boss! I thought you and Han Bing were really together? Just your expression, let me know, no! So I admire you, man enough

Ma Xiaotian's tone became serious, and he even gave a thumbs up at the end.

"Just know! I'm not you

"I'm fine, too! It's better to hold the beauty every day than to watch the beauty every day

Ma Xiaotian curled his mouth and said unconvinced.

"Stop it! Let's get down to business, or I'll go. "

"Boss, what do you do with Han Bing? She loves you Ma Xiaotian puts away his smiling face, looks at Lin Fei, stares at his face and asks.

He lied that Lin Fei loved Han Bing. He also said that the key of a Ferrari luxury car worth 30 million yuan was left by Lin Fei to Han Bing, which made Han Bing moved.

Today, seeing that Lin Fei is surrounded by five women, Mu Xinxuan, ruoshue, Siyu, Xiao Mengshan and Longnu, Ma Xiaotian's first reaction is that Han Bing is so competitive!

As a classmate and a friend, he naturally hopes that Han Bing can get a share, so he deliberately stimulates Lin Fei to make a promise.

Lin Feichang took a breath, then breathed out heavily, and finally looked up at Ma Xiaotian.

"It's hard to say about feelings. The person you love doesn't necessarily love you. The one who loves you doesn't necessarily love her. "

"Boss! I don't know how much money you have now, but I think the money you mentioned in several meetings should be at least hundreds of billions? "

Lin Fei nodded and didn't explain this.

"Then you are rich. Even in my opinion, the so-called richest people are nothing in front of you."

This time, Lin Fei did not speak, just looking at Ma Xiaotian, want to know what he said.

"As a rich man, do you know what the standard of success is?"

"What?" Lin Fei asks curiously.

"Woman! The number of women. The more women there are, the more successful men are. "

Ma Xiaotian said, his face full of obscenity.

"Get out of here!"

Lin Fei has understood Ma Xiaotian's meaning.

"Boss, don't be so impulsive. I suggest you take them all and push them down. How wonderful it would be to have a big quilt in the same bed at that time? Think about it, I envy it. "

Lin Fei

It's about to be burnt by thunder.

He opened the door and went straight away.

"Boss, I'll tell you. I'll tell Han Bing that you like her." Ma Xiaotian yelled behind him.Lin Fei raised his middle finger with his angry backhand.

Ma Xiaotian not only did not get angry, on the contrary, the Sao Bao's two stoops, a man's obscenity.

When Lin Fei goes away, Ma Xiaotian laughs.

Since signing the contract to sell Lin Fei last time, he has been worried and worried about Lin Fei's blame. Although Lin Fei didn't succeed in accepting Han Bing today, his last sentence is clear. Even if Han Bing mentions Lin Fei's own admission of liking her, Ma Xiaotian has a reason to explain.

To achieve the goal, Ma Xiaotian stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away.

In a small hotel.

Zhao Guolong and ye Qiang are sitting face to face, with smoke in the room.

Ye Qiang smokes to release pressure.

Zhao Guolong originally did not smoke, but today his son was arrested, which made him feel depressed. He also began to smoke, releasing his irritability.

"Ye Qiang, this is one billion yuan. I want you to find a way to get the design of meizishuang underwear." Zhao Guolong pushed the check to Ye Qiang and said.

"Zhao Dong, we are mercenaries, murderers, not thieves."

Ye Qiang said with a smile.

"I know you don't like money! This is 10 billion yuan. I'll send someone to kidnap Xiao Mengshan, the chairman of meizishuang group, and extort 200 billion yuan to redeem people. You'll get half of it and I'll get half of it. No, you leave with 10 billion. "

Zhao Guolong pushed the second check.

Ye Qiang stares at the two checks, looks at them for a while, thinks a little and nods. "Deal!"

"We have to finish it today, report the underwear design tomorrow, and launch it the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Guolong said with the tone of command.

Ye Qiang face calm smile, did not speak, just put the check away.

But I hate the Zhao family even more.

Ye family is Zhao family's most loyal ally, but when ye family is destroyed, Zhao family does not help.

When he came to Jianghai city and wanted the Zhao family's help, he gave him a billion yuan. In the end, there was no progress in the task. On the contrary, several people died.

Now, the Zhao family is in trouble. It's so inhuman to order them to steal with one billion yuan and kidnap them with ten billion yuan.

However, ye Qiang thought of revenge and agreed for the sake of money.

Although Zhao Guolong is shameless, he is still very satisfied with his money.

The crisis of meizishuang group and Xiao Mengshan is coming little by little.

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